Thursday, July 21, 2005

Alcohol in the Hood.

When should we allow businesses to sell alcohol in Seminole Heights area? Is there a consistent policy (for the lack of a better word) about this in the 3 neighborhoods? Is it the type of business? Is it okay for restaurants but not for gas stations? What about a free standing bar? Or a wine store? Or is location the primary issue? Or are there other factors?

Off the top of my head some of the places where this is has come up has been the Cibao grocery store on Florida and Knollwood, Valero Gas Station Hills/I-275 (Denied), Los Tucanes Mexican Restaurant at Hills and 12th-13th St. (Granted) among others.

Case in point.

The Valero gas station at 806 E. Hillsborough is seeking a reconsideration of its wet zoning request (to sell alcohol) that has been denied several times before. This issue will be in front of City Council on August 25, at 10:00 AM.

I just read an email on OSHLink with a neighbor's opinion about this request.

Once again our neighbor wants to add the sale of liquor to his business, when just last week as I was driving down the alley next to this business, I was startled by a group of homeless men setting up house in the bushes. And as many of you know the owner was running an illegal "big rig" mechanic shop which just ended last week -- just in time for the "wet zone" notice to come out. Now the station is neat and clear just like it was about a month before he went for the wet zoning last year...and the year before. In addition to not wanting another establishment to sell alcohol to go, within a 3 block area we have churches a school and a children's advocacy center.

and someone's initial response
The Valero station? I get gas there often, I've never seen anything scary there. They want to sell wine and beer? Most of the other convenience
stores do this, why is this a problem? This is an independently owned business, shouldn't he be free to compete with the corporate owned big guys?

This was before City Council on 1/20/05
Here area some of the comments:
.....>>PETE COWELL: Land Development Coordination.....The request is for 2(APS) in a CG zoning district. Petitioner is desirous of selling beer and wine as an incidental use to an existing service station.There is a mobile gas station with a 2(APS) located 220 feet away, RS-50 zoning is 100 feet away, and there are two institutional uses within 1,000 feet as well.Council would need to provide waivers for all three in order to grant the petition.....

......>>SCOTT GUFFEY: Tampa Police Department.....want to tell you also that I talked to the adjoining neighbors, hair performance salon, the owner thought the petitioner was a good neighbor and felt like they had done their part to clean up that area of the corner that they were located on. The department has no objections to the wet zoning....

.....>>JOHN DINGFELDER: Is there some history on this?
Was this before us last year?
>>PETE COWELL: Yes, sir.
It's come before you twice.
>>JOHN DINGFELDER: The same exact petition?
>>> Uh-huh.
>> And we denied it?
>>> Yes, sir.

......>>GWEN MILLER: Petitioner.
>>> I have been sworn in.
My husband and myself own the gas station at 806 east Hillsborough Avenue.
And we are looking for one-year condition on the wet zoning.
We met with the Seminole Heights homeowners association, and they have agreed to one-year condition on the terms that we do not have a pay phone outside, that we only have an ATM inside only, and that we keep the same hours of operation, on Sunday through Thursday, 6 to 10, and Friday and Saturday 6 to 11.
And we are just looking for one-year condition for the wet zoning........

>>>.....Bill Duval, .......
And I have been sworn.
I'm here representing the Old Seminole Heights neighborhood association, as you may have heard.
This petition has come before us twice before and in both cases we recommended denial.
We have changed our position.
First of all, the reason we denied it in the past was that we have a policy voted on by the membership that said no new APS zoning in Seminole Heights, not associated with restaurants, of course.
The reason for that is because approximately three reasons.
One is, the zoning stays with the property.
And so in spite of the current operator, we think long-term, we never know what the next owner is going to do with the property.
Second, there's really no way to -- no easy way to revoke wet zoning.
Mr. Michelini tells me there is.
Perhaps we'll retain him when the time comes but for now it's not easy to revoke wet zoning.
And third, we have a concern about the sale of cold, single beverages.
Our thinking is, if you buy a cold, single beverage, you get in your car and drive, are you going to drink there?
Are you going to be driving on the highway?
Or if you are walking through the neighborhood and you buy a cold, single, what are you going to do with it?
Well, transients are an issue in Seminole Heights.
And we try to do everything we can to discourage them hanging around.

But in this case, a one-year conditional seems to give us an option to revoke, because we can come back here at the end of the year.
Now why would we do that?
Well, the petitioner has had an opportunity to operate without the sale of beer for 18 months.
We have gotten to know the operation.
He and she have done an excellent job at cleaning up the property.
Officer Guffey can help me, but previous to their taking over the property, we had a number -- 150 calls of service in some period of time.
We have had zero since they have taken over.
They circulated their own petition.
(Bell sounds)
Wow, three minutes is fast.
>>GWEN MILLER: Yes, three minutes.
Wrap it up.
>>> Well, we support the one-year conditional..........

......>>ROSE FERLITA: Mr. Duval, could I ask you a -- could I follow up with a question, please?
I know Officer Guffey said there were some changes, and obviously I see them.
But my question is, on neighborhood watch association, Seminole Heights association as well as the Seminole Heights Baptist church and school.
The school feels it is too close to the neighborhood as there are too many wet zonings in the area.
I just wanted for clarification, you are not here to speak as a representative of Seminole Heights Baptist church?
>>> That's correct.
>> Have you had conversation with them?
>>> Not this time.
I have in the past.
>> Oh, yeah.
>>> But not this time.
>> So we don't know if they changed their position?
>>> Well, frankly, my -- well, I don't want to speak for them.
>> Okay......

.....>>KEVIN WHITE: Madam Chair, I don't know what the Old Seminole Heights association -- I see Mr. Duval's point here, that this petition has come before us twice before.
And I think the main thing I'm looking at which is the closest and most directly affected, this is at the entrance ramp of Hillsborough Avenue and the interstate and Old Seminole Heights Baptist church is directly across the street.
You can throw a rock straight across the street.
On the petitioner's behalf, I use your gas station.
You have some of the cheapest gas in town.
And I use it quite frequently.
And I'm serious.
But by the same token, there's alcohol directly on the other side of the interstate already at the Amoco on one end and Hillsborough and Nebraska there's alcohol there as well.
On the first time you came before us, the neighborhood association said there were vagrants, there's loitering, there's beer cans all up and down the street directly behind the adjacent property.
I am one that I would love to be able to support this particular petition.
But with the school being so close, the church being directly impacted across the street, and not only that, I don't feel comfortable, because I know the Seminole Heights civic association, they came out in the past to petitions as well to oppose this wet zoning.
And I don't know if Beverly Morrows had the opportunity to weigh in on this.
I haven't received a letter from her either.
But they have come out in each of the past petitions and I know the trend is not for any more wet zonings in the Seminole Heights area.
And because of these conditions, or the waivers of the condition of the institutional issues, institutions around the particular petition, I'm going to request for denial.
>>ROSE FERLITA: I'll support that.
>>GWEN MILLER: We have a motion and second for denial.
All in favor say Aye.
Opposed, Nay.
Petition is denied.
>>KEVIN WHITE: Mr. Cowell, I was unclear.
How often can a particular petition keep coming before council?
>>> Six months.
>> So it can be repetitive?
>>> Six months.......

It was before City Council on 3/18/04

.......>>PETE COWELL: Land Development Coordination.
The petitioner is NYA corporation.
The location is 806 east Hillsborough Avenue.
Petitioner is requesting a 2(APS) in a CG zoning district.
Petitioner is requesting to sell beer and wine as an incidental use at an existing service station.
Petitioner was before you a little over six months ago, WZ 03-125, was denied at that time.
There are other wet zoned properties within a thousand feet.
The mobile gas station at 902 east Hillsborough, residential property is within a thousand feet.
It's 100 feet to RS 50.
And there are institutional uses within the thousand feet.
Seminole Heights Baptist church and the Tampa Hillsborough County drug abuse center both within a thousand feet.
Council would need to provide waivers for all of those in order to grant the petition.....

.....>>> Joseph.
For the petitioner.
Mr. Yolkrum, the owner of the property, has put over $130,000 into this property to remodel it, to restructure, new signs, et cetera.
Mr. Yolkrum previously owned a business on Harrison in Clearwater.
And I have two recommendations from the police department in Clearwater, and the domestic violence center in Clearwater, indicated that he was a good neighbor and a good person to work with, kept a nice, clean operation.
As you can tell from the map that you were given, this property lies between Nebraska and I-275.
A very heavily traveled core odor......

......So I would say that this property is between Hillsborough -- or Nebraska and I-275.
And I will pass along these, both north and south.
Along with the survey that will show that the church is approximately 330 feet from the edge of the property of Mr. Yolkrum to the edge of the church's property.
As was indicated, there are two places, one on the north side of Hillsborough, one on the south side of Hillsborough that one is like 140 feat that's on the north side of Hillsborough from Mr. Yolkrum's place of business that also sell, of course, beer and wine.
I don't think that you'll find another -- an increase in traffic by one car, because somebody wants to come to Mr. Yolkrum's place and buy beer or wine.
So I don't think that it's really a problem.
Now, I know that the civic association has an objection.
And their pox is that there is going to be vagrants there.
Mr. Yolkrum in an attempt to keep the vagrants out has constructed a fence at the rear of his property, and it's -- it's partially up, to complete that fence but the idea is it's going to keep the vagrants from going around the rear of the property and sleeping behind his building.
Also you are going to have vagrants whether they come from 140 feet down and use beer and wine from the other station or not, or other convenience store or not, it's going to happen no matter what.
If Wendy's build next to McDonald and somebody walks into Wendy's and takes a wrapper and throws it on your lawn it can happen as well as McDonald.
I don't see an increase in vagrancy because of this business being there.
Nor I do see an increase in vandalism.
I know that Mr. Yolkrum has worked with the church.
He has allowed them to use the premises for car washes and things like that.
So he is very active, wants to be active in the community.
And based on his prior reputation, et cetera, I would think that he should be granted this application.
Now, there's been a lot of talk, because I have been here for quite awhile, and I'm listening to various conditions that could be placed on a business such as this.
In the spirit of cooperation, I know Mr. Yolkrum who was here would consent if you want to constrict the hours, and like Mr. Harrison suggested on the prior matter, for one year, see how it goes, we're not opposed to that.
It will be a good trial and error for everybody to see what happens with this particular property.
Like I said he's put a lot of money into it.
He's remodeled it a great deal.
And like I said before, I don't think the traffic is going to increase.
I don't think you are going to have an increase in vandalism.
And that you are going to have a nice piece of property.
I don't know if the church -- I heard somebody say that the church had any opposition.
I have been attempting to be in touch with the church and I have had no response from them.
Thank you......

....>>> Duval, ...representing the Old Seminole Heights neighborhood association.
And in the next two or three hours I would like to use excerpts because they were very eloquent.
We were here before on this.
It seemed like yesterday.
But we continue to not support new locations for alcohol in general.
You all know the history of Seminole Heights, what we are trying to do with businesses, what we are trying to do with the prostitution, what we are trying to do with people who walk our streets.
I won't take you through that.
I will say since the business has been open, they have performed beautifully.
They have done everything that they said they were going to do.
The property looks good.
And the gas is flowing and everything else that's going on.
I will remind you that that corner is Miami.
And Miami is in the historic district of Old Seminole Heights.
And the residents of that area are particularly concerned about what happens when people with open containers walk back into the neighborhood.
So we do oppose the saturation of this type of business.

And respectfully request that you deny the petition.
Finally, I want to invite everybody to our Seminole Heights Home Tour Palm Sunday.
Thank you......
.....>>> Thank you for continuing the process.
I'm Beverly Morrow, president of Southeast Seminole Heights civic association.
And I reside at 1106 East Ellicott street.
The church was not able to be here today, but they did adopt a resolution by all of their members.
It was supposed to have been faxed to you.
I don't know it has been.
But they do request that it be read into the record.
So this is the original.
>>GWEN MILLER: You may read it.
>>> City Council chambers regarding petition WZ 304-50 for wet zoning at 806 east Hillsborough Avenue, Tampa, Florida.
Honorable council members: At the regularly scheduled business meeting of Seminole Heights Baptist church, 801 east Hillsborough Avenue, on March 7th, 2004, the following resolution was unanimously passed representing our congregation of 385 voting members.
We also would like to call your attention that the location petition for wet zoning is less than 200 feet from the church.
The church has activities throughout the week involving between 100 and 150 children of all ages.
Resolved that the members of Seminole Heights Baptist church are unalterably opposed to the requested wet zoning of the business located at 806 east Hillsborough, Tampa, Florida, because we believe the law which currently prohibits wet zoning within 1,000 feet of a church or school should be upheld.
We believe this law was created in the best interest of our churches and schools and submit to the council that there is no reason it should be overridden in this matter.
That is signed: Sincerely, Greg Floyd, senior pastor.
>>GWEN MILLER: Give it to the clerk, please.
>>> I would just like to add that southeast Seminole Heights civic association opposes the granting of this petition for the sale of alcoholic beverages at 806 east Hillsborough Avenue.
This petitioner was heard approximately seven months ago regarding the same issue.
And the petition at that time was denied.
This location remains as stated in the resolution from the church less than 200 feet from the Seminole Heights Baptist church property.
We do have activities held several times each week as well as activities going on at Giddens park and at the Kathryn Malone center which are only five blocks away from this proposed property petitioning for this wet zoning.
The neighboring area is really saturated already with businesses that sell alcoholic beverages, both for consumption, on the premises as well as package goods.
So once again, the two sister organizations of greater Seminole Heights, Old Seminole Heights neighborhood association, and southeast Seminole Heights civic association, are joined by Seminole Heights Baptist church in opposition to the granting of this petition to sell any alcoholic beverages at this location.
(Bell sounds)
I don't know if you want to look at this map.
It shows you the proximity.
Here's your site.
Here's your church.
Here's your playground.
Do you want it?.......

..........>>> Good afternoon.
My name is Neil Yolkrum.
I bought this place about six months ago.
Myself, I have two children.
I am a married man.
I want to have a good corner gas station.
The homeowners association, a lot of drugs and prostitution going on in the neighborhood.
I do 100%.
I don't want to corrupt this neighborhood.
Because I need to get clear the neighborhood there.
So this problem there, I have been there open three month.
It's going to be nice, good, neighborhood location.
Just beer, nothing else.
If you want to put a condition, it's fine.
But people come and ask me.
I have petition.
They ask me, where is the beer?
I tell them, I'm working on it.
I don't need any comments, gas station, don't sell beer.
I want to do my best.
And just sell beer, nothing else.
Bay my bills.
Thank you.
>>CHAIRMAN SAUL-SENA: Anyone else care to speak on this?
Petitioner, rebuttal?
>>> One comment.
In rebuttal to what was said.
I understand that there are children and there's a playground in the back.
But if you look at the pictures that you have there, the traffic pattern, to get across Hillsborough Avenue, you would need a hummer to protect the children.
I don't see that as a problem, because of the traffic situation.
Again I don't think traffic will increase because of the situation.
And I don't think the children will be in any worse position if the license is granted.
Thank you........

.....>>KEVIN WHITE: Thank you.
Like the last petition that we did have, I do -- or unlike the last petition, I do live in this neighborhood.
I drive by the store every morning.
I see some of the improvements he's made.
He has painted the facility.
It not complete yet but he's done a lot of improvements to the neighborhood.
And he's also to be commended as of this morning, anyway.
He's ten cents cheaper per gallon than everyone else.
In the area.
But unfortunately that doesn't weigh well enough for me to allow any more alcohol in the neighborhood.
I think we do have enough.
We have the Citco store on Nebraska and Hillsborough.
We have the Amoco at Nebraska and central, which are directly related to each other.
And both of the neighborhoods southeast and the other Seminole Heights organization, made great strides and attempts to clean up the neighborhood, the surrounding neighborhoods against prostitution, the drug dealers, and they have made great strides in that area.
And I hate to see -- or add anything of detriment to the organization or the neighborhood that would set any of that back.
And I think we have enough in the neighborhood.
We said that seven months ago.
I don't think we brought any overwhelming evidence.

Yes, you are an entrance corridor going right onto the interstate.
No, I don't think it's going to bring any more traffic to the neighborhood.
But I don't think traffic is more after main concern as far as the institutional uses that are in the neighborhood.
And therefore I would respectfully request for denial.
>>ROSE FERLITA: Second with some comments.
Mr. White, obviously I wholeheartedly agree with you.
And this is a neighborhood that is doing better, doing great.
It's obviously not a neighborhood that's very closed minded.
As part of that neighborhood in terms of the business, we want new development, want new businesses, want them to thrive, want them to be compatible with the neighborhood.
And given again the same situation as we have had over and over again today, nothing to do with you, sir, nothing to do with your character, ethics, anything else.
I don't hardly know you except from the last time you came up to request pretty much the same petition.
But we have to look at the component and how it's going to complement the neighborhood.
We in southeast Seminole Heights and old Seminole Heights and south Seminole Heights have a proliferation of sites that already sell beer and wine under a 2(APS). That causes a very vivid potential as many of us see when we travel Nebraska and into the neighborhood corridors that much of that is conducive to buying and throwing their bottles et cetera on the wayside.
Certainly I feel that particular neighborhood is more than amply saturated with establishments that sell alcohol.
And so based on that, and the terms that Mr. White gave, I'm very sorry that we can't approve it.
But I certainly can't support it.
No, sir, I'm denying it along with him, sir.
>>JOHN DINGFELDER: I'm going to support the motion.
Just further say that waiving distance -- waiving the separation requirements would be contrary to public safety and welfare.
>>CHAIRMAN SAUL-SENA: There's been a motion and second for denial.
Any more discussion by council?
All those in favor say Aye.
Opposed, Nay.
The motion is denied.........

Finally the first request on 8/21/03

.........>>PETE COWELL: Land Development Coordination.
Petition WZ-03-125.
806 east Hillsborough Avenue for a 2(APS) for a CG district.
Petitioner is proposing to sell beer and wine as an existing use at a service station.
There are other wet zonings within a thousand feet.
A Mobile gas station, 220 feet away.
Various residential zoning to an RS 50 zoning district.
And there are institutional uses within 1,000 feet.
Baptist church, the county drug abuse center.
Council would need to make waivers to these distance requirements in order to grant the petition......

>> Good afternoon.
I'm here for the business.
We purchased this property a week ago, before purchasing the property, by attorney asked for a liquor license you have to buy the property.
The reason is, nice neighborhood, nice car wash, nice gas station.
Right now, this is years, this dump, nobody cared about.
That's why I want to do as much as I can.
I want to be -- I want to be good neighbors.
Also, I have a license -- my license, and don't want to be a problem to the city or neighbors.
Just give me a chance.
And I do my best.
Do any council members have questions of petitioner?
>>MARY ALVAREZ: What are your hours of operation?
>>> 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Except Sundays.
Sundays are to 8 p.m.
>>MARY ALVAREZ: I understand there were several calls for liquor law violations.
That was before you owned the property?
>>> I have a license here.
>> How long have you owned this property?
>>> One week.
Just bought it.
>> Would you consider a one-year conditional?
>>> No problem.
I know them.
We can work together.
I have no problem with the condition......

......(Bill Duval)......I'm here on behalf of the old Seminole Heights neighborhood association.
I'm their president.
We have discussed this matter quite a bit.
And we are opposed.
This location is at the entrance ramp northbound of I-275.
It is on Hillsborough Avenue.
It is for homeless people, and people that generally walk through the neighborhood.
But a lot of people don't know that Miami is in the historic district here.
People think it's only here.
It extends to this district.
I have spoken to a number of neighbors, residents that lived here.
Definitely opposed to it.
This location is also a gas station.
Almost across the street.
And it has had 347 calls of service.
We don't think what Seminole Heights is trying to do with their commercial areas, and we have been working for two years on what the work in progress could be called commercial overlay district, not once have we come up with the desire for a service station that serves package goods.
It just doesn't fit.
I understand this petitioner has no regard on this site.
This is not to say this petitioner is not going to be a good landlord or tenant.
I didn't quite catch all of what you had to say.
But we have 34 outlets for beer and wine within the old Seminole Heights neighborhood association.
There's plenty of opportunity.
And we feel that this is simply one more.
And we can only deal with one business at a time.
And so we understand that a lot of gas stations need to sell alcohol for a profit.
I'm not sure I understand that but we have heard that many, many times.
So it's not just this petitioner.
It's just this location at the base of the historic district.
And on the corridor that caters to homeless people who tend to buy one drink, put it in a brown bag, sit on our lawns, drink it, and then discard.
It's just not going to help improve Seminole Heights.

And we respectfully ask for your vote to oppose.
Thank you...............

...............Beverly Morrow, 1106 East Ellicott Street, and I live in Southeast Seminole Heights, basically here to support just what has been stated to you by old Seminole Heights resident Bill Duval.
One of their residents, Sandra Carr, she's in the process of doing a lot of data gathering on this issue about the saturation level that we see for packaged goods, as well as consumption on premises.
If I can briefly read a statement for her -- from her, rather.
This map that you are looking at now, I don't know that you can see the color, that the pink highlight is the applicant's location here.
And the yellow highlighted areas are the current APS locations that are within one half mile of the applicant.
The names she stated may not match the location, although I believe they are accurate.
The business may have changed.
I was not -- on June 03 list provided by the Tampa Police Department.
She says that she has displayed the APS or alcohol package sails locations and not the COP sales on premises.
She provided the COP and APS on north Florida and Hillsborough Avenue for later discussion.
On the map you can see that there are eight locations you can see.
Your additional four -- all within the area under a half mile but beyond the scope of this map.
Some that I would like for you to consider in your determination of whether or not to grant this petition.
Of the 12 that appear on the map, you can see that the circle K that I have dotted to the left has had 327 calls for service.
Most of that from '99 to 2003.
Nebraska mobile which is just a block away, 347 calls.
And touchdown number 4 across the street had 596 calls for service from the Tampa Police Department.
I am concerned that it is across the street from Seminole Heights Baptist church.
I am also concerned that it is in very close proximity to Giddens Park and the Kathryn Malone center, both of which have programs for children.
So we do have concern on several levels.
And just to share this with you.
(Bell sounds)
I know you can't see it all.
But that's 34 businesses with liquor licenses.
Some of it is for consumption on premises.
Some for package..........

.......I'm Brian McCartney, the education pastor at Seminole heights Baptist church, 801 east Hillsborough Avenue.
I stand before you to speak on behalf of our church congregation.
Seminole Heights has been part of this community since 1921.
And we want to be good neighbors.
We are welcoming and want to welcome Mr. Yildirim and open this gas station which has been closed for several years but we are in opposition to this request and we oppose this petition for three reasons: One, we have witnessed the defense stating effects of alcohol abuse on families and communities.
Two, our Seminole Heights community seems to have a gas station or convenience store at every major intersection that already sells beer and wine as preferenced to the previous person who spoke.
We just do not need another seller of beer and wine in this community.
Thirdly, our church facilities are located directly across the street from the gas station site.
Our understanding is that there has to be a 1,000-foot distance requirement for churches and schools and other public institutions.
And because we are less than 150 feet from there, we would really hope that you all would consider denying this request.
>>CHAIRMAN SAUL-SENA: Anyone else care to speak on this?
>> NEIL YILDIRIM: I would like to be more clear about the process.
Nobody cared about the property.
If someone isn't responsible there, then they will not be there, I 100% guarantee.
There is a church across the street.
You have to go to Nebraska, make a left, come to us.
If they make a left at Nebraska.
What I am looking for only one chance.
If you want to put conditions on, under the circumstances fine.
I will do my best to put together for the neighbors.

>>KEVIN WHITE: Mr. Yildiri,
I applaud your effort to revitalize an old gas station that's been closed for years and I honestly think the neighborhood needs that.
But we don't need another alcohol establishment in the Seminole Heights area.
Especially in the close proximity of the church, especially since we do have a homeless, drug addiction and prostitute problem in that area.
We don't need any other places to make it more accessible and convenient for people that are involved in these type activities.
And I don't think you can give 100% assurance to anyone that homeless people will not be in the area, because I don't think you are going to be there 24 hours a day taking care of them.

Like I said, I applaud your efforts.
And I just don't think that this neighborhood wants and/or needs beer or alcohol any more.
And we do have them in close proximity already, and another one is not conducive for the neighborhood.
And I would move for denial......
.........>>ROSE FERLITA:
I agree with what Mr. White is referring to.
Obviously this is not a neighborhood that is totally opposed to businesses coming in.
Even with alcohol consumption.
Just two weeks ago, the neighborhood welcomed the participation of a Mexican restaurant.
But the issue is that they have conversed long and hard about what they want to do with the Seminole Heights revitalization.
And as Mr. White referred to, this is not what they are looking for in terms of a business component partner.
The fact that we would have to issue a waiver, because he is so close to Seminole Heights Baptist church, is also of concern.
So although we are not limited the amount of businesses coming in, certainly this would not be conducive to enhancing what Seminole Heights want.
I certainly support the motion and appreciate the comments that were made.
>>CHAIRMAN SAUL-SENA: There's been a motion and second.

Any more comments on the motion?
[Motion Carried Unanimously]
The motion is denied.......


AngelSil said...

Just what we need. More places to buy 40oz in the hood.

*eye roll*

Anonymous said...

I was at the OSHNA board meeting where this petition was discussed the last time. Basically, there was concern that he might not be able to compete with other local gas stations and would close without alcohol sales. (There is little profit in retail gas these days.) The owner of the station got quite a few local signatures from nearby residents. OSHNA always gives more weight to the closest residents. If he was forced to shut down the site would be vacant again and likely remain that way for quite some time. All the vagrants and other issues would return.

So it was decided, with much discussion and dissention, that a 1-year conditional would be acceptable.

However, it was also understood that the church could easily veto it by simply comming out against.

Bungalowlady said...

There is no consistent policy about wet-zoning in Seminole Heights - any of Seminole Heights. Opposing a wet zoning because there is already so much booze floating around was criticized by the City Council aobut 5 years ago. Maybe we, as residents of Seminole Heights, should get together a put together a united and consistent policy. Who wants to head the 3-area committee?