Sunday, June 04, 2006

Gas Prices

In these days of corporate price gouging knowledge is important for survival.
So where is the cheapest and most expensive gas in Seminole Heights. Please don't answer the Taco Bus and Frida's. ( I could not resist that easy joke).

The Texaco at Osborne and Nebraska tends to to more expensive.


Anonymous said...

There isn't any, I try to fill up when I cross the bay as it's at least 5 cents cheeper there

Anonymous said...

Maybe we could just convince all of those people that commute to New Tampa,etc., that they should move to the City, thus saving the environment for us all!

Anonymous said...

I bicycle to work at least a couple times a week. It's really nice to have a few days of the week go by then get in the car and see that the gas gauge has not moved. Try it. I can make to work faster on my bicycle than in my car. This city (Tampa) really needs to work on encouraging biking to work by giving us bike lanes like other big cities have done. There would be less cars on the road, thus less demand for gas, and people would be getting needed excercise.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that the BP at Central and Hillsborough tends to have the least-expensive gas most of the time; usually at least a nickel cheaper than their station at Nebraska and Sligh.

[On my commute to Brandon, the cheapest gas seems to be at the corner of 301 and Causeway, though many of the stations on Bloomingdale are close - and uniformly less expensive than anything in our neighborhood.]

Anonymous said...

if you ever stop to get gas there be aware that is the CASH ONLY price - kinda a bait and switch as it is not posted (the last time I stopped anyway. How many people today don't use a gas card, debit card or credit card to fill their tank? I don't carry that much cash on me at all times!

Anonymous said...

I don't agree that the current gas prices are the result of price gouging or corruption. The profit margins on gasoline sales (not crude oil sales) have remained roughly the same. Crude oil supply issues and government tarrifs on ethenol fuel additives have more to do with it.

We sometimes forget that countries other than ours use oil and that demand is more than just American's in SUV's.