Friday, June 02, 2006

Scientology Comes to Seminole Heights

Reportedly the Church of Scientology is moving into the former appliance store at Nebraska and Louisiana. This property is or was owned by Phil Alessi of Alessi's Bakery. (Update: They moved into the 2 story residence just behind the store, at 902 Louisiana)

"Yesterday they were fixing it up. . . . .(One resident) could not even drive down the street to get home. He and (another resident) received brochures on their porch announcing the opening of a mission and welcoming everyone to services! "

This follows their move into West Tampa, Ybor and Plant City.

Scientology was started by L. Ron Hubbard. You might know of him, because a movie, Battlefield Earth, was made out of his book, starring Scientologist John Travolta.

I grew up in Clearwater at the time when the Scientologists came in there.

More on Scientology in Wikipedia.

"Scientology's doctrines were established by Hubbard over a period of about 34 years, beginning in 1952 and continuing until his death in January 1986. Most of the basic principles of the Church were set out during the 1950s and 1960s. Scientology followed on the heels of Dianetics, an earlier system of self-improvement techniques laid out by Hubbard in his 1950 book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. By the mid-1950s, Hubbard had relegated Dianetics to a subfield of Scientology. [citation needed] The Church says that Scientology is concerned with "the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life," [11] but they say that Dianetics is only concerned about getting rid of the reactive mind.[12] Scientology also covers topics such as ethics and morality (The Way to Happiness), drug and chemical residues as they relate to spiritual wellbeing (the Purification Rundown), communication, marriage, raising children, dealing with work-related problems, educational matters (study technology), and the very nature of life (The Dynamics)."

Scientology is very controversial.

"The controversial organization has attracted much criticism and distrust throughout the world because of its closed nature and strong-arm tactics in handling critics.[5] Lawmakers, including national governing bodies of several countries, have characterized the Church as an unscrupulous commercial organization, citing harassment of critics and exploitation of its members.[6] Scientology's principles have been characterized as pseudoscientific by scientists, medical doctors and psychotherapeutic practitioners. Although some religious scholars have deemed Scientology a religion [2] it has frequently been perceived as a cult and a pseudoreligion. [7]"


Anonymous said...

Oh s**t. There goes the neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

It's L. RON HUBBARD not RON L. dufus!
and while i'm on the subject i just have to say something, and this is not in regards to scientology, although it's of great interest that they're moving into the neighborhood...
Mr. Banghart you need to work on your grammar and sentence structure. Your sentences read like a jumbled pile of stinkin horseshit. Take some pride in your daily hobby. The ineptness and lack of skill in your writing reflects upon this whole community. Get your shit together for crying out loud. There are numerous posts that look like they were edited by a 4 year old. I know you can preview that stuff. If you need an editor, let me know...

Anonymous said...

Doc Fate or DF for short, dont like it dont read it. Mr Banghart, don't listin to the haters, they just jealous. u down with DSB, yea you know me. David Scott Banghart for President!

Anonymous said...

Scott: You errors in grammar and spelling are TOTALLY forgiven considering all of the great things you provide to our neighborhood. Dr. Fate can just give it a rest!! As for "Scient"-ology. They are not welcome in my neighborhood. Their stance against proven medications for depression and other mental illnesses and against homosexuality make them a social pariah (sp). I have friends that have been involved in this cult that can tell you total horror stories about their experiences. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't care about the Scientologists coming to the neighborhood. In fact, one thing they do well is fix things up. And as long as they don't force their values on me, why do I care what they believe?
It's like sexual orientation. I'm heterosexual, but I am not threatened by having homosexual neighbors. Who cares?

The religious right are the ones trying to force their values on everyone else through politics, let's not follow their lead from the opposite side of the spectrum.

Anonymous said...

I read the book "Battlefield Earth" and it wasn't too bad for Sci-fi. Really long, only other book I've read that's longer was "Atlas Shrugged". The movie sucked and stopped at the halfway point in the book. I haven't read anything else penned by L. Ron but did read a compilation of Sci-fi that were winners of an award that he funds for starting Sci-fi writers, that was better than his own writing.

As for Scientology I don't know anything about them other than that they own Clearwater.
Aren't they the ones that recognize homosexuality as a sickness and have a program to cure it?

Whatever they are it could be worse, I'm glad it's not Jesuits setting up a mission to promote liberation theology.

Anonymous said...

I find it really funny that people are taking such an "eh, well at least their not..." about a controversial religion but it was total armageddon and bloodletting when just the word Starbucks was dared mentioned in a blog.

AngelSil said...

anon 2:52 - They DO push their beliefs on other people. Rather vociferously.

Would you like a personality test? It's FREE! and guaranteed to tell you that you need thousands of dollars of 'training' from their organization.

Anonymous said...

my question is how are they setting up a commercial establishment in a property that is clearly residential?

Anonymous said...

kaitie i did not give you permission to speak!!! scientology is great!! END TRANSMISSION

Anonymous said...

Actually, the home is zoned commercial. Personally, I could care less what kind of business is in the home. However, I do care about the quality of life in my neighborhood. There is no way possible the can house a church/cult or any other business in this home and have ample parking. I noticed tonight they are parking on the vacant lot behind the home. I have a huge problem with that as well. First, city code states that they parking lot must be hard surface. This has not. It will be a matter of time before the lot is a dirt field and a huge eyesore. I hope the city will stop them before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

actually for a business to use a residential lot for parking there needs to be a SU2 (special use) zoning granted.

Anonymous said...

I think that it's valuable that we remain aware of the potential zoning/code violations, and make use of them if it becomes necessary to excise an unwanted element from our neighborhood.

Angelsil is right - if you want to be accosted by some truly weird folks, consent to the personality or stress test these cultists offer, but if you're smart, use a fake name and address, otherwise, you'll never be rid of them.

Anonymous said...

or Google "Xenu" that should answer any questions for people who say they know nothing about Scientology.

Anonymous said...

Here's some info: Scientology

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna censor like that you should set up a public yahoo group for off-blog discussion. I didn't see any cursing or threats in the deleted posts

David Scott Banghart said...

I might be reading the comment wrong, but I have not censored or deleted anything in this thread.

Anonymous said...

As a resident of North Street I wish all that choose to protect there neighborhood by making sure a building is being used for the correct purposes lots of luck. We have been doing it with a far less wealthy church being operated in a residential building for 3 years now.
If this is an issue to the surrounding residents than I suggest getting the code enforcement, zoning, parking and traffic departments all involved.
Be patient. The process is a long and painfully slow one, but the zoning requirements for a building to be used as a church are quite lengthy and extensive. Again good luck.

Anonymous said...

Scientology, Inc. is not a church, imho. it is a multi-levelmarketing scam that abuses people and the law. It's church policy to harass anyone who disagrees. You also don't get to know your own "religion's" cosmology until you've paid thousands of dollars to find out about the space opera story. Notice there are no social programs to help those less fortunate; in Scientology, it's all about 'making the able more able' - to make more money for the "church". The only programs they have are a literacy program that only uses L Ron Hubbard materials and a dictionary; and Narconon (NOT NarcAnon), which uses a non-peer-reviewed program of "detoxification" to "run out" all the drugs with Niacin and sweat baths and running. TR-L is one of the first training programs, it teaches you how to lie with a straight face. I was interested in doing a social impact assessment of Scientology on Clearwater, but when I asked hard questions, their lawyer sent my boss a letter trying to get me fired. I'm all about freedom of religion, but that stops when they start abusing people and the law. Their own adherents don't even know their money goes to harass people and stifle freedom of speech! Remember, this group had 11 members, including Hubbard's wife, INDICTED for infiltrating US government offices to replace negative information about Scientology with information that made them look good (Operation Snow White). It's a bait and switch. Try or whyaretheydead. Google on "Operation Tricycle" for their plan when they moved into Clearwater. This is not a harmless nut cult. I personally don't care about Xenu and the space aliens, but I do care about destroying families, sucking people dry and spitting them out, and conning well-meaning people out of their money and meaning.

Anonymous said...

re: the church on North St.

It is important to remember that has been a real, legal church for a very long time. Only recently did it lose its grandfather status and zoning to be a church. (When it's ample parking lot was sold for cheap housing development.)

Eventually, even the North st Chruch will be rightfully shut down. However, it's much easier to shut down a church in a building for which is was never zoned and has no history.

Anonymous said...

From what I hear they are cited already.

Anonymous said...

Yes 3 years ago is recent.... if you don't live on North Street.

Anonymous said...

Well two of them live on a nearby street (Suwanee ave) I told people they were the Advanced guard a year ago but no one listened.If you google their names they turn up on a Scientology website(anti) as movers and shakers,they seem like nice,intelligent folks,did a great job with their house (and have great parties) but they also seem very well... .Im thinking maybe Invasion of the Body Snatchers.