Sunday, April 30, 2006

Day of the Locusts

We and our neighbors are experiencing a invation of grasshoppers. A week or so a go we had thousands of tiny little ones. Now there are growing up. Our neighbors said they were out there with a shovel banging away at them. I used chemicals and it seemd to help. Those remaining are big enough that I use hedge clippers.


Anonymous said...

They are harmless, no need to kill them. Actually, they are beneficial to the landscape. They eat "bad" bugs.

Anonymous said...

Baloney, they eat our plants.

Anonymous said...

I second that. These black and yellow insects strip large amounts of folliage off our plants. I can live with a little loss for the betterment of my karma, but these beasts take whole shrubs to the ground.

I kill them without using chemicals so as to leave the good bugs alone. (aka: clippers)

Anonymous said...

I just give them a good old fashion stoppin'.