Monday, September 11, 2006

Questions at the Town Hall Meeting

The Mayor's Town Hall Meeting is tommorrow nite (Tuesday) at Hillsborough High at the media center from 6 to 8 PM. I will be unable to attend.

What questions would you ask the Mayor?

From attending previous Town Hall meetigns I have suggestions.

Write down what you want to say. Be brief and concise. Listen to what is being said. Don't ramble. If you have suggestions to go with your questions, provide them.


  1. The association will ask three main questions concerning code and other issues. We ask that all of you who wish to speak wait to make sure the questions you have are not already being asked. We want answers, not a free for all, which will make us look bad and accomplish nothing.


    PS If you have any questions which you think are the most important, please put them here, so everyone can see your concerns and we can all ask different questions!

  2. 1. What can the city do to help clean up the Hillsborough River?

    2. Can the city put no-wake zones in more places?

    3. Can the city *please* step up code enforcement at intersections to make people cut back their shrubs so drivers can see oncoming cars without having to poke the noses of their cars *into* the intersections (for example, the corner of Highland and Hanna)?

    4. In that same vein, how about more traffic calming on some of the roads that intersect Idlewild? Maybe dig some potholes and don't fill them in so we don't have people running those stop signs so much?

  3. How about an update on River Tower Park and the link between it and Sulphur Springs Park.

    When is River Tower Park going to be open to the public?

    Does the city plan to put any money into Sulphur Springs Park, truly a hidden, underutilized gem in Tampa? All it needs is a facelift.

  4. Alley upkeep or closings: one or the other.

  5. When are we going to get our blue trash containers?

  6. When are we going to get some sidewalks?

  7. When are we going to see the completion of our park renovation?

  8. Either close or utilize our alley ways like they do in Hyde Park, West Tampa and Riverside Heights

  9. Thanks for all the suggestions. Keep em coming. We will pick the ones that seem the most important or ones which we don't feel we can get answers elsewhere.

    Please come to the meeting. Even if we ask the questions. It would be great to have a large visible turnout! Means more than just a few questions.

  10. Thanks for all the suggestions. Keep em coming. We will pick the ones that seem the most important or ones which we don't feel we can get answers elsewhere.

    Please come to the meeting. Even if we ask the questions. It would be great to have a large visible turnout! Means more than just a few questions.

  11. I'll be there, where's the media center at the high school?

  12. What is the statyus of the Special Events Ordinance? If the city co-sponsors a neighborhood event are we exempt from the $1 million insurance requirement?

  13. Has the mayor ever considered a makeover?

  14. Has the mayor ever considered a makeover?

  15. What can be done to slow traffic on W. Hanna? Right now it's a race track.
    It's a fire route, so no speed bumps.
    Can 4 way stops be put in, or do the requisite number of people have to die first?

  16. Ditto for slowing traffic on Wilder between Central and Florida. It is a raceway for people trying to avoid traffic lights on either Florida or Central.

  17. I want to know what in the he!! the mayor is doing about code.
    I took it personally the threats on the blog here directed at the neighborhood.

  18. Anon 7:58 - *What* threats?

    Anon 8:23 - We *have* other kinds of businesses. The Front Porch does a nice trade, as does Stephano's. The funeral home at Sligh and Nebraska has been there forever, and Blue Sea Seafood is new but very, very good. The biggest problem with Florida and Nebraska isn't the type of businesses that cluster there - it's the numbnuts drivers who think it's a drag strip, and it's the lack of good cross-streets with long light times.

  19. Read below

  20. I would like to know if the city is going to address the drainage problems that plague the neighborhood and Florida Ave. Florida Ave. from Palm to the Hillsborough River lacks proper drainage.

  21. 1. What is the city doing to make our area safer?
    2. How do we improve communications with code enforcement?
    3. How is the city promoting this area to businesses (i.e. family restaurants and retail)?

  22. The mayor's meeting conflicts with the first County Commission meeting on the County budget. Thursday is the city's first discussion on the mayor's proposed budget.
    I guess I can't be multiple places....these are a few of my questions for Council concerning Mayor Iori's proposed budget:
    1.Why in a time of rapidly rising property tax assessments has the city not reduced the milage rate but instead is spending money ever faster?
    2 Why if neighborhoods are such a priority, and traffic calming is a persistant complaint of neighborhoods all over the city, is the Mayor budgeting more for a consultant for a small portion of the riverwalk than for traffic calming?
    3. Why if crime is at it's lowest level since like 1974 are we adding two more police officer positions? Why do we have the highest ratio of police per 1,000 population? Higher than...Orlando...Miami...St. Petersburg...Clearwater!!!!
    4. Why when property tax revenues are up 36% in just 2 years couldn't the milage rate be reduced 10 or 15%?
    5. Why if the budget for code enfocement been increased so dramatically over the past two years is there so little signs of progress? Why to large sections of Tampa look worse than the poorest sections of St. Peterburg?
    6. With the city budget growing at such a steady clip why do neighborhood organizations have to post bonds, pay insurance, etc. to host events in public park facilities. Especially when neighborhood groups give more back to the city in volunteer hours than it would cost the city to continue to absorb those costs?

  23. Hey Mayor

    Could I please have a permit to sell hot dogs in my spandex bikini
    out on West HillsboroughAve?

    yep..that is it I have the question for the Mayor.

  24. Neighbors of SESH

    FYI for all of you who will be attending the Mayor’s Town Hall meeting tonight:

    Many of your questions and concerns and unhappiness, like my own, has come from the situation at 1303 New Orleans and subsequently the church at 2746 Florida Ave. All of our concerns and questions are being worked on. It is important that you know that TPD, DOC, and a number of other agencies have been working together to figure out this situation and how it can be avoided in the future.

    Because the search for the solution is already underway, I would like to suggest that our questions at the meeting tonight concern things which still remain unanswered. The association’s questions will address other issues and we encourage your to be the same.

    Thank you,


    (Sherry Genovar-Simons, President
    Southeast Seminole Heights Civic Association)

  25. Dear Might be

    I went to the blog link for your name on blog here
    and couldnt find the page "nuts"
    what happend to that .....

    and just curious why you would title a doc .....nuts

    just wondering

  26. Who knows anon 1:02. NO blog anyway,,,,,,,,,,,spend too much time reading this one to have one of my own!!

  27. I second the drainage concern. Everyone is worried about flooding in South Tampa but SH is really bad. Clifton and Powhatan turn into rivers.

  28. Parks! Parks! Parks!

    Where exactly is the much ballyhooed "Greenprinting" program?

    Are they meeting the goals set several years ago?
