Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Blog It Forward - Midnight Culmination

Well this weeks Blog It Forward is Midnight Culmination. This is a fascinating blog. I'm amazed as to how much soon to be 25-year-old (Happy Birthday) Rachel* discloses about herself, in a such a non-anonymous venue. She has a lot of moxie.

She has some interesting experiences, living in Ybor City, going to law school in Gulfport and Tampa Heights, and partying on both sides of the bay and can write well about it.

When she becomes a lawyer, I would never want to be cross examined by her.

As it turns out we have a friend in common, Ms. Pat, whom speaks very highly of her.

One of my favorite postings was Crack Attack .

Prior Blog It Forwards
Blog it Forward - Party Like It's 1925

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