Sunday, April 30, 2006

Shells Feed

I was bemoaning to Susan about having to drive to I-275 and Dale Mabry to get some pet supplies for our new dog Ella. She remembered that Shells Feed and Garden Supply (9513 N Nebraska Ave) has dog supplies. So off we go. Over the years we have occasionally gone to Shells Feed, sometimes for horse supplies and sometimes for other reasons.

It is a great place, full of character and good prices. We were looking for a collar, cotton leash and a dog toy and found exactly what we needed there. I love wandering around the place, because they have all sorts of neat stuff. Food for any kind of animal. Hay and straw. Strange looking gizmos. It has a good smell, making you think you are in a country barn.

One little oddity. Across the street are some cheap apartments. As long as I have been going to Shells Feed (18 years or so) the corner ground floor apartment has had its windows and sliding glass door lined with aluminum foil.


Anonymous said...

Well, aluminim foil must be easier to use than that window film I picked up at Home Depot and am attempting to put on my windows that face east. That stuff is impossible to use!!

Anonymous said...

Home Depot sells alien abduction prevention film?!

Anonymous said...

Its not to prevent alienabductions silly! Its so the goverment can't read your mind...

Anonymous said...

4:55 anonymous, this is 11:04 anonymous. You still believe that old chestnut? You must check out That myth was debunked over a year ago.