Thursday, February 16, 2006

Illegal Dumpers at 12th and Idlewild

Yesterday, I received this email from Helen Harmon:

"This afternoon a dark grey or green, late model, Dodge pick up truck with a black trailer unloaded a large amount of yard waste and garbage in the driveway of 1201 E. Idlewild (at the corner of 12th and Idlewild). They dumped a number of tree stumps and branches along with a television set, steering column, and a chair. There was so much debris that it partially blocked the road.

These folks did not have permission to dump this material and probably hauled it away from somebody else’s yard. Please contact me if you can provide any additional information about this situation."


Anonymous said...

the city of tampa is the largest owner of abandoned lots in the city which is where 90 percent of illegal dumping occurs, so good luck getting them to help. i live in sulphur springs and we have been fighting with the city for years over this.

David Jenkins said...

I had a giant truckload of crap illegally dumped in the alley behind my house that filled up the entire alley and sat about 4 feet high. Ripped up plywood, tree debris - but mostly building supplies/leftovers. When I called the city they weren't even surprised. My neighbor got a quick look at the truck, but I don't think my description of "old beater black and blue f-150" was of much help.

Anonymous said...

i have given police vehicle descriptions and tag numbers with a list of witnesses- they dont care- tampa a corrupt filth ridden city- tell them you are a developer maybe then they will care.