Tuesday, November 14, 2006

In the Vein of the Weird!

This, thank goodness, has nothing to do with SH. But as a commentary about where the hell we are in this world, it, like the previous posting, says volumes about us! Us being humans.

So a young man, who wants a change and can't do it on his own, is selling the direction of his life on the internet in a raffle!

The web page, though not finished, is very well constructed with some decent graphics. The young man is attractive and seems to be talented. He says he has had a rocky road so far and has not been happy and is seeking direction. The premise is being put forward as absolutely on the level. Who knows? If you want to weigh in with your opinion, visit the site http://www.winmysoul.com/ and come back here and comment.

I just found it thought provoking.


Anonymous said...

I'm not entirely certain this is legally binding. (But I'm not a lawyer so who knows?) It smacks of indentured servitude which violates prohibitions on slavery.

That said. He's selling stock in his life. He's a capitalist. If he can generate enough astonishment or outrage (hence his choice of words "soul") his book might sell enough in addition to the raffle that he'll come out well ahead of his peers.

It's clever but distasteful.

Notice he doesn't give the owner of his "soul" the right to pick his mate. ;-)

Oh, and he lives in Tampa.

IFly said...

At best this is a pathetic attempt to get his "15 minutes", at worst it's a devious attempt at bilking less intelligent people out of their money. Either way, perpetuating it by spreading it around and granting even more exposure is certainly a statement about the voyeuristic world of titillating sensationalism in which we live. The attention whore should pay the poster a commission from the proceeds.

Anonymous said...

Ifly: You are soooooo HOT!

IFly said...

I know that, but one must wonder how you know that ;-).