Dis and Dat Done gone
The Dis and Dat building (2 story brick building at Nebraska and Ida) is changing ownership and so Kenny is moving his shop. There is a pile of stuff is building behind his shop that is free for the taking.
This was the original Seminole Heights blog with commentary about life in and around the urban neighborhood of Seminole Heights in Tampa, Florida. Musings about other topics as my mood permits. The blog is essentially inactive since I moved to Lutz. Go to The Official Unofficial Seminole Heights Blog - www.seminoleheightsblog.com for active content.
The Dis and Dat building (2 story brick building at Nebraska and Ida) is changing ownership and so Kenny is moving his shop. There is a pile of stuff is building behind his shop that is free for the taking.
Posted by
David Scott Banghart
10/11/2006 01:16:00 PM
doh darn!
and one of my favorite places to shop!!!
The building is absolutley beautiful. Let's watch this building to make sure they do not tear it down and it gets the proper restoration.
Not familiar with the gentleman's shop.Where is it located and what is the stuff about free in back,
any housing stuff?
How does one contact you about the building?
I liked that shop. This is becoming the most depressing blog. Beatings, hookers, drug dealers, and child molesters. OMG. When I bought a place here a few years ago, I expected to see the up and up. Starbucks? Great. Cappi's? Great. But how about Nebraska? No wonder our host is moving to Lutz. I may soon follow.
The shop might have been fine, but the old trash,and furniture they continually left on the side by the road was not.
This is a neighborhood in transition and if you don't have the stomach for what it takes to live here, probably the suburbs is your best bet! It is work to live here, but the good things that happen as a result of the work are worth more than any day in a boring world where the most interesting thing that happens is a street light out or a barking dog!
I Fly
Painting - mowing??? That would mean you maintained the building - unless that happened today I think your defination of building maintanance requires a visit from code but since you are located in SESH you'll get a pass on that - lucky you!
sorry - that was flyer anon not I Fly.
My mistake.
"This is a neighborhood in transition and if you don't have the stomach for what it takes to live here, probably the suburbs is your best bet! It is work to live here, but the good things that happen as a result of the work are worth more than any day in a boring world where the most interesting thing that happens is a street light out or a barking dog!"
It's a long transition. You could also sell your SH place, take the money made on that and use it as a down payment on a new downtown Tampa or South of Gandy condo. That's not the burbs. Plus no hookers, dealers or scientologists:)
Drive by the building and have a long look for cracks in the brick... big, honking WIDE ones. I keep thinking it has potential but wondering what it costs to repair damage that extensive.
I think that Shrek's wife should tear down her house so that she can get decent home owner's insurance. K.C. and the Sunshine Band!!!
This building is beautiful. However, it has been owned by a slum lord that is not doing a dang thing to maintain it. He rents to people that can't afford a real business location, so it is alway a "make shift" business. I hope someone with money and talent buys it fixes it up and brings a valuable business to the neighborhood.
shreks wife, dont be so touchy. you seem a little uptight. ive head that about you. people say you bitch and complain to much and youre too sensitive if someone says anything that doesnt agree with your point of view. guess thats true.
Shrekswife you go girl. This little pissant has an obsession with saying stupid shit to get everybody riled, cause him mama didn't pay enough attention to him when he was a little boy. You almost have to feel sorry for him.... except he's a pissant
Shrekswife: The KC comment was meant as a joke to put a smile on your face, as in, hahahahahahah!!! No-one is voting for KC and no-one is really making any serious statement about you actually tearing your house down.
annon 8:32am....stop using my "you go girl" statement. its mine and i want it back.
Oprah, LOL, can't you take some of your billions and buy another one?
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