Long Time WMNF Volunteer Dave Roosa dies. Dave lived on Caracas in SE Sem. Hts.

"Here's a collection of comments about our dear friend and colleague, and a S.E. Seminole Heights resident, Dave Roosa, who passed away this week. He was such a special person to many of us. There is a picture of Dave on the WMNF website: wmnf.org
As you can read, he was such a hard working behind-the-scenes person at the radio station. The attached is some rememberances from others at WMNF who also worked with and loved Dave."
"Dave was our Heatwave site coordinator, and for many years a mainstay of volunteerism here at WMNF. He served as a volunteer rep on the Board of Directors for several years.
What a loss to all of us! I am only happy that Dave lived the life that he wanted to live, a life that he always said made him happy. I had the pleasure of serving with Dave on the Board and the Volunteer Committee. His contributions were always on target, reflecting the WMNF mission. I remember talking to him on his birthday last fall, after an all station meeting. He told me that he was so happy. He was going to New York to celebrate, had had a wonderful party, and was living close to the station - one of his dreams. He said that he looked upon every day that he had (and had had) since his last heart attack and surgery as a gift, and that he was so lucky to be able to do a job he loved and give time and energy to the station he loved. He will be so missed by all of us - we can only hope he can hear WMNF in a happy place in the sky.
This Feb., WMNF held their Rockabilly Ruckus. Dave Roosa, drove his "car show" to the ruckus. He was so proud of his car and so excited to show it off.I remember that moment. He was so happy.
The first time I met Dave was at a tropical heatwave. He and Pat were there . That was the year Mark Barroso was still taking charge of the Labor crew . After Mark moved to the Carolinas, Dave came to a tropical heatwave meeting. It was there, with his notebook and smile, (can't remember if he was wearing his trademark vest, with all his pins.)At that meeting, he volunteered to take over Mark's job. In charge of the Labor crew at Tropical heatwave.He organized that area, plus took on additional areas of Heatwave. He communicated with many people at heatwave (before and after.).Tropical Heatwave was successful because of Dave Roosa and his friendly organization of working with volunteers. He was loved by many.
Last night, I went to see him at the Hospital. I told him that many people sent their wishes and love. I know he heard me.
He will be greatly missed. His smiles, his stories and his love. He loved WMNF.
On Tropical Heatwave Eve(May 19) he stopped by to give me a pair of shoes.. They were Silver shoes.
I saw him at tropical heatwave this year. He was holding hands with Pat and smiling. Telling me he was having such a wonderful time. You know if you ever worked with him, he would always answer his phone with "Dave's not here." and laugh.
Well, Dave you will always be here and always be in our WMNF hearts. We thank Dave Roosa for the many years and dedication and love he gave WMNF. Peace and Love go out to his Family. Esp. Pat.
He was a friend of mine.
I have many fond memories od Dave. Working with him at Tropical Heatwave and talking about music. But my most vivid memory is of seeing him at many past Tropical Heatwaves, late in the afternoon, clean & fresh, his setup work done, a smile on his face and looking forward to a great evening of music.
I'll never be able to listen to Jon Cleary, that wonderful Cape Verdean music, the gospel of Rance Allen or Joe 'King' Carrasco again without thinking of him.
You'll be missed my friend
Oh Dave,
How sad I am that you have left us. I know in my heart that you are in a better place - one filled with light, love and music, but the loss is still hard to reconcile. My love to Pat. How do you say goodbye to a life partner?
I bought a silly card, one I thought would make you chuckle, and left it for you at the hospital. I didn't want to intrude on your privacy. Who would've thought you wouldn't pull through? I mean, you're Dave!
You were always there whenever we needed you. Always. And always with a great big smile, and a hug to match. Our years together on the Board, and countless committees, were where I got to know you best. You were a man of character. I can't imagine working Marathon or Heatwave without you there. It just won't be the same. To say we will miss you would be a gross understatement. We're counting on your spirit to fill the building and fill our hearts with your presence. Overwhelm us with your love. You always were bigger than life.
Until we meet again,
I can feel a big bear hug from Dave right now! What a wonderful way he had of making all right and bringing it back to what really mattered. How his beautiful smile lit up the room and made my heart feel calm, happy and joyful. It is good to hear his last moments were with the people he loved and with the music he cherished. My best wishes to his family and my thanks for having known him.
What a terrible loss for all that have grown to know and love Dave. It > truly was Dave that made volunteering at Heatwave a great pleasure. He > was > immensely supportive and encouraging. When things seemed chaotic, he was > steady! > Dave will be greatly missed.
To all who receive this note, I want to let you all know that I was with Dave and his family this morning, his sisters, his dear wife Patti, and a few friends.
We were all in attendance with him so that he was never alone, there was music played so that he might hear the thing he so loved all his life to the last moment of his life, he was held, petted, kissed and loved to the very last moment of his precious life. A fitting thought for someone who was so loved and appreciated by others, that he was escorted as close to the border as he could possibly be by a small host of friends and loves.
I myself left just before 11:00 am, I felt that these final moments were so private that I had taken all the liberty I was legitimately entitled to, and gave him a last kiss and said my last goodbye, so I wasn't present at the very end, and that was only right and fitting, I think.
I tell this to all of you to assure you that Dave was sent off in friendship, in dignity, in tremendous love and deep sorrow for us poor bastards that have to live with only his beautiful memory now. But he won't be forgotten in this house, that is certain.
His sister says he will go back to Missouri to be cremated eventually, but no dates or anything like that was mentioned.
Just thought these words would somehow ease you, or at least I hope they do.