Yet another reason to vote for Joe
Any man who takes such a strong stance against the scourges of junk food and obesity is a friend of mine.
Also, take a look at the teaser for a new documentary entitled "The Joe Redner Story"
This was the original Seminole Heights blog with commentary about life in and around the urban neighborhood of Seminole Heights in Tampa, Florida. Musings about other topics as my mood permits. The blog is essentially inactive since I moved to Lutz. Go to The Official Unofficial Seminole Heights Blog - for active content.
Any man who takes such a strong stance against the scourges of junk food and obesity is a friend of mine.
Also, take a look at the teaser for a new documentary entitled "The Joe Redner Story"
Posted by
Kelly Benjamin
3/09/2007 09:38:00 AM
I hope Joe will win. I believe that Joe will help the balance of power that has been been taking advantage by people such as Shaun Harrison, Tom Scott, Gwen Miller, Ronda Storms, Jim Norman, Ken Hagan, and Charles Miranda. If our city is to ever move forward as far as progress goes then we need someone that can challenge others. Joe is that person and that is why we need to go to polls on March 27th and vote for Joe.
Again, this is a message for the school board, which is not controlled by the City Council. Seminole Heights just elected April Griffith to the School Board. Has Joe Redner contacted her with his concerns? He might be surprised to find out that others feel the same way and are already working in that direction.
At best, Joe Redner will serve one term and run for the County Commission where "Growth should pay for itself" might make sense. Maybe someone should tell him that the city's impact fees and requirements set a much higher bar than those of the county. Would Joe propose making it tougher so that the county will once again profit at the expense of the city?
At a time when the city is seeking to develop its downtown (an urban population uses less water and electricity), what exactly does Joe's message mean?
First of all, it's April Griffin, not Griffith. And I imagine that you can call Joe's cable access show and ask him that question yourself.
You know what I absolutely adore? Persons who over-rate their own importance in the world. Usually doing it under the camouflage of “caring for everyone involved” or better yet “I know what the truth is so yield to my pearls”.
Which brings me to Jeff’s little one-sided I’m right your wrong rant on Joe. I get the tingly feeling of impending mirth every time he posts about his glib view of the upcoming run-off among other things. Now given that I recently met this fella, I realize that arguing with Jeff is like arguing with a pig…you get nowhere and you annoy the pig. Ah but what the hell, it’s Sunday and I’m feeling frisky.
Everytime he tries to inspire the faithful on current city/county politics, my stomach turns as I begin to think is this really a voice from the neighborhood let alone our board that touts himself a liberal. Personally it feels more like a conservative in liberal wannabe drag. In reality, only 2 weeks ago he was on the “Do Nothing Miller” bandwagon…playing one of the loudest horns in attempts to help get her off the council…now he’s her !@#*$% cheerleader…come on!
It time to get back to the roots of what we really need from our government…not the vague rantings of some schlepp who probably hopes to run for council himself in about 4 years because he “knows what’s best for all of us.” So having said that and given our two choices, I think the voters really need to look and drill down on these candidates to find who’s heart and passion will help bring about needed changes within our city and our neighborhood. Take a look at their websites, read archived/current news articles and if you feel inclined do what I did and give each a call and invite them to come talk to you. Ironically, prior to speaking with either I supported Gwen but after lengthy conversations I must admit that I think old Joe’s got my vote.
In my conversation with Joe (and of course checking on the information shared), I found Joe to be passionate and with direction on improving our mass transit system (Hartline), collaboration between city and county governments (I would like to see us as one but that’s just my opinion), improvement of the city events process to ensure continued activities that benefit all neighborhoods, parks, etc…(he feels that past government put so much red tape to the city event process that it has been a nightmare) and strong conviction on our environment. There was much more to the conversation but you get the idea. This is not a guy who wants to be on council to put a topless bar on every corner…this is a guy who like everyone else who has ran for city council in the past is just simply fed up and believes that he can drive change.
So good luck Gwen and good luck Joe! The rest of you probably should check back as I’m sure that Jeff will have his knickers in a twist over this one…
Well, Ratsass, in 4 years if Jeff runs for office, I hope you do give us a clear alternative, and a better choice IMO.
Thanks for weighing in with rational and factual discourse.
You, and Joe, have my vote!
I will vote for Joe if he will do something with code.
Can someone correct me if I am incorrect, but paying for growth is still a city issue. Drive down South Howard and see how growth is affecting the quality of life. Our current city leaders (meaning city council) have approved any project by any developer that has had the courage to come before them. Now, the south howard area experience record flooding, has traffic so bad, you can't move, has insufficient parking, is pack so tight one would think another project can't be added, yet it does. However, it is you and I that are footing the bill for storm water improvements instead of these developers. Now, the same thing is happening south of Gandy, South of Kennedy north of the crosstown. Our city council leaders have voted so recklessly to approve everything, yet do not hold developers responsible for "building for the future" These projects have permenant effects on our neighborhoods. You can't hardly make it through south Tampa streets on a weekend as cars are lining both sides of the streets. At least with Joe, we can hope, he will be more responsible than Gwen. Hopefully, he will stand up to the corrupt leaders that are funded by south Tampa developers.
Our current leaders have had 4 years to help neighborhoods with code, yet have done nothing. How many time have SH leaders spoken to Council pleading for help with code, yet they have done nothing. If Tampa wants to be the next great city, we must clean up our thouroughfares, our neighborhoods, we must clean our parks before building more, We must rid downtown of our boarded up buildings, insist that commercial corridors clean up, are handicap accessible, etc. None of these are currently happening. Our city leaders are elected to lead our city to protect our families, and create laws/codes for a better, safer quality of life. This has been done to a minimum. Hopefully, this past election has shown our leaders that anyone can be beat, and their performance, or lack thereof, will be judged by voter.
Wow, the teaser is really good. I have been on the fence, but I am ready for a shake up. Voting for Joe Here!
Hey, Ratsass, you're real brave hiding behind an anonymous name and then posting in support of yourself. You know if you do run for office, you won't be able to take pot shots like a cheap punk.
So sayeth anonymous himself.
RatsAssss says:
"...I think the voters really need to look and drill down on these candidates to find who’s heart and passion will help bring about needed changes within our city and our neighborhood."
There are two key phrases here "heart and passion" and "needed changes". (For the moment, I'll avoid the irony of him saying that given he denegrates Jeff for thinking he knows what people "need.")
Joe Redner: "heart and passion" ? yeah, he appears to display passion. "heart" I dunno... but passion? Sure. (vendetta passion? Or just because Joe knows the truth and is passionately trying get everyong to "yiedl to [his] pearls?" ) You decide. But passion he has.
Joe Redner: "needed change" ? Well, certainly he is a change. The question is, what sort of change? His debate tactics show him weak on the issues--lots of opinion, lots of "pearls" but no real grasp of the issues.
There were several good candidates on that ballot and Tampa voted for two of the worst. So we have a worse or worser situation here. "Do nothing" Miller who, while mildly homophobic, can be counted on to do no harm, at least, and "Send a message" Redner, who positions himself as a spanking to a misbehaving council. Don't vote for him because of what he can do _for_ you, his campaign says, vote for him because you want to send a message to the city council about you trust them so little, value them so little, and have no respect for the body as a whole, that you're willing to put a known schmuck in their midst--a thumb in their eye.
Flooding happens because, in part, Shawn Harrison voted against that measure. He wasn't re-elected. Mary Mulhern will have her chance. If development is shunned because of a lack of parking, we'll find our urban neighborhoods either a) redesigned to look like the suburbs, or they'll not develop. Imagine Florida and Nebraska Avenues staying the same for the next decade, or building after building plowed down to make room for cars. The city won't buy lots for parking. The developers won't buy extra buildings at premium prices to tear down for parking. So we're left with what? No development.
Redner has no solutions to these ills. Redner is telling you "I'm such a huge jerk that electing me will be a gotcha!" A vote for Redner is a cynic's vote and a step backwards.
Anon 11:38... was that sarcasm? I sure hope so.
Regardless of what you think of Jeff, RatsAsss chose to attack Jeff and not his ideas. That's a schoolyard bully tactic and not appropriate behavior for a civic leader. You'd vote for that?
Oh. Right. Joe Redner. Duh.
8:51, there's a third option you're missing. Channelside and Ybor City are redeveloping with multi-story condos and townhomes, and they're within mass-transit distance of downtown. Tampa could always redevelop in a way that makes owning a car much less of a necessity than it is now.
I, for one, would love being able to bike more places in Tampa without taking my life in my hands because of the danger from frustrated, angry, careless drivers. And I would love to be able to not pay up to $3/gallon for gas, plus car in$$$$urance, plus upkeep, plus car payments. So it's no skin off my nose if we don't have more sprawl or parking lots along Florida or Nebraska.
5:45, you made some very good points. My mother in-law is handicapped and the city of Tampa almost makes it impossible for her to get around. We tried eating at Martha's, however, was not able to get across the parking lot. When I called the city to complain, I was told the building was grandfathered in. However, Marthas is only a year old. Is this a new law? You drive up and down Nebraska and Florida and notice the gravel parking lot. Have you ever tired to manuveur a wheelchair across dirt or gravel. It is nearly impossible.
Our city leaders do not care about the future of Tampa, cleaning up the city, etc. Take a look at how many building permits are approved that allow businesses to face residential streets while the back or sides face the major thoroughfares. This city is so backwards it is amazing.
Why hasn't our city goneafter FDOT to have them clean 275? Living just a few houses off the innerstate, I am appauled at how the service road looks, at how the underpasses look. Yet, it has been this way for years. When was the last time the side of 275 was mowed? How often do they mow? Did you know that the state has contracted a private company to handle this, yet when you speak to FDOT, they have no clue of what to expect from the contractor? I find this very irresponsible. I drive 275 every day to work and there have been car parts in the center emergency lane for months. How many city employees drive the same drive, yet the parts remain. I counted 5 bumpers from Westshore to Downtown. Do our own city leaders and employees have no pride in the city that is paying their salary?
Mr. Curtis Lane Lives in New Tampa. Every day, he must drive 275 to downtown. From Bearss to Downtown, you can count a minimum 50 code violations visible from the interstate, yet, these properties have been the same for as long as I can remember. WHAT DOES HE DO? How many of you have taken the short cut to Home Depot and turned up Branch, north of Waters? There is an hideous house that has had a garage sale for at least 15 years. One day I called to find out if code was doing anything. I was told that the department just put them in the "diversion program" Now, 5 years later, they are still having the same garage sale. What does the diversion program do, diverts them from ever having to comply or be held accountable?
Martha's building is granfathered in becuase the zoning has not changed or the use within that zoning has not changed. If they were to change the zoning (downzone) or add on to the building then it would be required to come up to current (inadequate) zoning/code compliance. But as is a "CI" zoning pretty much allows any use except residential to happen there - reference the crematorium on Fla in Tp Hts issue - now Ybor Hts issue - 2 of them.
I'd vote for Ratsass if possible, The Rat Speaks Volumes.
I am voting for Joe though.
We all voted for Joe in this house hold. I have to agree with Ratsasss (great name by the way)- he isn't about putting a nude bar on every corner; although I'd rather see that than a pawn shop!lol
On top for voting for Joe, I DIDN"T vote for Randy.
Anon 10:51 says "So it's no skin off my nose if we don't have more sprawl or parking lots along Florida or Nebraska."
Just a nit pic... You cannot have "more sprawl" in an urban environment. "Sprawl" is what you get when developers build more suburbs further and further out (Brandon and beyond...)
Redevelopment of our commercial corridors (and hopefully a down-zoning from Commercial Intensive to Commercial General) will be good for everyone, especially those of us that prefer to walk to businesses.
and that was your choice - don't get stupid.
Randy attempted to make a difference which is more than can be said for 98% of the neighborhood.
You know what... the level of discourse on this blog has gotten worse and worse. The temptation to be rude is just too strong. Attacking people is seen as "cool" while attacking ideas is seen as being a "know it all".
Now we're just down to calling each other names.
Even having downgraded my participation to just "anonymous" (I used an account prior) hasn't made this blog worth my time.
Y'all need to outgrow the schoolyard, take a chill-pill, or something. You're just plain mean.
I'll agree with the erosion of manners, but I don't believe that anyone but the posters themselves think that the attacks are "cool." There's no accountability for their words, which seems to be very empowering for negative types. Combine that with one of the "taboo" subjects for polite conversation, like politics, and it becomes a volatile mix indeed. Unfortunately, it's been an age-old problem with Internet discussion, so not likely to change any time soon.
Just came across this:
Sticks Of Fire
It seems that there's going to be an Internet broadcast Candidate Forum today. Joe Redner and Gwen Miller will face-off live at 3PM and the event will be archived for viewing if you miss the live time. See the above Sticks link for details.
Better that we arm ourselves with facts rather than supposition and conjecture.
On one hand you have a person who knows nothing and does less...but she is probably a pretty "good" person..Gwendolyn Gwen.
On the other hand you have someone who, whether you agree with him or not, does provoke thought. He is a scrappy dude and loves to get in there and stir things up. He is, however, pretty much a low life. If you know anything about him you know he has few morals. Joe Redner
I find it amazing that this is what we must choose from, considering the caliber of candidates we originally had to choose from.
A do nothing and a porn king! Don't you just love Tampa? Starting to sound more like the old New Orleans every day!
Hell, we are starting to look more like New Orleans every day. Wow, where the heck does this litter come from, why doesn't the mayor do something. This entire city looks third world. People have absolutely no respect for their city or their neighbors. What pigs. Just like New Orleans.
if everyone swept thier own doorstep the city would soon be clean...
I'd settle for everyone in the Publix parking lot using the trash can unstead of just throwing it out their windows.
Here is the direct link for the District 1 Candidate Forum from yesterday, 13 March.
I found it to be very informative.
For the love of ....
Redner has the nerve to say he is running to improve the quality of life in Tampa? Ask the people around the adult businesses in this town about their quality of life.
And you heard him. He wants to stop development. Of course, Joe already has his developments.
Joe is ignorant. The city of Tampa has already tried using the Nuisance Abatement code to take businesses and they got burned in court and had to pay. And when the city wanted nuisances, ie, strip clubs, removed from Ybor, to preserve the area and at the support of the majority of citizens, what did Joe do? He SUED TAMPA.
In the beginning, Joe rails against developers and then says we have to trust developers. He's senile.
You can tell Ybor is a sore spot. He tries to hide behind artists. I'm surprised he didn't say he was gay.
You didn't hear?
He DID say he was gay.
OMG, you have got to watch the debate. First, you will feel extremly sorry for Gwen. While I do agree that she is a very nice person, she can't speak proper english, has not substance.
On the other hand, Joe seems very informed, while not the best speaker. I was very impressed with Joe. Most of his views are right on the money.
After watching the online debate, there is no way you can NOT vote for Joe Redner. He is brilliant compared to the opponent. YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO. Gwen is way out of her element. I am embarassed that she has represented Tampa for 12 years. How could we have kept sending her back. To make it worse, she is a retired teacher. I guess that what they mean with "God bless the child"
11:02, that was my impression too. She looked for all the world like she was out of her depth and was trying to get by on sound bites and tag lines.
And in a 12-year career, she should have had more to brag about than Babe Zaharias and a flip-flop on property taxes (which IMHO has just doomed her re-election bid).
The most telling moment? When asked to talk about their opponent's greatest strength and greatest weakness, Gwen said that she didn't know much about Redner's qualities and that she was her own best opponent. It was just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Tell her In-cen-a-tives is not a word.
Ms. Miller made a Big Mistake in debating Redner. Showed what she really is like which is exactly how she is during council meetings. No substance at all, just a blob taking up space and you can't even understand half of what comes out of her mouth. It is time for Miller to move on, way overdue.
For anyone who knows the issues, neither of these candidates knows what they are talking about.
Anyone who says that Redner knows the issues, doesn't know them themselves. He talks a good game but he's just parroting what sounds good.
His solution to everything? Mandate. No more development? Mandate it. What about development of affordable housing? Mandate it. Mass Transit? Mandate it.
This type of thinking has led to huge developments in the county where people use more water, more electricity, require more roads. This city doubles in size every day from commuter traffic.
With 650K in the county and another 300K in surrounding areas, when it comes down to voting, will Tampa and it's 350K 20% turnout at elections be able to keep resources and spending from the commuters? Not on your life.
At least Gwen doesn't pretend to be smart. Redner is the worst because he's an idiot who thinks he isn't. On top of that, he's promising to give free table dances if you vote for him.
Speaking of getting facts straight. For the record, the offer he made was admission to his club, not free table dances, and all that's required is the "I Voted" sticker, no matter for whom you voted. There's no need to twist the facts, they speak well enough for themselves.
Everyone: VOTE JOE REDNER !!
He maynot be the best choice in the entire city but he is THE BEST CHOICE against Career-Pol-Do-Nothing-Miller.
Finally got around to watching the Tampa gold debate.
If Gwen Miller is a teacher with the speaking ability that she has, teaching minority inner city youth, then it explains a lot. None of her students if they emulate her will ever be accused of ‘Talking White'
1:09, what's the alternative? If you depend on "the market" to (for example) guide development or stop it from overwhelming our water and roads, people won't stop moving in and building out until it's no more desirable to live here than in Newark or LA.
Sometimes you have to say "no".
Joe has my vote. I am tired of our country accepting ebonic speaking, uneducated individuals, be it black, white, red, or purple. To have this as a city leader, a role model is absoluetly amazing. I would be horrified to go to my childrens school to meet their teacher, and this is how she spoke. How did this woman get through life!
Worst of all are the ebonic speaking white folks.
Isn't Gwen Miller like almost 70 yrs of age? I never noticed the Ebonics-like speaking until around the 80's. Was she teaching in our schools at that time? Maybe she picked it up from her students. Either way, I can't figure out most of what she mutters anyway to know if it is Ebonics or not. Sounds like she has a mouth full of marbles making it difficult to understand if she has anything credible to say.
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