Saturday, July 01, 2006

Rugrats at the Library

So I go into the Seminole Heights Branch library, needing to look something up on the card catalog. Both card catalog computers were being used. Okay no problem, I will go to one of the two card catalog and information gateway computers. No can do. 2 rugrats are playing games on them. This library has 13 internet computers. all being used and these two kids are hogging the info gateway computers (subject to no time restrictions), that they are not supposed to playing games on.

The library needs to institute a new policy. Any game playing on an info gateway computer results in a 4 week ban from library use.


Anonymous said...

You could always just access the card catalog from your home computer and bypass all the hassle.

Rick said...

Get a life. Buy your own computer. Kids in a library. Wow what a unique idea. Maybe they might read a book or magazine. I guess that meant they were not getting into trouble!

Jeff the Woodman said...

Hello.....welcome to the 21 st cnetury....wireless card in your pc!!! Or you could have just given the kids $10 to purchase illegal fireworks. Look, more soapbox material for you. Oh, also, learn to proofread before you publish. Makes you look even more "dumber".

Jay McGee said...

No judgement or opinion on this, but did find this humorous :)

"welcome to the 21 st cnetury...."


"...learn to proofread before you publish. Makes you look even more "dumber"."