Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tinted Windows - The Cheap Way

I am in traffic on Nebraska and some idiot next to me is loudly boom boxing away. He pulls in front of me and I notice his solution to a problem.

Problem: Can't afford to tint your windows?

Solution: Lightly spray paint the inside of the window with some black spray paint!

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Anonymous said...

Please try to be more tolerant of other's means of self expression.
Peace be unto you.

Anonymous said...

As with graffitti, when does self expression turn criminal? When brain donor shown above kills someone when he can't see out of the windows? Or before, when it already violates state law?

Anonymous said...

This would be illegal as it does not allow the proper percentage of light to pass through the window.

Anonymous said...

Once again, the good people of Seminole Heights taking time to point out what is wrong with other people. As I mentioned to the person posting pics of people's houses on this blog...I catch you taking pictures of my car (license plate included) and we'll have a talk.

Anonymous said...

Mommy, the big bad anonymous poster is threatening me if I take pictures of his house or car. Whatever shall I do?
Once again the anonymous Seminole Heights bashers are bashing people on the SEMINOLE HEIGHTS BLOG. If you don't like what is posted here, GTFO and don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't threatening anyone. Consider this...if you noticed someone standing on your lawn snapping pictures of your home for no obvious reason, I'm sure you would be out there in a second laying down some type of interogation. Perhaps I'm wrong though...perhaps you people only care what is going on on your neighbors property. That's the way it seems from what you people post. You people don't even realize how ridiculous you are. I would love to see the hood overtake your pretty little bungalows with your gay pride and craft flags. Your intolerance is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't threatening anyone. Consider this...if you noticed someone standing on your lawn snapping pictures of your home for no obvious reason, I'm sure you would be out there in a second laying down some type of interogation. Perhaps I'm wrong though...perhaps you people only care what is going on on your neighbors property. That's the way it seems from what you people post. You people don't even realize how ridiculous you are. I would love to see the hood overtake your pretty little bungalows with your gay pride and craft flags. Your intolerance is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Hey! If someone stops to take a picture of my house it's because it's PRETTY!!! I'm definitely not going to run out there and have a throw down. I take care of my house and keep it looking nice for ME, but I know my neighbors like it too.

Maybe you would have a problem with peeps taking pix of your house because maybe yours looks like doodoo.