Sunday, November 06, 2005

Thomas Scott

Well, I have heard that County Commissioner Thomas Scott is running for the Citywide City Council seat to see how he does with the crossover white vote, as a prelude for running for Mayor when Pam moves on to bigger things. Mr. Scott, based on your Ronda Storms bootlicking on the gay pride issue, the irony is that the only white people in the city who would vote for you would be bigots in the mode of Ronda Storms. Don't try to find a vote in Seminole Heights, a bastion of diversity.


Anonymous said...

Isn't he running against Shawn Harrison for that citywide seat? Should be an interesting election...

Anonymous said...

"Seminole Heights, a bastion of diversity."

Can you say "Steven Lorenzo"?
He seemed pretty diverse

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if that was meant to be anti-gay or just anti-seminole-heights, but please don't tar the entire area and its people with one person's criminal behavior.

Anonymous said...

When the blogger says "diversity" he means "gay" right?
cause if "diversity" was what was really being championed here we'd be talking up the need for white power skinheads and fundie xtian home schoolers to round things out.
Also I've noticed an influx of latin families that are of pentacostal denomination. Do you think they'd be happy to know of the "diversity" being encouraged if they were to be informed?

Anonymous said...

No, Anonymous, I don't think Scott means "diversity" as only gay. I think he means it even broader than just "white/black/hispanic". Quite frankly, I think the area is one of the most diverse in all of Tampa. Not only in that it is a favorite home to the local gay and lesbian community, but also because it attracts professionals, artists, craft-workers, service workers, Christians, Pagans, Athiests, conservatives, liberals, young couples, elderly couples, dog lovers, cat lovers, and even bigots.

What makes it work is that the vast majority of the residents are able to live side-by-side and show common courtesy to each other and respect the other's choices in life.

The Pentacostal families are just as welcome in my home as any others. We will certainly disagree on the nature and value of homosexuality in the community and the role of religion in war and strife. The cool thing is, we don't need to talk about those things and can focus on what we have in common, which for starters is this great neighborhood.