Thursday, June 09, 2005

Help- what's wrong with my blog?

Does anyone know what happened to my blog? Why is my sidebar pushed down? How can I fix it?

.......Later.......okay found the problem and fixed it.


wayne said...

So what exactly was the problem - and what was the solution? Inquiring minds need to know.

David Scott Banghart said...

Most of my sidebar was at the bottom of thep age. This was due to a link in the bathing suits article being very long, squeezing out the sdiebar. The answer was supplied to me by

"On occasion, one column (often the sidebar) will shift when the content contained within a side-menu or a post extends a column beyond its designated width. This behavior varies across browsers so the issue will not always occur when a visitor views your page. To resolve the problem we recommend reviewing the content in both columns to identify items that may be causing column expansion. In most cases, long links and wide images are the cause of the problem."

wayne said...

Cool! Inquiring minds are grateful!