Friday, May 19, 2006

Mobile boom boxes

This just in from the SE Sem Hts email. As I am reading it, down the street comes one of the loud boom box cars.

"In response to an article in the SPT a few weeks ago about how code and TPD "cracked down" on the neighborhood just north of Busch Blvd. for a few days with the theory that if you "get " some of the guys doing little things, it leads to uncovering some bigger stuff, I would like to volunteer my driveway on Chelsea as a place that TPD could sit and wait for some of the "little guys" that drive by with their car stereos on so loud they could wake the dead (or the sleeping, in my case). I'll bet some of the bigger fish in the bad guy dept. could be flushed out that way. Nice people don't have that little consideration for others. I'll even serve doughnuts (or is that a cop-stereotype?)"

Great idea. Often times you will see the police, laying in wait on Nebraska in marked vehicles, radar gunning speeders. Occasionally you will read about some cops who dressers up as homeless people, road workers and etc to catch speeders.

Why not do the same with a noise meter? Go to that driveway on Chelsea and other random locations and catch these noise makers.


Anonymous said...

I would be happy if they would just get tougher on the businesses and residences that are repeat noise violators. While annoying at least the boom cars are a fleeting disturbance. Additonally I'd volunteer my driveway for a speed trap any day.

Anonymous said...

maybe next this blog can become a recruiting point for the minutemen...we can shoot some immigrants and catch some kids listening to music!!!! things are getting less and less tolerant here

Anonymous said...

its a conspiracy i tell ya, get your tin-foil hats ready

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @12:05 would you mind offering up your definition of tolerance? While, for the sake of discussion, I might concede there may be a purely academic arguement against code dictating what a person does with their private property, noise is different issue altogether. When your actions create a disturbance in my domicile with windows closed, air conditioner on, television or radio on, I think that is well above any reasonable tolerance. But again, it's funny how these folks(although it's probably the same anonymous poster throughout) automatically play the race card to sow dissention. What all of these actions indicate is a lack of respect for their fellow human beings, and it crosses all boundaries of race, religion, and economic status. There is such a sense of entitlement that permeates todays society, and you see it with the 3-4 cars that run the red light because they might be two minutes later, or the code violators that feel they have the right to do whatever they damn well please regardless of how it impacts their neighbor, or the idiots that talk on their cellphones in movies, or my favorite, the person who cuts you off in traffic so close you honk the horn to warn them, and they give the finger and yell out the window at you, they were in the wrong, yet they attack the innocent, the list goes on and on. Shifting gears, maybe we as a society have been just a little too tolerant, a little too politically correct, for too long, maybe there should be some limits, and maybe people should just have a bit of shame for their actions. OK ranting over.

Anonymous said...

Good. Now take a Ritalin.

Anonymous said...

Only if you get some new material

Anonymous said...

I think the drug you're talking about would be Xanax. Ritalin is for attention deficit.

Anonymous said...

things are getting less and less tolerant here

Since when do we have to become tolerant to being woke up in the middle of the night from inconsiderate bastards bassing from their car.

*) Playing loud bass from your car down residential streets is inconsiderate.
*) Playing loud bass from your car does not make you cool. Infact, it went out of style in the mid to late 90's. I dont care if you are white, pink, or purple, you are in idiot if you think it makes you look like a baller shot caller.

Anonymous said...

Hummm, loud music. Not an issue with music in cars fleeting by in the neighborhood,,,,,,,problem however when I am stuckin rush hour traffic next to them!

Anonymous said...

no problem in my part either, occasional, but not a problem....

Anonymous said...

This message is in reference to the original post from Anonymous about tolerance. That comment is a prime example of this society always wanting to make excuses or deflect from an offender by pushing responsibility back on the accuser. This has nothing to do with tolerance, it has everything to do with respect. The reason that a segment of our population is so brazen and disrespectful is because society has made excuses for them and failed to hold everyone equally accountable. The result is a lack of respect for the law, our neighbors and each other.

Anonymous said...

I think you meant "an" idiot instead of "in" idiot. Can you explain this comment?

Anonymous said...

I think you meant "an" idiot instead of "in" idiot. Can you explain this comment?

Sorry, I was typing fast. In response to your question:

"It's all about the benjamins baby"

Surely the people with the loud bass stereos driving around my neighborhood are lacking both benjamins and brains. I've got an idea. Why not buy an education with some of that cash you spent for the bump in the trunk, and 22's you role on.

Anonymous said...

Joining this late...I live near a stop light and get the pleasure of hearing BOOM BOOM BOOM all through my house for about two minutes at at time. Rush hour is a joy, but I actually have to "tolerate" the stereos reverberating off my walls all through my small house at all times of day and night. It's not even 7:30 a.m. right now, and the morons are already cranking their stereos. Please tell me...if there's something I can do to help make it stop, I'm ready to volunteer.

Anonymous said...

Are there any cases of people getting ticketed for this?