Wednesday, June 11, 2008

South Seminole Heights photo contest!

From an email:

Neighborhood Photo Contest Deadline Extended!

It's not too late to enter the South Seminole Heights photo contest!

Send us photos that exemplify our neighborhood and the things that make it special – such as the river, our park, our charming bungalows, people walking their dogs, etc. Winners will be featured on the SSHCA website and maybe even in a South Seminole Heights 2009 Calendar!

Scenics, action shots (of neighbors working on home improvement, for example), gardens, close-ups, portraits of area businesses – all are fair game. Think of the things that make our neighborhood unique, and click away!

You must be a neighborhood resident to participate. All ages are welcome and each contributor may submit up to 3 digital photos.

All images must be color, digital files of 1 MB in size or less. However, if selected, you will need to have high-resolution versions of the images available for printing in our newsletter or in a calendar. If you’re not sure what this means, just ask!

Entries should be e-mailed to Nanette . Questions about image sizes and contest eligibility also can be directed to Nanette.

The deadline for entering is June 30, 2008. Winners will be announced in July. By entering the contest, you acknowledge that SSHCA may use your photo on our website, in a calendar or in other promotional materials for the civic association. Photo credits will be given anytime a contest photo is used.

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