Sunday, February 04, 2007

What's Happened to the Blog has modified its software and I have had to move to the new version. There were a bunch of things that did not transfer and I had to add or modify. I am not finished fixing things. You will notice some new elements, such as categories. Part of this requires the blog contributors to sign in using a Google sign in. Things will be explained the next time you sign in to post something. People commenting have no changes,


IFly said...

Is the disappearance of the Contributors an artifact of the Blogge switch or did we lose a bunch of folks?

IFly said...

Nevermind, I reread the paragraph, those folks just haven't signed in under the new system I imagine.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the new blog sucks. It takes forever to post- if you are lucky enough to get to post. Most just ties up for 10 minutes then times out.