Thursday, November 30, 2006
Trauma and Crime
Terri's comments about the hit and run resonated with me all day.
The man who was hit was the primary victim in this crime. However there are secondary victims. Terri is one of them. She was placed in the middle of a horrible situation, also subjected to trauma, albeight emotional. The driver's daughter was another. Both may need counseling to help deal with this.
For those who are primary victims of a crime, the State offers some reimbursement for crime related expenses.
"Injured crime victims may be eligible for financial assistance for medical care, lost income, mental health services, funeral expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the injury. If needed, they can also be referred to support organizations within their home area.
Victims wishing to apply for assistance, check on the status of their applications, or in need of any other assistance can contact the division toll free from anywhere in the United States.
The toll-free number is 1-800-226-6667
From the brochure:
What Benefits are Available?
Wage loss for an employed victim who missed work as a result of the crime or a parent/ guardian who had to care for a minor child victim.
Loss of support for persons who were principally dependent on a deceased victim
who was employed or earned income at the time of the crime.
Disability allowance when the victim becomes disabled as a result of the crime.
Funeral/burial and related expenses.
Treatment expenses for medical or non-medical remedial care or other necessary services.
Prescriptions, eyeglasses, dentures, or prosthetic devices needed as a result of the crime.
Mental health counseling.
Property loss reimbursement for elderly (age 60 or older) or disabled adults only.
Domestic violence relocation assistance for victims who have an immediate need to escape a domestic violence environment. (The need must be certified by a State of Florida certified domestic violence center.)
Note: Only those expenses directly related to the crime will be considered for payment.
Victims who suffered personal physical, psychiatric or psychological injury as the result of a crime. Some exceptions may apply for victims who did not sustain a personal physical injury or death.
Survivors of a victim who was killed as a result of a felony or misdemeanor crime punishable under federal or state law, including DUI (motor vehicle, boating, or aircraft) and hit and run.
For more information check out the Attorney General's Crime Victims website:
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/30/2006 08:29:00 PM
Lost Dog - MLK and Central
"I need to ask if anyone has seen a little black dog (1/2 miniature pinscher/ 1/2Boston terrier) lost at MLK and Central He was wearing a studded black collar, his sister is pining away for him and Mike the owner is very unhappy....there is a $150 reward. Call Mike Peterson 787-6176. Many thanks!"
Mike, send me a photo and I will publish it here
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/30/2006 08:13:00 PM
More on Hit and Run
From Terri: "As long as I live, I'll never get the image of him laying in the dirt, bleeding and struggling to breathe."
Here is the story from
By Valerie Kalfrin
The Tampa Tribune
A 50-year-old man has been taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in very critical condition after being slammed into by a hit-and-run driver taking her daughter to school.
Lurvin P. Calderon was driving a blue 1984 Oldsmobile westbound on Hanna Avenue taking her 10-year-old daughter to Seminole Elementary School when she hit the man, Tampa Police say. The impact sent him flying over a chain link fence, into a yard at 806 Hanna.
Police are not releasing his name.
After the accident, Calderon continued down the street to the school.
Hillsborough County Sheriff Deputy Natalie Napolitano was at the intersection of North Nebraska and Hanna Avenue doing a safety survey on the intersection, counting students who walk to school because there is a high volume of cars. Napolitano is looking to see if the students should be bused for safety purposes.
“I heard that all-too-familiar sound when something gets struck,” she said. “I turned around and a witness flagged me over.”
Napolitano arrived at the scene and tried to give medical aid to the victim, police say.
“He was in bad shape,” Napolitano says.
Irazema Viera-Roquemore, another HCSO Deputy, was outside the school waiting to give a safety presentation when she was flagged down by another witness who told her the driver in the Oldsmobile hit someone.
Deputy Viera-Roquemore walked the driver back to the scene.
Calderon, a dancer at 2001 Space Odyssey, is undergoing field sobriety tests.
WFTS Story
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/30/2006 12:57:00 PM
First Annual SH Grill Off...............
Attention All SH Grillers!!!!
If you are a griller, please visit :
Posted by
11/30/2006 12:47:00 PM
Bike Thefts
An Email to SE Sem Hts email group:
"Monday, my bike was stolen off my side porch in broad daylight. It was locked up, but the thief evidently had bolt cutters. He didn’t even leave the lock and steel cable.
Today, my wife was sitting on the porch and saw a black male, about 18, riding one bike and pulling another one that still had the lock on it.
It didn’t bother me that much about my bike; it was used and cost me $75. But what bothered me was the sheer audacity of these guys. How can they get away with going up on porches, taking out bolt cutters and stealing bikes that are locked up. Then they calmly pull them down public streets.
Again, I know the cops are busy, but if they would just start patrolling some of these back streets occasionally, they might catch these guys either stealing, or pulling the stolen bikes. There is no other reason for someone to be riding one bike and pulling another unless they stole it."
I tend to agree with the writer about second bikes being at least suspicious and should be called in and stopped by police.
A year or so ago after getting some food at a fast food restaurant, I once saw someone with a second bike coming from the neighborhood north of Hillsborough. I followed him to a mobile home at 17th or 19th st. I called the cops and let them know. Likely nothing came of it except that maybe the bike theft cops could add him as a list of suspects.
Could Be Sherry has a great bike theft chase story involving a standoff.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/30/2006 11:40:00 AM
Coffee Bean II?
Interestingly, the "For Rent" sign at the old Coffee Bean Cafe/Vivian's Whistle Stop/Rigo's Eatery/ice cream joint, etc. has come down.
Posted by
Jay McGee
11/30/2006 11:00:00 AM
Hanna Speedway
It's ironic that I was reading this morning about the man speeding in a Jaguar. I returned home from taking my daughter to school to find a man bleeding profusely and badly hurt laying in my yard. He had been hit and the woman who hit him had taken off. She hit him so hard that he flew over the fence and into a tree.
From TPD Traffic Unit website:
) | ![]() Complaints of speeding, stop sign violations or any other traffic concern can be reported to the Traffic / Motor Unit who will follow up on your complaint. They can be contacted at: Tampa Police Department Traffic Unit 411 N. Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 276-3471 | ||
| | ||
4) | I saw an illuminated speed sign in another neighborhood the other day. How can I get that in my neighborhood? The traffic speed sign is primarily used in conjunction with ongoing traffic complaints. However, when complaints are done, it is possible to request that the sign be placed in your neighborhood for a day to monitor traffic. | ||
| | ||
5) | How does the illuminated speed sign work? The traffic speed sign is sent out daily to different locations within the city to alert motorists and to educate them on the speed limit posted on the road that they are traveling upon. It is primarily used in conjunction with traffic complaints as there is a computer built into the system that records vehicle counts, speed and average speed based upon the volume of traffic. This determines the need for additional enforcement or recommendations to other city departments for action. |
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/30/2006 10:45:00 AM
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
October Code Board
Sean V. Donnelly October 25, 2006
Code Enforcement Board Chairman 9:00 am
Board Members: Donnelly, Gray, Kane, Brent, Faulk, and Barcena
were present. Legal: Barbara Twine-Thomas; ACA Ernest Mueller;
Code Enforcement: Don Scott, Steve Mateyka, Larry Canalejo, and
Carlos Rios; CSC: James Greenhalgh; Zoning: LaChone Dock;
Secretaries: Wendelin Anderson and Suling Bolton.
171251.0000, FL 33603 TAMPA, FL 33680-0739
ISSUED: 08/06/2005 INSPECTOR: LEE HARTMAN 274-5545
CODE SECTION : 19-46, 19-47, 19-49, 27-77 Table 4-1,
27-129, and 27-133
DISPOSITION: Respondent Representative Julie Harris was
present. Motion: The Board found case guilty of Code
Sections 19-47, 19-49, 27-77 Table 4-1, 27-129, and 27-133.
D/L 01/24/2007 fine $100.00 per day if deadline is not met.
Vote: 6/0
(From Tampa Codes)
(Sec. 19-46. Unlawful to allow or maintain a public nuisance.
Sec. 19-47. Offensive conditions declared a public nuisance; prohibited conditions enumerated.
Sec. 19-49. Excessive accumulation of debris, rubbish, trash, etc., declared a public nuisance.
Sec. 27-129. Vehicle parking.
Sec. 27-133. Fence and wall regulations.
I think the issues as a too tall fence, parking on right of way and operating a junk yard This Is Driven Concepts and the Pacific Stereo places.
11. CASE #: 06-21135 ORTIZ MARIA F
102452.0000, FL 33604 TAMPA, FL 33604
CODE SECTION : 13-43, 13-45
DISPOSITION: Respondent Maria Ortiz was present. Motion:
The Board found case guilty of Code Sections 13-43 and
13-45. D/L 11/29/2006 fine $25.00 per day if deadline is not
met. Vote: 5/0 (Gray absent)
22. CASE #: 06-00876 ANDERSON AMY R
165126.0000, FL 33603 TAMPA, FL 33603
Case was heard by the Full Board on 09/27/2006 and was given
a deadline of 10/04/06, fine $50.00 per day. Code Sections:
5-104.1, 5-104.6.2, and 5-103.3. Respondent states that hes
disputing the findings of non-compliance.
DISPOSITION: Respondent Amy Anderson was present. Motion:
The Board moved that the challenge to the non compliance
affidavit be denied. Vote: 5/0 (Gray absent)
Motion: The Board moved to amend previous order and extend
deadline to 4/25/2007 fine $45.00 per day if deadline is not
met. Vote: 5/0 (Gray absent)
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/29/2006 10:13:00 PM
Speeding Jaguar
An email:
"I reside Hanna and Dexter Avenue. Each day without fail I see a older man in a cream colored older beautiful Jaguar ...its a classic and the man driving has to be well into this 70s .. He drives like he is on the Grandprix. I cannot tell you how many children reside on this street but its over ten... I resent that this man has no regard for stopping to slow down and that he has no respect.
I was working in my neighbors yard today and he hauled ass and just about clipped me say I was pissed is the kindest word. What if I were a child or a dog. He drives so fast I cannot get his tag number. "
What can the writer do?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/29/2006 08:42:00 PM
Holiday Cooking (Not)
So the holidays approach and you want to have a party for at least 15 of your friends. However you don't like to cook.
The solution is to get something from one of our local restaurants.
Tonight I am featuring a Holiday Party Menu from "Affairs to Remember". This is the catering business that Paul of Stephanno's Pizzeria runs. Knollwood and Florida. 236-8293
Here are some sample items:
Tossed Garden Salad
Ranch or Italian Dressing
Dinner Rolls w/ Butter
Oven Roasted Turkey Breast
Corn Bread Stuffing
Fresh Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy
Green Beans
$9.95 per person plus sales tax
Fresh Garden Caesar Salad
Dinner Rolls w/ Butter
Roast Leg of Lamb
Mint Jelly
Fresh Apple Stuffing
Glazed Cranberry Carrots
$11.95 per person plus sales tax
Hors D’oeuvres
Choice of your 6 Favorites
Fresh Fruit Display
Imported Cheese Display w/ Crackers
Fresh Crudités w/ Dip
Shrimp, Cucumber & Dill Canapés
Salmon Mousse w/ Apple Wedges
Crab Cakes w/ Chili Lime Aioli
Bacon Wrapped Shrimp or Scallops
Sausage/Crabmeat Stuffed Mushrooms
Teriyaki Surf & Turf Kabobs
Hot Crab Dip w/ Pita Chips
$16.95 per person plus sales tax
Are you a morning person? Try one of his Holiday Breakfast Feasts
Fresh Squeezed Florida Orange Juice
Light and Fluffy Scrambled Eggs
Grilled Hash Brown Potatoes
Southern Style Grits
Hickory Smoked Bacon
Grilled Sausage Patties
Homemade Baking Powder Biscuits
Country Sausage Gravy
Fresh Brewed Coffee and Decaf
$ 9.95 per person plus sales tax
Lots more on his menu
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/29/2006 08:20:00 PM
Chain Link Fence at SHIP
I jog by this place almost every weekday morning, so today I saw a "Public Notice" posted for a certificate of appropriateness for the chain link fence on the Senior Home Improvement Program's property (Florida Ave., South of Hills Ave.). So much for the thought that this may be a temporary eye sore.
It seems there is a hearing on Jan. 8, 2007 to decide if they can keep the giant 6' metal monster up.
Posted by
Jay McGee
11/29/2006 11:00:00 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Famous or not so famous Seminole Heights authors
Ok, so we covered famous or not so famous musicians who live or lived in Seminole Heights.
Let's move on to authors. According to a 1997 Tribune, article John Fairweather lived in Seminole Heights and wrote Border Crossings.
Any one else?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/28/2006 10:43:00 PM
New blogs
Candles as Art has a blog.
considering moving to seminole hgts is a blog by someone considering moving to Seminole Heights. She has a question about living in Florida and Knollwood.
Seminole Heights has a myspace blog with at least 46 friends, including Sulpur Springs. (I don't know who did this). Great job!
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/28/2006 09:11:00 PM
Mobile Internet
Sometimes when driving around doing errands I like to take my laptop with me and do some war driving. It fun to watch the different sites come up and see what names people use for their wireless networks. It is like treasure hunting.
A couple of weeks ago I came off southbound I-275 at the Hillsborough Avenue exit. As I was sitting there my computer told me I was connected. I thought that was a little odd as the only site there is Starbucks and it is a pay site. The light changed and as I drove on I was still connected. I pulled up to the light at Hillsborough and Nebraska and was still connected. I finally realized what occured. I had been sitting and driving along side one of the large new purple HART buses. It must have WiFi coverage for its riders. How cool is that. However, the question is whether it is all of the buses or select ones.
So the next time you need some wireless access and the library system is down, maybe you just hop a HART buses or follow one around and connect.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/28/2006 12:29:00 PM
New Store
The other day as I was driving by the Candle Store, I noticed a new sign up next to it, mentioning a new store that sells T-shirts. Anyone have any info about it?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/28/2006 07:56:00 AM
Monday, November 27, 2006
4 more years of silence
I have been reading prior Tampa Tribune articles on Gwen Miller's council race to see what she promised to do and what she accomplished.
I haven't found much that she has done. I did find this great quote about Gwen Miller from 2002:
"But I don't think she has a strong resume' on city council.""I couldn't tell you what she's done on that board. What's her slogan going to be, "Four more years of silence'?"
Source of that quote? None other than Creative's Loafing's "PoHo" Wayne Garcia, who was a political consultant back then.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/27/2006 09:15:00 PM
3rd Annual Southeast Seminole Heights Home Tour
This Sunday, December 3rd from 1:00 to 5:30 p.M., the 3rd Annual Southeast Seminole Heights Home Tour "Homes For the Holidays" will take place.
Don't live in Seminole Heights but curious as to what the natives natural habitats look like? Live in Seminole Heights and want more decorating ideas to steal for your home? Come on the tour.
For those who are considering buying a home in Seminole Heights, for the first time, the Tour brochure includes inserts on houses for sale in the neighborhood. There will also be many open houses going on.
Mine is one of those. We are fortunate to be on the path between two houses on the home tour, number 9 and 10, and we will be having an open house. So I guess you could call our house #9.5 on the tour. The funny thing is people have been trying to get us to participate in all 3 tours and we were not ready and not sure we could handle all the pressure of getting ready for the tour. The first year our front yard was the bus stop and people kept wanting to come in because our yard looked so nice.
I am serious abut stealing ideas. We got the idea to decorate our door panels with wallpaper from Claude and Rich last year. Several years ago on an Old Seminole Heights Home Tour we saw two houses that put up gauzy curtains on their front porch to provide some decorative sunshade. That idea was copied immediately by several other houses afterwards.
What ideas have you gotten from a home tour?
Tickets for the Tour can be bought at the Seminole Heights Church located on the SW corner of Nebraska and Hillsborough Avenues.
2004 Tour in the Times. 2005 Tour in the Times. 2006 Tour in the Tribune.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/27/2006 12:18:00 PM
City Council Races
In the Trib there is an article about the upcoming City Council race. Former City Council members Bob Buckhorn and Scott Paine analyze the race.
About our candidate they had this to say:
"Buckhorn and Paine give the edge to Miller. She is well-connected politically, thanks in part to her husband, former state Sen. Les Miller.
"It's very difficult to beat an incumbent, particularly the chairwoman," Buckhorn said. "I think Gwen runs, I think Gwen wins."
Baron, president of the Old Seminole Heights Neighborhood Association, could become a popular candidate, but will have to work hard to make his name known citywide, Buckhorn said."
So how do we work hard ot make his name known? What edge do we have over Gwen Miller? Work the neighborhood associations? Use our computer sophistication? Do we have to create some You Tube video that will get some buzz?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/27/2006 07:49:00 AM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Urban Legends and Hoax Emails
Periodically I get emails that are usually include: "forward to everyone you know". 99.95% of the time they are worthless. Urban legends, hoax email and junk emails are usually what I find these messages turn out to be.
The one I got today was about missing girl Ashley Flores. A complete hoax.
Dear readers, if you find get one of these and are tempted to forward it on, or to follow the advice in the email, do yourself and those whom you might forward the email to a favor. Check it out. Go to Snopes.Com or Hoaxbusters or some other sites and see if it is legit. Otherwise you end up looking foolish.
Everything you wanted to know about these hoaxes and junk mail and why they are a waste of time.
I am going to create my own junk mail.
"Scientists today announced in the journal Science an important new discovery. If you don't breathe, you run the risk of dying. These scientists recommend we breathe 12 to 20 times a hour in order to stay alive." Tell everyone you know that they must breathe or else they could die!
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/26/2006 03:19:00 PM
Man Grill
............a Sunday Afternoon Discussion
A male friend of mine had a grill. A beautiful grill by MAN LAW standards. It sat on the home's deck. That is until the divorce. At first he had no idea the grill would be involved in this life style change. But suddenly the man grill fell into the hands of the ex and became a woman grill!
This was a decidedly depressing circumstance for the friend. First he said, "Oh who cares, it was only a grill!"
We did not believe him.
Then a bit of anger started invading the bravado. That was futile and brief, but what came next was this overwhelming sense of emptiness. My friend spent a lot of time talking about his grill, lamenting the loss of lunch time burgers and Saturday night steaks. The grill tools had no purpose. There was a shiny unweathered place on the deck where the Man Grill used to sit. My friend kept looking at it, longingly, emitting a soft sigh. It was all very disheartening.
You simply can't separate a man and his grill! Kind of like a man and his dog, except for one thing. If a man is separated from his dog, he is reluctant to get another for quite some time. But a man separated from his grill can easily be cured by only one thing.....A new and hopefully, even better MAN GRILL!!!
Pictured above is the replacement MAN GRILL. My friend is better now, and has almost stopped talking to himself.
I found this whole thing interesting and wondered who else has MAN GRILL stories?
And for fun here are a few MAN GRILL thoughts!
The grill is the man's domain. He will use it year-round.
Corollary: Anything prepared on the grill---even a a quiche-- counts as a manly meal.
Man Law: Never turn the steaks on another man's grill unless said man asks you to.
Posted by
11/26/2006 01:35:00 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
An astute reader spotted this while discussing the Dis and Dat building.
4211 Nebraska is an empty lot at the corner of Genessee. It is owned by CityLofts Southeast LLC. This corporation's officers are Thomas F. Levin and Patricia Stalnaker-Levin of 1202 Linebaugh. 813) 931-8040. The Corporation was started 5/18/06. Its registered agent is Marc Feldman of Bradenton.
"Since 1984, EKISTICS DESIGN STUDIO has brought together qualified professionals in urban planning, landscape architecture and applied ecology to provide sustainable planning and design solutions for site development.
EKISTICS DESIGN STUDIO is recognized in Florida as specialists in site analysis, environmental mitigation,land planning, landscape architecture/engineering and urban design. The firm regularly undertakes associated development permitting and project management.
A strong working knowledge of construction and site engineering has enabled EKISTICS DESIGN STUDIO to forge unique collaborative solutions with project architects, engineers and other consultants on complex interdisciplinary projects. "
I wonder what their plans are?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/25/2006 02:58:00 PM
South Seminole Heights Presents a Holiday "Concert in the Park" South Seminole Heights Civic Association will host a Concert in the Park onSaturday, December 9th 2006, beginning at 3:00 PM at Rivercrest Park, on thebanks of the scenic Hillsborough River.
Featured will be the Sunshine BrassBand, who will perform a selection holiday favorites. The band is one ofthe leading concert bands in the United States today. It has won criticaland national acclaim for its superb performances.Rivercrest Park also provides an ideal setting for family picnics.
Those attending the concert are encouraged to bring their own chairs or blankets,and a picnic.
There will be a can food and cash donation drive to assist Francis House.This organization provides services in our community to those affected byHIV/AIDS. Volunteers will be available to receive your donations.
Rivercrest Park is located in South Seminole Heights at Osborne Avenue and NBoulevard, and south of Hillsborough Avenue along the river.
For more information, call Gary Ellsworth 813-404-5222The Concert in the Park is sponsored by South Seminole Heights CivicAssociation, which is a not for profit organization serving the community ofSouth Seminole Heights.
Posted by
11/25/2006 08:04:00 AM
Friday, November 24, 2006
Ship Building
One piece of interesting architecture is the Department of Juvenile Justice building at Nebraksa and McBerry.
Originally this was built for a Baptist Association in 1971. It was intended to look like a ship with the top being the bridge.
Currently the owner of the building uses the bridge as his office and the bottom is all DJJ space..
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/24/2006 04:47:00 PM
Another sappy Ella picture
Here is another sappy Ella picture, posing on the steps of the studio. (Trying to balance out the negative stuff)
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/24/2006 04:42:00 PM
We have famous band in Seminole Heights or at least used to. The Genitorturers. According to an article in today's Times, Mr. and Mrs. Torture lived in Seminole Heights.
"Yeah, I used to live down the street from them in Seminole Heights - 'Mr. and Mrs. Torture,' " said my co-worker John Martin, almost yawning. "They had chickens, and she used to come out in all leather and work in her garden."
The writer notes that "Alex Henderson of . . . "Gen is a real-life dominatrix who has described the Marquis de Sade as a 'literary master,' and the band's over-the-top live shows have included piercings, whippings, spankings, and other kinky activities."
They apparently are a world touring band.
So what other famous or semi famous bands do we have out of Seminole Heights?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/24/2006 04:17:00 PM
Need a Toilet?
I'm selling a small vintage toilet from our guest bath. We believe it was salvaged from an Airstream type RV and then put in our home.
$25 and you pick it up
It's clean and it works
Posted by
11/24/2006 10:49:00 AM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Alice's Restaurant
A WMNF Thanksgiving tradition is playing Arlo Guthrie's "Alice Restaurant". Susan and I missed it this morning. To make up for it, I am presenting via You Tube.
Go 22 minutes to spare?
Here are all of the lyrics.
Here is a tribute to Officer Obie
"And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said
fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and
walking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement.
And that's what it is , the Alice's Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement, and
all you got to do to join is sing it the next time it come's around on the
"You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant
You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back
Just a half a mile from the railroad track
You can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant"
The church in the story
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/23/2006 11:56:00 AM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanksgiving Food
What is Ella eating for Thanksgiving? Mixed in her dry food is Merrick's Thanksgiving Day Dinner, with turkey, sweet potstoes, carrots, green beans and Granny Smith apples.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/22/2006 09:12:00 PM
Christmas Lights
Well, Christmas lights are already going up in Seminole Heights. This one is well known and is somewhere west of Florida Ave..
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/22/2006 08:47:00 PM
Form Letter
Here's the response I got from Panera, when I asked about the possibility of an S.H. location.
Thank you for expressing your interest in Panera Bread and your inquiry about our plans for Tampa, FL. Although we don't release information regarding our planned locations, I will be happy to note your request so that it will be considered by our real estate and development department.We are developing bakery-cafes across the country and many new areas are already under consideration by our real estate and development teams. Please continue to watch for possible expansion in your area.
Customer Comment Coordinator"
Posted by
Jay McGee
11/22/2006 01:34:00 PM
New Construction
In case you don't get to the East side, here is some nice new construction going on at Nebraska and New Orleans. Offices.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/22/2006 07:58:00 AM
Noted Seminole Heights Resident Vic Hall dies
Vic Hall, Seminole Heights resident and host of USF Radio (897.) "Sound of Jazz," died Monday at age 81. The Tribune has an article about him.
Thanks to anonymous, "WUSF 89.7's Bob Seymour talked about Vic on the radio yesterday. "
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/22/2006 07:54:00 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Dis and Dat gets gutted
As I drove to work today, I could see that they are gutting the interior of the brick building next to the auto parts store at Nebraska and Ida. I wonder what they plan to do with it?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/21/2006 07:56:00 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
Panera - Rumor Revitalized by 3rd Party
This is not a judgement on the good vs. bad of corporate biz in S.H., but rather the latest buzz I've heard through a 3rd party and long time resident of S.H. This person claims to have spoken to Al of the mini-mart (next to the now empty lot that Al owns at Osbourne Ave and Nebraska Ave). Al allegedly stated that Panera looked at Osbourne and Nebraska for a new location -- but instead has bought LeRoy's 4x4's (by Starbuck's) property with intentions to build. That said, a rumor is a rumor and I have a call and email into the franchise department of Panera in hopes of confirmation ... stay tuned.
Al supposedly also alluded that new office buildings are likely to be built on the Osbourne/Nebraska lot.
Posted by
Jay McGee
11/20/2006 12:45:00 PM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Political Aspirations
Recently someone commented they did not want Randy Baron to run for City Council because he had any political aspirations.
What is wrong with having political aspirations? I think political aspirations are a good thing. I wish more Seminole Heights residents had political aspirations. I appreciated the aspirations of Rose Ferlita, April Griffin, Andrew Baker, Carol Mehlman, Kevin White, Kelly Benjamin, Tammy Harman, and others (?)
I have political aspirations. If I wasn't moving out of the City, I would have applied for the temporary City Council positions. At some point, I will run for political office (probably after I have had too much to drink).
I have political aspirations for Seminole Heights. Since we don't have money and can't buy political influence the way South Tampa can, we need to earn it by winning political office. With political influence we can get more done for Seminole Heights. Right now we have two Seminole Heights representatives on County Commission. I like to see two or three on City Council. I'd like to see a Mayor eventually get elected from Seminole Heights. A State Senator and State representative. I 'd like there to be a day when Wayne Garcia of the Creative Loafing writes about a "Seminole Heights Gang", (like they used to write about the Pork Chop gang in the legislature from North Florida) or a Seminole Heights "Good Ole Person" network (like West Tampa is known for), that dominates local politics.
By the way what other candidates have come from Seminole Heights?
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/19/2006 11:38:00 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Overpopulated library!
OSHNA has received the following information from Joe O’Sullivan, Senior Librarian at the Seminole Heights branch library.
“…The City of Tampa 's Fire Marshall's Office has informed the library that the total maximum occupancy load for the building is 49. Once we have that many people inside the library, we cannot let anyone else in as we would be in violation of the Fire Code. Besides that, there are safety issues for all involved if, God Forbid, a fire or other emergency happened at the branch.
So far, the only time that this is a problem is during the after-school hours of 2:30pm to 5:30pm, Monday thru Friday. As many of you already know, we have tons of kids… Simply put, the Fire Code is the Fire Code.
Please do not be surprised or shocked if you come to the library during the aforementioned hours and a HCSO Deputy is there and informs you that we are at capacity and we cannot let anyone in. Exceptions are people who are just picking up their holds, coming to pick up their kids, need to use our courtesy phone quickly, or use the restrooms quickly.
A question that I have been commonly asked the last few days is "What can we do to get a bigger library in the Seminole Heights community?” The best thing that people and neighborhood organization can do is to let their concerns be heard at Library Board meetings. You can go to and click on the "Library Board" link to access all types of info on the Library Board. …The more that the Planning Committee of the Library Board hears that the community needs a new library, the faster it will act. The other thing that you can do is call Barbara Marquette at the John F. Germany (a.k.a. the "Main Library") at 273-3660 or 276-8172 and voice your concerns.”
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/18/2006 01:08:00 PM
Ella Graduated
This is a delayed report on the outcome of Ella's Good Manners class.
Ella finished her basic obedience class. Most of the time she stood by while we, the people, struggled to learn how to behave. The class started with five dogs and ended with three. Peewee, the wiggly giddy pit, and Carter the emotional lab dropped by the wayside. The other two graduates were Zoey, a beautiful border collie mix, and Dancer, a jack russell with groucho marx eyebrows. We enjoyed every minute of the class. We bonded with the other dog owners over our efforts, and cheered on the four legged students when they showed off their new skills.
Ella now understands sit, down, stay and leave it (great cue to use when your dog finds that dead thing on the road). She also learned to target which is when you open your hand and the dog touches it with its nose. This skill is used to train dogs to touch other objects. For instance, you want to teach your dog to ring a bell when it needs to go out. Our instructor taught her dog to close cabinet doors with targeting.
In order to graduate each dog had to do two tricks. Ella already knew how to crawl. It was something she did naturally and we just added a cue.
Scott taught her to spin and to loop through his legs in a figure eight. We missed seeing the other dogs' tricks due to scheduling conflicts, but I can just imagine Zoey doing something outstanding and athletic and Dancer, well, dancing. I'll miss seeing them every week. Maybe we'll see them in a future class. We plan to take Ella on to the next level which is Canine Good Citizen. That one will be a challenge as they have to pass a test at the end that requires them to handle crowds, loud noises and other distractions, along with more obedience skills.
I recommend the basic obedience to anyone who has a dog, no matter what age. It taught us alot about dog behavior and how we are constantly giving dogs signals with our bodies. It helped to be learning with other dogs and their owners because we could see the dogs responses to cues given properly and improperly. So, if you and your four legged friend have been having communication issues, grab that leash and sign up for a class.
Posted by
11/18/2006 08:11:00 AM
Friday, November 17, 2006
The front porch fell off
(The photo I wanted to attach did not work so you have to click this to see it.)
According to the Times, for 2 decades, a house in South Tampa at 721 S Willow Ave has been a code problem.
"It has an active case for "structural problems, deterioration, overgrown conditions and accumulation of debris.""
According to the deceased owner's son: ""it was a situation where there were neighbors pitted against neighbors, the Architectural Review Commission pitted against code enforcement, the City Council pitted against code enforcement and the ARC."
Rose Ferlita said ""I don't know how many, many - I can't say many enough times - how many years this has been a problem for that neighborhood," Ferlita told code enforcement officials at a Nov. 9 council meeting. "I don't have any idea why this particular location has gone on and has been an extreme nuisance to the entire neighborhood."
Here is the full text from the Nov 9 City Council Transcripts:
10:03:37 Number 7.
10:03:47 >>> Del Acosta, architectural review commission here
10:03:51 to address, a letter received October 27, 2006,
10:03:57 regarding 721 south Willow Avenue.
10:04:01 There's an update October 26, 2005, a little over a
10:04:04 year ago, an application for demolition submitted on
10:04:06 this parcel.
10:04:07 It was scheduled to go before the architectural review
10:04:10 commission on December 7th, 2005.
10:04:13 On December 7th, the day of the public hearing in
10:04:16 the afternoon the agent requested a continuation on
10:04:18 that project.
10:04:19 On December 13th, 2005, the application was
10:04:23 withdrawn.
10:04:24 The A.R.C. really acted upon a request for
10:04:32 alterations, demolition, ad valorems.
10:04:34 It essentially act upon an agent or own theory wants
10:04:38 to do something on their property. The A.R.C. has no
10:04:42 jurisdiction on regular maintenance or painting, on
10:04:45 one end of the scale.
10:04:46 When it goes into code violation, we transfer any of
10:04:48 those issues to code enforcement.
10:04:51 In this particular case, 721 south Willow Avenue,
10:04:54 being that there appeared to be some code violation
10:04:57 issues, we transferred those over to neighborhood
10:04:59 improvement.
10:05:01 And he's here to address it on that property.
10:05:08 >>> Kevin INGUS, code enforcement.
10:05:12 Our department does have an active case of 721 south
10:05:15 Willow for structural problems, deterioration,
10:05:19 overgrown conditions and accumulation of debris.
10:05:25 >>LINDA SAUL-SENA: When can we expect to see some
10:05:27 action?
10:05:30 >>> That's incumbent upon the property owner.
10:05:33 >> When is there a date when they are supposed to --
10:05:37 >>> We got an inspection scheduled for the 17th of
10:05:40 November, which will basically -- it's their final
10:05:44 notice is what it is.
10:05:47 At that time they will be placed on the agenda for the
10:05:50 code enforcement agenda for compliance.
10:05:53 >> And when will that come before the Code Enforcement
10:05:55 Board if it's not cleaned up by November?
10:05:58 >>> That depends on the current workload of the code
10:06:01 enforcement at the time.
10:06:02 It's generally about two months.
10:06:04 >> That would be January?
10:06:08 >>> Sometime I'm guessing January, early February.
10:06:13 From that inspection date.
10:06:15 >>LINDA SAUL-SENA: Madam Chairman, I had a chance to
10:06:18 talk with Mr. Acosta about this.
10:06:20 And if the A.R.C. can't make somebody make
10:06:23 improvements to their house, the code enforcement can
10:06:26 do something.
10:06:26 And I know we have worked with you to try to get more
10:06:29 timely compliance.
10:06:30 I think that January, given the space that it is now
10:06:34 is far out there.
10:06:35 But maybe the fact that council is discussing will
10:06:40 make them comply by the end of November.
10:06:44 Is there any way to speed it up?
10:06:47 >>> I can inquire with management, with the
10:06:50 department, to see if we can fast track that to place
10:06:52 it on an earlier agenda.
10:06:54 But we are bound by that inspection date of November
10:06:57 17th.
10:06:58 >> But perhaps if it could be set up in terms of being
10:07:02 place on an agenda.
10:07:03 Does the city -- some of the problems here are
10:07:07 overgrown trash.
10:07:08 Does the city ever go in and clone it up and then
10:07:10 place a lien for the cost of the on the property own
10:07:14 er?
10:07:14 >>> On vacant property, we have done that.
10:07:19 On egregious violations.
10:07:20 But only after notice.
10:07:22 >> Is egregious like three feet?
10:07:24 How do you define it?
10:07:26 >>> It got to be pretty bad before we send a city
10:07:30 contractor out there and spend taxpayer money on it.
10:07:32 >> Although the assumption is that we'll recoup the
10:07:35 investment in cleaning it up by placing a lien on the
10:07:38 property.
10:07:39 >>> Absolutely.
10:07:39 A lien is placed on the property for nonpayment of the
10:07:42 cost that we incur for that job.
10:07:44 >>MARY ALVAREZ: This has been going on for a long,
10:07:49 long time.
10:07:50 Hasn't it?
10:07:51 >>> Yes, ma'am, I believe it has.
10:07:52 >> I remember talking about this property three or
10:07:57 four years ago.
10:07:59 And nothing seems to be done.
10:08:01 This guy just keeps going on and on and on.
10:08:06 Other than code enforcement, what else can we do?
10:08:11 How does he get away from coming to the Code
10:08:14 Enforcement Board year in and year out and so on?
10:08:17 >>> That I don't know.
10:08:18 I have to do some research and submit a report on
10:08:21 that.
10:08:21 But as far as this case is concerned, the reinspection
10:08:25 is scheduled for November 17th.
10:08:27 And if they are out of compliance at that time, --
10:08:32 >> How many reinspections does this place have?
10:08:34 >>> On this current case, there's only been -- on this
10:08:38 current case there's only been one initial inspection.
10:08:43 I can't tell you why this case was reinitiated.
10:08:48 Probably because of problems with past code
10:08:51 enforcement inspections, change of ownership perhaps.
10:08:54 I'm not sure.
10:08:55 I know it's in some sort of estate now due to the
10:09:01 passing of one of the property owners. This case was
10:09:03 actually initiated or initially inspected on October
10:09:07 27th.
10:09:09 So that's what brings us to the reinspection of
10:09:12 November 17th.
10:09:15 >> According to a letter we got from one of the
10:09:17 neighbors, it said that kids are finding the place is
10:09:20 empty, and they are going in there.
10:09:22 I mean --
10:09:25 >>> It is vacant and open.
10:09:27 And then we'll have it secured by emergency order.
10:09:31 >> Can you do that now?
10:09:32 >>> Absolutely.
10:09:37 I noticed that in the letter and so did the department
10:09:39 management.
10:09:40 And if it hasn't already been done, we are looking
10:09:44 into sending a contractor out there to have it
10:09:47 secured.
10:09:47 We are going to confirm that first.
10:09:48 >> When can you put liens on these properties?
10:09:51 After the Code Enforcement Board?
10:09:53 >>> There will be a lien placed on the property for
10:09:55 what it cost us to have it secured.
10:09:58 There will be a lien placed on the property for
10:10:01 whatever it costs us to have it environmentally a
10:10:04 baited if we do that.
10:10:06 And I can't speak on any previous liens or work that's
10:10:09 been done prior to that.
10:10:11 I don't know.
10:10:11 >> Well, I would like for you to report, tell us how
10:10:16 many times code enforcement has been out there and how
10:10:18 many reinspections it has had.
10:10:21 >>> We can submit a report.
10:10:23 >> There has to be some way we can circumvent the Code
10:10:26 Enforcement Board after so many reinspections and so
10:10:29 on, and.
10:10:34 >>> If it's actually egregious enough, and Judge
10:10:36 Dominguez will hear cases that are seriously
10:10:41 egregious, and we have to have a property owner that
10:10:44 we can actually bring into court, someone that's
10:10:47 local, someone that we actually can be -- that can be
10:10:51 served by process server through the sheriff's office.
10:10:54 And in this case, like I said, to take it to criminal
10:11:01 course has to be seriously egregious.
10:11:04 >> I've only seen just copies of photographs, and I'm
10:11:07 sure they are a lot worse, the property's in a lot
10:11:16 worse shape.
10:11:17 And if you can't call that egregious I don't know what
10:11:19 you can call it but give me a report back in about a
10:11:23 week or so.
10:11:24 >>> Yes, ma'am.
10:11:25 >> It could be a written report.
10:11:26 >>MARTIN SHELBY: Madam Chair, you and I met with the
10:11:33 clerk's office and Ms. Marshall yesterday and she
10:11:37 wants to share with regard to putting things on for
10:11:39 next week, she's requesting, I guess as long as this
10:11:44 person is here from code enforcement is aware, she's
10:11:47 concerned that it may not make it onto the actual
10:11:49 agenda because tomorrow is a legal holiday.
10:11:52 To bring to the your attention.
10:11:53 >> I ask for a written report.
10:11:55 >>> That will be fine.
10:11:55 >>ROSE FERLITA: Mr. INGUS, I'm sorry, you're the
10:12:02 person up here so you are going to get it.
10:12:04 I don't know what your definition is of egregious.
10:12:07 But I don't know how many, many -- I can't say many
10:12:10 enough times -- years this has been a problem for that
10:12:13 neighborhood.
10:12:13 When we say we are going to secure it because of
10:12:15 doors, I personally myself have seen holes in this
10:12:18 house where kids can get in.
10:12:20 I don't know what your definition is of egregious.
10:12:22 I don't know what your definition is of securing the
10:12:24 property.
10:12:24 I don't have any idea why this particular location has
10:12:29 gone on and has been an extreme nuisance to the entire
10:12:34 neighborhood.
10:12:35 Mr. Mannous made it very clear being the abutting
10:12:39 neighbor.
10:12:40 He's really sick and tired of this.
10:12:41 I'm really sick and tired of it as a neighbor down the
10:12:44 street.
10:12:44 And I just truly do not understand how it has
10:12:47 continued to go on.
10:12:49 The fact that some people suggested it was in probate.
10:12:53 Ms. CURY checked, talked to the attorney handling that
10:12:57 situation.
10:12:57 It is not in fact in probate.
10:13:01 Whether the owner decides she wants to sell it or not
10:13:03 sell it, et cetera, that doesn't matter.
10:13:06 But the issue is that this continues to be a nuisance
10:13:09 on the back of those neighbors.
10:13:11 It's ridiculous.
10:13:12 It was a standing joke at one time and it's not funny
10:13:14 anymore.
10:13:15 There were two different versions.
10:13:16 The front porch fell off.
10:13:22 That's what kind of good structural situation it was
10:13:24 in.
10:13:24 And there was one story they carted it away or
10:13:26 somebody just for the heck of it bought the porch.
10:13:29 It is ridiculous.
10:13:30 I don't think we need to put any more of those
10:13:31 pictures on the Elmo.
10:13:33 But I don't know what's done but I have a feeling that
10:13:36 it keeps bouncing from code enforcement to Mr. Acosta,
10:13:39 back and forth.
10:13:39 At one time it was going to be demolished, it was
10:13:42 going to be demolition by neglect.
10:13:44 I think we are getting caught up in the system, in the
10:13:48 process, in the terminology.
10:13:50 It continues to be a new sans.
10:13:52 And I'm going to tell you that people in that area are
10:13:54 sick and tired of it.
10:13:55 I'm sick and tired of them stopping me at the corner
10:13:58 of Inman and Willow wanting to know what I'm going to
10:14:01 do about it.
10:14:03 Well, somebody needs to do something about it.
10:14:05 And we need to quick tap dancing around it.
10:14:09 It's not your particular issue, it not Mr. Acosta's
10:14:12 issue.
10:14:13 But enough time is enough time.
10:14:14 This is starting to mimic or take the lead about that
10:14:16 same situation that Mr. Shelby and I met with Mr.
10:14:19 Smith in New Tampa.
10:14:21 I think the short and the long of this message is,
10:14:24 enough is enough is enough.
10:14:25 And you guys really need to give due process.
10:14:30 It's time.
10:14:31 But it's awful.
10:14:34 It's disgusting.
10:14:35 I don't know what you all are going to do.
10:14:37 But believe me when I tell you, when I leave here, I
10:14:39 am going to be real looking forward to sitting out
10:14:42 there and giving you a hassle as a resident who lives
10:14:46 five houses from that.
10:14:48 It's an embarrassment.
10:14:51 Really an embarrassment.
10:14:52 And I never liked to be in a position as a council
10:14:54 member in that neighborhood not having an answer
10:14:58 that's adequate for those citizens who have really,
10:15:00 really been long patient.
10:15:02 So you and Mr. Lane, Mr. Acosta, whoever is involved,
10:15:05 we just need to move this on.
10:15:07 >>> I understand.
10:15:07 >> The owner can't decide what he wants to do.
10:15:09 Please, you guys help him decide.
10:15:12 >>> We'll help him decide, absolutely.
10:15:14 I have not personally seen this since this case has
10:15:16 been initiated.
10:15:17 It may be egregious enough to take it before criminal
10:15:20 court.
10:15:20 And we'll certainly research that.
10:15:23 >>MARY ALVAREZ: In your report, I would like the
10:15:26 times, the dates that you all have gone out there as
10:15:30 many times as you have, and what the resolution is
10:15:32 that you are planning on, and if it's egregious enough
10:15:34 I want to know that we are going to do something about
10:15:36 it and I don't want to wait until next year, because
10:15:39 this has been going on for at least 20 years,
10:15:42 according to the letter.
10:15:43 So it's time.
10:15:44 It's time for us to get off the dime and do something
10:15:46 about this.
10:15:49 >>ROSE FERLITA: If I can interject.
10:15:51 So long as you don't misinterpret what Ms. Alvarez is
10:15:54 saying.
10:15:55 This one was initiated because Ms. Cury turned it in.
10:16:01 We are talking about the numerous code enforcement and
10:16:03 the paper trail.
10:16:05 >>> The case history on it.
10:16:10 >>MARY ALVAREZ: And if it has to be a notebook full of
10:16:14 information, please do it.
10:16:16 >>> It probably will be.
10:16:17 >>MARY ALVAREZ: Because we need to move on this.
10:16:20 This has been going on long enough.
10:16:21 And then when we get the written report, if we are not
10:16:24 completely satisfied with your answers on what the
10:16:27 resolution is going to be, I am going to ask you to
10:16:29 come back in two or three weeks and talk again.
10:16:32 >>> We will.
10:16:32 >>GWEN MILLER: Mr. Dingfelder?
10:16:35 >>JOHN DINGFELDER: Thank you.
10:16:35 Officer, since I think this is my district, I would
10:16:40 like a copy of the summary.
10:16:43 I don't think I want the whole notebook.
10:16:45 But I would like a copy of your summary report.
10:16:48 And I would like it to be e-mailed in addition to hard
10:16:53 copy.
10:16:54 That way I'll see it quickly.
10:16:55 Thank you.
10:16:57 >>> Yes, sir.
10:16:57 >>GWEN MILLER: We have a motion and second.
10:16:59 >>MARTIN SHELBY: I'm sorry.
10:17:00 You asked for a week for that report?
10:17:03 >>JOHN DINGFELDER: When is the code enforcement
10:17:05 hearing?
10:17:07 >>ROSE FERLITA: The 17th, right?
10:17:08 >>> Reinspection is 17th.
10:17:10 And that in turn will actually schedule another
10:17:14 inspection shortly after that.
10:17:16 And that inspection, that third inspection will
10:17:18 actually generate the hearing.
10:17:22 They get notice of hearing, it will go out to the
10:17:24 property owner, and then appear on that agenda.
10:17:28 >> When will that hearing tentatively be?
10:17:30 >>> Tentatively, like I said, hopefully sometime,
10:17:34 January, February.
10:17:36 >> Would a week be long enough to do a written report?
10:17:38 >>> Like I said, we can actually fast track it.
10:17:41 I can talk to city clerk's office.
10:17:43 I can talk to our own clerk to determine -- as well as
10:17:47 management and see if they can actually put that on a
10:17:50 sooner agenda.
10:17:51 >>GWEN MILLER: We have a motion and second to get a
10:17:53 written report in a week.
10:17:54 All in favor of the motion say Aye.
10:17:55 Opposed, Nay.
10:17:57 (Motion carried) thank you.
To repeat: "And I just truly do not understand how it has continued to go on. "
Hmm there are a lot of places we could ask the same question of.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/17/2006 11:06:00 PM
Found Dog Lhasa Apso
Found Dog ... South Seminole Heights:
This very sweet Lhasa Apso was found at Rivercrest Park at the corner of N. River Blvd. and Louisiana Ave.Friday (11/17), around 3pm. He has a collar, but no tags. Owner can call Lisa (813) 758-7455
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/17/2006 09:29:00 PM
Sollicitations In The Neighborhoods
I received this from several sources to pass on to SH. I posted it on the SESH email, as that is my particular part of the hood. Then I received it from Pre-Councilman Randy Baron, with a note that it would be good to post it on the blog, which I am doing. However, if you look to the left, you will note that Randy is a legal poster on this I am wondering, is this how it starts?
Are we training for "staff". Hummmm? :)
So heres for you Randy......
"We have had several guys in the neighborhood soliciting money for teams to go to tournaments. These fellows say they live in the neighborhood and even go as far to give mother's name and streets that they live on. One described his mother as "the lady with the dark hair that walks her dog in the morning". These are all scams. Last night a fellow was soliciting for a soccer team and was arrested.
This afternoon two more appeared trying to get money for their hockey team. The police came immediately and have been canvassing the neighborhood for them. The patrolman that responded this afternoon said that there is a company that brings young guys down here and puts them up in cheap hotels. They go door to door selling magazine subscriptions or asking for support for a team.
If someone comes to your door, do not contribute and call the police after they leave.We were very prompt in having the arrest last night and having them leave the neighborhood today due to the quick reaction of our neighbors. Let's keep up the good work. "
Posted by
11/17/2006 04:42:00 PM
What the SHIP is going on?!?
For all those interested in what the old flooring store on Florida Ave. (south of Hillsborough) changed into, there was a recent article describing the new occupants. I trust an organization that specializes in home repairs and improvement will soon follow suit with their own property -- but granted, they just moved in, so time will tell.
SEMINOLE HEIGHTS - An emergency home-repair program for low-income seniors has moved to larger headquarters.
The Senior Home Improvement Program, part of the Centre for Women, moved Oct. 20 to 5023 N. Florida Ave., a former floor installation shop.
Posted by
Jay McGee
11/17/2006 10:20:00 AM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Creative Loafing stories
The Creative Loafing has an interesting set of articles this week.
One was a story about the writer attempting to live on items bought only at independent stores. He made an error, indicating that Bay to Bay Hardware was the only independent hardware store in Tampa. Ahem. There is also the Tampa Bay Hardware Store on Nebraska Ave in Seminole Heights.
Where does the money come from for political campaigns? Read Wayne Garcia's article.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/16/2006 09:26:00 PM
Sex and Craiglist
In Seattle, the police department started advertising on Craiglist and arrested nearly 100 men seeking to pay for sex, along with more than a dozen prostitutes.
"The local effort began earlier this year, when the Seattle vice squad rented a room at a downtown hotel and, acting as customers, sought the services of prostitutes advertising in weekly papers and Craigslist. They ended up arresting eight women in an Oct. 19 sting."
. . .
"So police expanded the undercover operation, focusing this time on men paying for sex. Officers rented a downtown condo, used photos of female undercover officers, and advertised on Craigslist and in The Stranger and Seattle Weekly.
"We ran our own escort service out of there," Sano said. '
. . .
As of Wednesday night, police had arrested 94 men and 14 women and seized $14,500 in cash. One of the women arrested in the operation was a juvenile who police said was being forced into prostitution. Said Sano: "We're going to pursue that."
I wonder what if TPD is considering the same here.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/16/2006 09:14:00 PM
City Council Temp positions
Today the Tribune writes about the candidates seeking to fill in now open Tampa City Council positions.
2 or 3 are from Seminole Heights.
Susan Long - Old Seminole Heights Board member
Beverly Morrow - past president of Southeast Seminole Heights.
and Joseph Bryant, lawyer and president of the South Seminole Heights Action Committee. What is the South Seminole Heights Action Committee? I never heard of it.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/16/2006 08:45:00 PM
Seminole Heights Bakery and Cafe Review or Need a 1000 loaves?
The Seminole Heights Bakery and Café has opened and I got a chance to drop in for lunch this week. They’re located 1 block north of Martha’s. They make simple sandwiches, including cubans. They also have a full range of bakery items, cakes, pastries, etc, very reasonably priced. They also have empenadas and crab cakes. You can pick up all kinds of breads here as this is a full bakery (they make over a 1000 loaves a day). For breakfast, they serve bacon, eggs, gravy type stuff, very cheap. Open 6 am to 3 pm each day.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/16/2006 07:41:00 PM
You Can't Make This Stuff Up!!
OK, so I am driving along Nebraska and at the corner of New Orleans I spotted this small banner sign, which actually is part of a somewhat larger sign...........
Now this is not what you might think!
It is NOT a safe sex advertisment.
Even though the web address might seem to
confirm that thought.
Actually, it is a sign for a company that makes
safety equipment so roofers do not fall off their
Makes you wonder. Know one thing. People
will remember the name!! Ok, they will remember
the sign!
This made me think of other funny signs...........
Here are a few to make you laugh!
Posted by
11/16/2006 12:11:00 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
South Seminole Hts News
From Les Berty
Please remember two important events this Saturday, November 18th
The Annual Mayor’s River Cleanup will take place beginning at 8:00 am Our team will work on the area at Rivercrest Park . Volunteers may meet at Lowry Park , where there will be coffee and donuts and tee shirts, or you may meet at the Gazebo in the park around 8:15-8:30
The second event will be a Code Enforcement Workshop, to be held at the Seminole Heights Methodist Church , at the corner of Hanna and Central Ave. It will be 9am to Noon. Supervisors and Inspectors who work in the Seminole Heights Area will be present to discuss quality of life issues affecting the neighborhood. You are invited to attend and bring your questions and concerns. This will be an excellent opportunity to sit down with “Management” and help work out solutions to problems that affect us all.S
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/15/2006 11:39:00 PM
There have been a lot of changes in Seminole Heights since we moved into Southeast Seminole Heights in June 2000.
Often times people don't notice the changes due to the frog in boiling water principle. It happens slowly and escapes their notice.
I think SESH has changed the most. There have been many people stuck with old ideas about SESH and they don't update them to reflect current realities. We would see this a lot over the years. People who never traveled south of Hillsborough or west of I-275 would come into SESH for some event or activity and tell us they were surprised as to how much it changed. We were at an early BGOSH meeting and some small business owner was saying that she could never see anyone shopping on Nebraska Avenue south of Hillsborough. This was ironic because the meeting was being held in A.W Windhorst Hall on Nebraska Avenue south of Hillsborough.
There has been a bunch of new office spaces made available. A lawyer just moved into the renovated 2 story bungalow on Nebraska north of North Bay (formerly Casa Dominciana). Tintera Electric building was renovated and has some office in it. A new office building is going up at New Orleans. There are several other renovated places. Rose Ferlita filled one of her spaces with a CPA. A Metro PCS cell phone store moved in a mini strip mall south of Chelsea.
Houses that were homes for drug dealers, prostitutes and other shiftless characters have been sold and renovated. There used to be a very bad one at 800 block Curtis or Cayuga behind a church. Hirem Patel bought it and fixed it up and it looks great. More and more chain link fencing is coming down. On my block there used to be chain link fence on every house. No more, except for two strips running down the side of one house.
Even the "Beirut" area has improved. (SE part of SE Sem Hts, on and off one block of 15th street, south of Osborne. ) Just ask Queen Barbee.
We used to have multiple drug dealers at every corner on 15th street. Wendy was a fast food drug spot. Get a cheeseburger and crack at the same time.
The boarding house has settled down considerably.
The topless joint has been bulldozed. More restaurants slowly moving in.
We still have areas to improve. Ghost Town for example. (Fortunately Ybor Pizza has sold and that area has cleaned up. Still needs a lot of work) The apartments on Osborne.
It's slow, and has some fits and stops, but is it is improving.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/15/2006 10:56:00 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Veterans from Tampa Bay Tech
WUSF Radio did a story about "Tampa Bay Tech students who have served and are serving in the armed forces. Their names are engraved on brick pavers lining a walkway inside a sunny courtyard on the high school campus."
One of those is a Seminole Heights resident. He was wounded in the Irag war. Still undergoing surgery on his hand.
"DEATHE: My son is Adam Sardinas - Marine he was injured in action in April of this year so he's healing up at a wounded warriors barracks at Camp Lejeune.
Cyd Deathe is a secretary at Tampa Bay Tech. She took a photo of her son's paver to email to him.
DEATHE: We just owe so much to our veterans I wish we could just have a class for the kids to just teach kids pride about our country and what it means to love your country and be a veteran and the respect and honor that they deserve. Her son wants to be a history teacher. Most likely he'll teach about Armistice Day
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/14/2006 11:50:00 PM
Home for Rent
An email:
Hello! We've lived in Seminole Heights for 2.5 years now and truly love it! In fact enough to buy a bungalow just blocks away from our current bungalow - we'd love to find someone to rent this one. Here's a brief description and a couple pictures. Can you please post it to your blog?
Thank You!!!
Kim & Geoff
Charming 1924 Restored Bungalow in Historic Seminole Heights with 3 Bedrooms and 1 Bath, 1550 Sq. Ft, Large Living Room, Formal Dining Room, Gleaming Hardwood Floors, Washer/Dryer/Dishwasher, Large Office or 4th Bedroom, French Doors Throughout, Historic Crown Molding and Textured Walls, Large Front Porch and Backyard with Deck (great for entertaining!), Detached Workshop, Enjoy Beautiful Walks Around Nearby Lake Roberta, Close to I-275 and Downtown Tampa, Pets OK. Available December 1st. First month FREE!
Call 813.230.9269 to set up an appt. to come see this charming rental!
Update:Hello again...
I've received a couple inquiries so I thought it would be good to post this to my recent blog. The charming Seminole Heights house we have for rent is $1400 a month. First month is FREE. First paid month and last month rent due as deposit. Pets are OK but require a $500 refundable deposit per dog, $200 per cat. All appliances come with the house. We would like a year long lease, but we can be flexible. If you would like to schedule an appt. call me 813.230.9269 or email me at
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/14/2006 11:24:00 PM
John Tesh vs WMNF Host Radio Feud
TV/Music Celebrity John Tesh is in a radio war with Jeff Stewart, 15 year Seminole Heights resident and WMNF host of Rhythm & Blues and Beyond. Jeff has been trying to end the feud.
"I think it's time for both of us to put the petty squabbling aside and end this bitter radio rivalry. It doesn't matter who "started it" -- the important thing is this feud needs to end now. It's not healthy to carry grudges and harbor resentments -- especially at your age. Let's face it: you're not the young, former Eagle Scout and television info-tainment host with the enormous head from years past. Stress is a killer -- especially for the freakishly tall. I mean no animosity towards you -- I am saying this out of genuine concern for your well-being. "
"And it is to your credit, sir, that -- unlike so many other minor celebrities --the name "John Tesh" is never splashed about the headlines in tales of debauchery, decadence and criminality. John Tesh is as clean as a whistle; smooth as a Ken doll. I've always said: if a guy like John Tesh really is doing meth with male prostitutes, at least the man manages to keep his business out of the papers! And that is the sign of a true professional and a gentleman who puts his family first."
No word whether John Tesh is going to end the feud.
Check out more about Jeff on his Aftershow blog.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/14/2006 08:07:00 PM
An Important Tid Bit From An Email
From a SESH email.........
You can now go online and enter two (2) emergency contacts on your FloridaDrivers License(electronically) which can only be retrieved by a police officer.This came about as a result of one woman's teenage daughter being killed in a car accident and taking over 5 hours to locate the mother to inform her. This way, if you are in an accident, the police can run the drivers license and have the emergency info ASAP!!!
This is through the DHSMV Website
Posted by
11/14/2006 04:40:00 PM
In the Vein of the Weird!
This, thank goodness, has nothing to do with SH. But as a commentary about where the hell we are in this world, it, like the previous posting, says volumes about us! Us being humans.
So a young man, who wants a change and can't do it on his own, is selling the direction of his life on the internet in a raffle!
The web page, though not finished, is very well constructed with some decent graphics. The young man is attractive and seems to be talented. He says he has had a rocky road so far and has not been happy and is seeking direction. The premise is being put forward as absolutely on the level. Who knows? If you want to weigh in with your opinion, visit the site and come back here and comment.
I just found it thought provoking.
Posted by
11/14/2006 11:28:00 AM
Group Responsibility
In the Trib there is an article about Dog Belden today. The special State Attorney has declined to file charges against him where he unwantedly touched Julie Irwin in Jackson's. After Belden apologized, she declined to press charges. What is interesting in today's story is that Belden had drank so much he had been cut off by the Bar. However he continued to drink as he had "members of his group buy him drinks." After he placed his head twice on Julie Irwin's breasts he was coaxed away by one of his employees Preston Trigg, as the bartender said something to him. Then Belden approached another group of women touching 3 of them, one quite extensively. Preston Trigg intervened and had to pull Belden away.
From comments Trigg made in earlier reports, it is clear he felt he had to be Belden's handler, and keep him out of trouble. Perhaps if his group members had stopped giving drinks (to a man who now says he has an alcohol problem) some of this might not happened. I wonder if any of his peeps ever told him they thought he had a alcohol problem. His peeps share some of the blame for what occurred that night.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/14/2006 06:53:00 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006
It is not a rumor any longer! We are getting a new restaurant! The for sale sign just came down off of the property on the SE corner of Shadowlawn and Nebraska. A lovely lady named Melissa is opening a new restaurant. Her significant other is a Chef! The food is to be tasty and eclectic and the decor is found object based. The name: Ellas! Could I be any happier?
And good news, there are only minimal parking issues!
When more info is available, look for it here as time goes by.
Posted by
11/13/2006 02:28:00 PM
Woodlawn Cemetery
Yesterday, we had two hours to kill while an open house was occurring. We loaded up the dogs and drove around. We first went to Rivercrest Park, in hopes I could walk Ella. Long drives cause her to throw up. Well the walk was a no go. There was some loud rap music being played in the park. Ella does not like rap. She likes blues and Johhny Cash. So the walk ended quickly. We drove around and ended up by Woodlawn Cemetery, a place I always wanted to go into. It was open so we drove inside. A very fascinating place. Old and new headstones and crypts. Photos of the deceased on some of them. Some large, some small, some in great disrepair. Lots of stories in that place. The City has a searchable database. I put my last name and was suprised to find someone with it there.
In the same area are three other cemetaries. Showman's Rest for the carnival and circus people. A Jewish cemetery. And the "Old Centro Asturiano" cemetery. Next to the cemetary is a school. The swing sets and playground is just across the fence from tombs and graves. What scary stories these kids must have. Caty corner is Grams Place. After a few drinks at their bar, I wonder what people have seen in the cemetery at night.
(from City of Tampa website)
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/13/2006 12:31:00 PM
A Look At Days Gone By
Old Seminole Heights
Neighborhood Association
A Look At Days Gone By
Burgert Brothers: Over 100 photos of our neighborhood’s history
Oral Histories: Tales of the early years in and around Seminole Heights
Enlightening & entertaining narration
by Dr. Steve Gluckman
Sponsored by: Bank of Tampa and Bay Stage Lighting
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 ♦ 7:00 p.m.
Seminole Heights Garden Center ♦ 5810 Central Ave.
Old Seminole Heights
Call Nicole Carballa at 813 765-4773 for more information.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/13/2006 07:59:00 AM
Updates at the Bookstore
From Steph and Tampa Antiquarian Bookstore at Hanna and Central
I am bringing in about 5000 more books... will be revamping the childrens section. will have lots of new books for used prices. i am now getting advanced reading copies... so you can buy before the books are published.
Handmade soy candles and soaps are now available at the bookstore. soon to come: greeting cards, gift bags, and book marks all hand crafted by a "local".
Soapmaking is a fairly simple but time consuming process but to make quality soap that is gentle, cleans well and has nice fragrance excellent products must be used. Those products include pure organic and specialty oils, organic additives and the highest quality fragrances and essential oils. If you use inferior products your soap will not have a lasting scent.
Our bars are all handcut, no two batches will ever be exactly the same, each bar is hand trimmed to remove rough edges and it is then hand sealed and packaged.
Why Burn Soy?
~Soy Candle Wax is biodegradable so there is easy soap and water cleanup - even on spills~Soy Candles are clean burning with little to no soot. They use pure cotton wicks with no metal.~Soy Candles are made from American Grown Soybeans~Soy Candle wax is a renewable resource - not petroleum based like paraffin which is a by product of oil refining.~Soy Candles promote growth for the American Farmer~Soy Candles have a beautiful glow and great scent throw. Since they burn at about 98 degrees they do not burn off their fragrance. The scent will be the same the first burn as it is the last.
~ A soy candle burns about 45% longer than paraffin
~ The frosting that you sometimes see in a soy jar candle (the white flakes) just shows that you are using a pure vegetable candle with no paraffin.
~ Our candles are 100% guaranteed. If for any reason someone returns one they get to pick another, no questions asked. Just make sure they always burn it until the wax is melted all the way across the surface.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
11/13/2006 07:57:00 AM