Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Group Responsibility

In the Trib there is an article about Dog Belden today. The special State Attorney has declined to file charges against him where he unwantedly touched Julie Irwin in Jackson's. After Belden apologized, she declined to press charges. What is interesting in today's story is that Belden had drank so much he had been cut off by the Bar. However he continued to drink as he had "members of his group buy him drinks." After he placed his head twice on Julie Irwin's breasts he was coaxed away by one of his employees Preston Trigg, as the bartender said something to him. Then Belden approached another group of women touching 3 of them, one quite extensively. Preston Trigg intervened and had to pull Belden away.

From comments Trigg made in earlier reports, it is clear he felt he had to be Belden's handler, and keep him out of trouble. Perhaps if his group members had stopped giving drinks (to a man who now says he has an alcohol problem) some of this might not happened. I wonder if any of his peeps ever told him they thought he had a alcohol problem. His peeps share some of the blame for what occurred that night.


Anonymous said...

Lets' see if I have this correct. We have an elected public official, who, in a drunken stuper, sexually groped several women in public, makes a public apology and the elected State Attorney fails to press charges? Folks, this is how the "Good Ole Boy" network works. What a FARCE!!

Anonymous said...

What is worse to me is we have an elected public official that is such a dog that he must have a "handler". Please!

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that they brought in an elected State Attorney from a different circuit. If there hadn't been a conflict, our elected State Attorney would have bowed to your every demand, just like he always does when SESH declares on the BLOG that a person is a bad person. He likely would have even prosecuted the case himself, as he has done in the past for your neighborhood association in petty cases you all have blown out of proportion because you want someone out of your neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell did all that puke come from, anon 9:25?

Are on drugs? God you are bitter about something, and make absolutely no sense!

Anonymous said...

its not illegal to be drunk. if so, then were all fugitives from justice. groping isnt illegal either if the gropee doesnt want to make it so. and the lady in qustion didnt. so whats left? being stupid in public? not illegal either, and a good thing or many in tampa would have to surrender to law enforcement...

IFly said...

Stupidity, in public or otherwise, isn't just a local phenomenon, though Tampa, and Florida at large, seems to have more than it's fair share. Fark.com even has a FLORIDA tagline due to the inordinate amount of "odd" news coming from the Sunshine State