Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Treasure Hunting In Your Attic

One of my neighbors sent out the following email:

Today, I was doing work in the attic and found a treasure collection of antique bottles. I brought them down, cleaned them and googled them. They are worth quite a bit of money, I have a mason jar with a zinc and porcelain lid dated November 30, 1858. I have a 1920's vinegar bottle worth $40.

Inside 2 of the mason jars were one quarter each. Dated 1917. I went on line and they were selling for over $1000. One had recently sold for $3700. Unfortuately, the quarters are not in mint condition.

Moral of the story, clean your attics

I related my treasure hunt story in a prior post. Anyone else had any good finds?


Anonymous said...

I read your blog with interest as I was digging in my yard today - close to the fence (I was uprooting one plant not doing so well to re plant in a proper place) and dug up the same 30 count Phenolax Wafers from Upjon Bottle - again like yours, right by the fence. Did you find out any information as to this bottle and why they are planted or thrown by the fence lines?

David Scott Banghart said...

Unfortunately, I have not.