Sunday, May 28, 2006

Race, Racism and Dialogue

We live in a racially mixed neighborhood, but how much dialogue is there? Racism is one of the pink elephants in the room we don't talk about. It is a touchy subject. Perhaps because some people refuse to have honest conversations. Their questions are simply attacks. Or because some people are hyper sensitive. Or because some people don't want to ask questions for fear of appearing racist instead of the fact they are ignorant.

I believe there are three flavors of racisms.
1. KKK type racisms
Overt and covert hatreds
2. Don't date my sister racisms
Tolerance, we can work together maybe drink a beer but that's as far as it goes.
3. Them racisms
Every is okay and hunk dory, but the speaker refers to "them" alot.

Confounding racial issues are issues of ethnicity, culture, class and socioeconomic status.

Often I hear the words the "Black Community" as if it is composed a group of people with just one culture. This is interesting because just look around you at the various black communities/cultures represented in our neighborhood. Ditto with hispanic. Ditto with white folks. Lower socioeconomic and middle class. Blue collar and professoinals. Various 1st generation African groupings. Various Caribbean Islands groups. Cubans. Urban blacks. Suburban blacks. Haitians. Various Chrisitian groups. Traditional Islamic. Black Muslims.

Similarly with Hispanics. West Tampan 3rd generation cubans vs marielitos, rural mexican indios versus mestizos, chilenos vs. dominicanos, island puerto ricans vs 2nd generation New Yorkers and etc.

When is it okay to want to be with people who share your similar values and customs versus being tolerant?

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