Thursday, February 01, 2007

Restaurant moves closer to reality

According the City Council records, Greg Smith's plans for a restaurant and bar at 6401 Nebraska Avenue is moving along. After more than a year of work, he finally was able to get approval from City Council to rezone the land for his restaurant. Where is 6401 N. Nebraska? Drive north from Hillsborough until you see Rick Fifer's photo. His billboard sign is at the location. What kind of restaurant? Maybe Randy knows.


YesterDazed said...

Oh boy is this good news!! I knew about it when Greg first attended an OSHNA meeting eons ago. There had not been any activity, so I thought it was a dead deal.

The plan is for a sports cool is that???

Yipee for us!!

Anonymous said...

In addition, Greg owns the residential lot at the rear and will build himself a home there and live on-property. He's a great guy.

I'll be similar to Hooters or other "wing" houses.

He has OSHNA's support.

Anonymous said...

"I'll" should be "It'll". I'm not turning into a Hooters wing house any time soon. Sorry for the false hopes.

IFly said...

Grand news indeed. I hope this is a decent sports bar/pub type place. Maybe next year there will be a good place in SH to watch the Super Bowl.