Monday, March 27, 2006

Seminole Heights Public Art

Is there any?

(thanks to Asphalt anonymous #1)


Anonymous said...

This is something I've never thought about before. We really have very little, in part because we have little public space as well.

Most public art is in public space--parks mostly. Of all of that, Garden Center, Ola park Giddens park, the park on Sligh, and Lake Roberta, only Giddens has art that I can remember. There's a mural on one wall of the building next to the Giddens dog park.

No commercial building that I can think of has any art displayed outside that might be thought of as "public". There is no art at the high school.

Giddens, Ola, and the park on Sligh are focused on sports activities. The Lake Roberta residents fight any changes/improvements to "their" lake. The few river access parks are mowed lawn and maybe a bench--little more. There is nothing at the library or the post office.

I'm sure I've forgotten something...

Anonymous said...

The new mural on Sheery's is public art but not in the respect that the city paid for it as a public installation.

Anonymous said...

How about the lovely gang grafitti on the signs on businesses on Nebraska near Chelsea.

Anonymous said...

there is a great mural at the sulphur springs pool.