Friday, September 15, 2006

Scientologists Move

Well, according to the Times it looks like the Scientologists moved out of the residentially zoned building they were formerly in at Louisiana and Nebraska into a commercially strip building at 6506 N. Florida Ave across from the Florida Drive Through store.


Anonymous said...

kinda like the hookers - ya just keep movin' them from one side of the neighborhood to another.

Anonymous said...

Great, move them by me.

Actually if they are clean and quiet I could care less if the Moonies set up shop.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will let me play with their cans?

Anonymous said...

The scientologistds are dangerous. They mislead the poor, take over the neighborhood and do things that are blatantly illegal. They get away with it because they have tons of money to make the iRS roll over and declsre them a church. They use their money to bury attorneyds who have the gall to object to their antics. Make them go awsy.