Tuesday, November 14, 2006

An Important Tid Bit From An Email

From a SESH email.........

You can now go online and enter two (2) emergency contacts on your FloridaDrivers License(electronically) which can only be retrieved by a police officer.This came about as a result of one woman's teenage daughter being killed in a car accident and taking over 5 hours to locate the mother to inform her. This way, if you are in an accident, the police can run the drivers license and have the emergency info ASAP!!!

This is through the DHSMV Websitehttps://www6.hsmv.state.fl.us/dlcheck/findcustomer

1 comment:

IFly said...

This may have been mentioned before, but also by putting an entry into your cellphone named ICE with the appropriate phone number. ICE is becoming a standard In Case of Emergency(ICE) protocol if there is a need by emergency personnel to find contact info of the incapacitated.