Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Candidate Forum (OSHNA Candidates)

Dinner with a side of Politics

The candidate forum offered by Elizabeth Graham has been set for October 13th. For More Information on the forum or to learn about some of the issues. All the candidates have received an invitation. I know that Eric Krause has gracefully excused himself as he will be out of town for business.


  1. Do you know if there'll be a P.A. system for the speakers? How many people can attend, is there room?...and seating? Especially if we don't buy the dinner and show up at 8?

    I've asked about this before and have not gotten an answer. No one at the Bistro knows, I called, but didn't get answers. I feel they're only interested in folks who will buy a meal and drinks.

    This has been very disappointing, the forum is a great idea, I just think the location and meal idea may cause many neighborhood people to stay away.

    (BTW RLF, I am not Shawn.)

  2. I was very disheartened to see some candidates' comments regarding the upcoming forum, and I apologize for any confusion regarding the event. I simply wanted to take an active part in our community. I run two businesses and have one day off to perform back-office functions on Mondays. I, however, decided to open my restaurant up for the evening for what I thought would be a fun and informative event to bring our community together. People were really receptive to the idea, and so we set plans for a 8 pm forum on Monday the 13th. I knew that serving food/drinks during the debate might take attention away from the issues, which is why I decided to open two hours early offering a reservation only affordable dinner menu for those folks wanting to come straight from work, enjoy a nice meal, and stick around for the local political discussions. People loved the idea of a Candidate Dinner and Forum, and I'm proud to offer such an event.

    Now, to make it as clear as possible, people are welcome to just come for the forum beginning at 8 p.m. without purchasing anything or paying a dime. Obviously, space will be limited, as with many other local events. I am a small business owner, which should not be something held against me as a community member willing to provide a completely free venue from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. for your voices to be heard. I forwarded a flyer and have given OSHNA permission to invite their database of neighbors. From the very beginning, I have only hoped for this to be wonderful evening and venue for a lively political discussion. I will try my very best to accommodate as many people as I can.

    If you have any question, please contact me personally at 813-231-3378.

    Elizabeth Graham

  3. Oh yea, it's Shawn. See:
