Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sales Person Repellant Device

I was reading Grumpy's blog about how he hates furniture shopping, specifically the sales people who attack him when he and his wife go into a furniture store. It reminded me of my experiences with the sales sharks while looking at cars.

I have the solution:

The Sales Person Repeller. aka a shock cattle prod.

For the really persistant ones there is the Mark 2 Sales Person Repeller aka a bang stick


CouldBeSherry said...

Your the best hostman! Love your sense of humor.

I will tell you that when shopped for two cars in the last year and a half, I approached them the same way, telling the first shark who approached me. "We are just looking. We will know when we are ready to buy and if we are here when we are ready we will come find you but until then we would rather just look on our own and not waste your time. May I have your card?"

I swear it worked!

Bungalowlady said...

As long as you understand that the car salesmen are lot lizards and the one you talk to when you're ready to buy is the one who gets the commission, you'll do just fine. I've been know to say, "ttank you for your interest but I'm just looking right now. I'll take your card and call you when and if I get ready to buy" If they don't leave me alone to look, then I tell them they will be the last one I call when I get ready to buy if they don't let me look alone.

It's quite effective. BTW, always buy your cars at tghe end of the month and preferably at the end of the year. They deal like crazy then.

Anonymous said...

We keep one of these in the bedroom. Keeps things HOT and SPICY!!!

Anonymous said...

that was good!
Thank you .