Saturday, July 01, 2006

Radio Fireworks

I drove by the fireworks store today and saw that Q105 and 98 Rock there. Encouraging more people to lie about why they are getting the fireworks.

As I was taking photos I noticed what appeared to be a TPD police officer going into his car get what looked to be a coffe cups and some papers and then he returned to the store.. I am hoping he was doing an investigation or inpection but I am afraid he might be doing off duty work.

What concerns me if it is of duty work, this means the city of Tampa essentailly approves people engaging in this illegal act of purchasing fireworks.

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  1. The pictures clearly show that this detective was staking out some illegal fireworks customers from behind the fence.
    Good job! =-)

  2. Fireworks are one of the advantages of being "born in the USA"
    Introduction to explosives at an early age.

  3. Fireworks have been around as long as I can remember. Responsible adults and well monitored children should be allowed to buy and use them - particularly on the 4th of July.

  4. Life is short and full of dangers, a lesson all should learn at the earliest age.
    To try to protect fools from their folly will ensure a world full of fools.

    Those trying to do the protecting are the greatest fools of them all.

  5. Aristotle is rolling in his grave.

  6. Let's not forget the explosives and hazerdous materials being stored in the trailers on premises, a violation of city code. The owners representative admitted this at a recent Varience Review Board Hearing. There are also photos of what's inside the trailers. You can see them by contacting the Tampa Fire Chief, or Code Enforcement Deputy Director. (they have copies)
    Whether we want to legalize fire works or continue to "chase birds" and "mine", think of the devastation that will occur to OUR neighborhood when these explode in a chain reaction, should there be a fire or traffic mishap at that corner.

  7. Are they doing anything about it??

  8. Galaxy has been cited by Code, the fire marshall and zoning for the illegal storage of fireworks in the tractor trailers. It is not zoned for explosives, it is a fire hazard and they violated code by having open storage. Time will tell what happens. Keep your eyes and ears open.

  9. Does that excite you?

  10. you are so sad :(
