Thursday, November 30, 2006

Trauma and Crime

Terri's comments about the hit and run resonated with me all day.

The man who was hit was the primary victim in this crime. However there are secondary victims. Terri is one of them. She was placed in the middle of a horrible situation, also subjected to trauma, albeight emotional. The driver's daughter was another. Both may need counseling to help deal with this.

For those who are primary victims of a crime, the State offers some reimbursement for crime related expenses.

"Injured crime victims may be eligible for financial assistance for medical care, lost income, mental health services, funeral expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the injury. If needed, they can also be referred to support organizations within their home area.

Victims wishing to apply for assistance, check on the status of their applications, or in need of any other assistance can contact the division toll free from anywhere in the United States.

The toll-free number is 1-800-226-6667

From the brochure:
What Benefits are Available?

Wage loss for an employed victim who missed work as a result of the crime or a parent/ guardian who had to care for a minor child victim.

Loss of support for persons who were principally dependent on a deceased victim
who was employed or earned income at the time of the crime.

Disability allowance when the victim becomes disabled as a result of the crime.
Funeral/burial and related expenses.

Treatment expenses for medical or non-medical remedial care or other necessary services.

Prescriptions, eyeglasses, dentures, or prosthetic devices needed as a result of the crime.

Mental health counseling.

Property loss reimbursement for elderly (age 60 or older) or disabled adults only.

Domestic violence relocation assistance for victims who have an immediate need to escape a domestic violence environment. (The need must be certified by a State of Florida certified domestic violence center.)

Note: Only those expenses directly related to the crime will be considered for payment.

Victims who suffered personal physical, psychiatric or psychological injury as the result of a crime. Some exceptions may apply for victims who did not sustain a personal physical injury or death.

Survivors of a victim who was killed as a result of a felony or misdemeanor crime punishable under federal or state law, including DUI (motor vehicle, boating, or aircraft) and hit and run.

For more information check out the Attorney General's Crime Victims website:

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