New Store
The other day as I was driving by the Candle Store, I noticed a new sign up next to it, mentioning a new store that sells T-shirts. Anyone have any info about it?
This was the original Seminole Heights blog with commentary about life in and around the urban neighborhood of Seminole Heights in Tampa, Florida. Musings about other topics as my mood permits. The blog is essentially inactive since I moved to Lutz. Go to The Official Unofficial Seminole Heights Blog - for active content.
The other day as I was driving by the Candle Store, I noticed a new sign up next to it, mentioning a new store that sells T-shirts. Anyone have any info about it?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/28/2006 07:56:00 AM
Had not noticed that, but I did hear Ross will be replacing the old Albertson's on Hills.
It seemed to me that the t-shirt place was a small tent set up in front of the store. I'm not sure that it will actually be moving in to that space.
YES, Ross would be fun to have right down the street although I would prefer Target.
I'd rather have a Lowes, but I'll take Ross.
I would like to know where the Candle Shop is.
Across from Bo's Ice Cream.
I would prefer to have another grocery store at the corner of 22nd and Hillsborough. The folks who used to shop at Albertson's now speed down my street to get to Publix. The traffic count conducted last month showed an avg of 1900 cars a day on Idlewild!
You are so right. Maybe we should try to get some speed bumps on Idlewild for family safety.
The Publix rebuild in my opinion was a waste. Most of the time you can't even find a place to park. The old Publix store may have been smaller but at least it had more parking (covered at that). I miss the old store. Plus it didn't help when they closed the Pulbix at Northgate.
I will shop at Ross when it opens, but you know a new grocery store would be worth the loss. I would still like to find a place for Lowes to build in our area. The corner of Waters and Florida where Home Depot used to be would be great.
Is there anything we can do to get another grocery store around here?
I hear people on this blog all the time say they can't find a place to park at our Publix, and I just have to ask: when the heck are you folks there that you can't find a spot? I've gone to this store 2-3 times a week for the past 9 months and have never ONCE not found a place to park. Do you perhaps mean "can't find a place to park right next to the front door"?
I don't get it.
We actually make custom t-shirts, not brand name t-shirts. We have the ability to make a t-shirt on the spot while you wait without the use of silk screening or iron on transfers. Great for gifts and no minimum orders. We give you the same quailty as professional silk screening. We are sharing some office space with the Candles as Art at 7112 North Florida.
anon 6:21 I couldn't agree more. I love the publix. Not too big, and I never have a problem parking!!
I guess I've been unlucky at times. I usually go in the evening on my way home from work. Don't get me wrong, I have had no trouble from time to time, but most of the time I have to park on Paris. I don't mind the walk, at my age I need the excercise but I still wish I lived closer so I could walk or fine a parking place instead of making my own.
I'm with those that can always find parking and I rarely have to park in the last isle next to Idlewild. One tip though, don't try to go Wednesday night before Thanksgiving.
Idlewild --- definitely needs speed control. When they put that radar speed machine out there people slowed down. Maybe they could just leave one of those there all the time. (smiley here). A 4 way stop at 12th would be helpful.
OOOOOO Love Ross and woah I adore screen printing shirts
Can we make our own slogans ?
I would so do that.
Publix yeh now there's a problemo
My neighbor was hit there on the day prior to Thanksgiving and the lady who bumped her tried to fault my neighbor ...that parking lot at
4-7pm is a hoot.Some of the folks who go there can be truly so rude about parking ..why is that? what makes any one so special that they can park in front and make everyone eles go around them or sit there like they are president bush!No respect for any one else and very selfish behaviors!!
Not ever offer any one a empty buggy and we all know what that is a big problem at the store there. Its the holidays I for one challenge people here to do ONE NICE thing so no one knows you did what you have done to help someone .....fix a plant or clean off a neighbors yard or something nice......I mean it this world is gone to shit.
Make it a point to be kinder
And if any one can tell me WHO THAT OLD MAN IS IN THAT NICE CLASSIC JAG that is creme colored nd maybe madein the 60s off Hanna ave let the board know because he almost ran me down today ! he drives so freakin fast I cannot get his tag but he is a danger to this street off hanna west and if I catch him I am gonna give that old man a kick in his ass.
There are about ten children in my area ten little kids !! Not to mention dog walkers pet rabbits and animals.There is NO REASON on this planet to drive 45-50mph down this street to the river road ....UNLESS your FIRE FIGHTER COPS AND THE EMT.Thanks I shall sign my real name.
hittin' the ole holiday sauce a little early today huh?!?!?!
The T shirt shop shares space with the Candle Shop and they can print anything.
Custom, Good quality prints and grafix. They can print anything you want with no minimum order. They have a Fast T-Jet machine very cool.
Is their canopy on the sidewalk out so close to the street legal? It's an eyesore IMO. Maybe their TShirts are nice, but they look fly-by-night, like temporarily set-up for the holidays.
They don't look like Fly By Night. It is on Nebraska
Since the Albertsons on Hillsborough and 22 shut down, Publix has had some parking problems. I live 6 doors down and can see the parking lot from my home.
It's become common to see people parking on the grass on Idlewild because they can't get a space. It's common to see them park along the fence (posted no parking). It's common to see them parking on the ends of the islands.
When I drive by on the way home each night I evaluate the parking and decide in advance if we're shopping that day. I keep frozen meals in the freezer to avoid the chaos. Sundays are bad as well. The speeding traffic flooding out of Publix is at its worst on Sundays.
Don't get me wrong, I like Publix. We live in an urban area and this sort of traffic congestion is normal. Unless we're buying dog food or other heavy items, we always walk to the store. So parking is less of an issue for us. However, if people cannot find parking, this implies the inside of the store is congested too. And when it is, I don't go.
Dear ass bite @9:12
whats the matter? Dont you have any friends nellie queen?
My god we are a spoiled group. Have to find a parking space, share the isles, participate in our much work. I think I will move to a bubble,,,,,and let people serve my next life. Then I won't be bothered with any of these horrible inconveniences.
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