Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nebraska Ave. Construction

Kris Carson, FDOT Spokesperson, said" Engineering studies have actually shown us that we can do this. We can reduce the amount of lanes of there and by adding that two way center left turn lane we're not going to affect the capacity we're actually going to increase the safety and the flow out there. And in terms of why can't we just buy more land and add more lanes, it just comes down to funding."

Jeff Craft, an accountant and president of the Seminole Heights Business Alliance, diagrees. "That will slow drivers and might discourage some from taking Nebraska."




  1. I wholeheartedly agree with Jeff Craft. I don't understand why they aim to 'not fix' what's NOT broken. They have lanes moving now. FOUR OF THEM. What they propose to do is to lose two lanes and have two continuous, out-to-lutz and points beyond lanes of traffic. Those center turn lanes are dangerous (maybe Mr. Carson missed THAT study) and they are dangerous particularly for the length of street to be utilized THUS. This is the stupidest idea EVER besides the firemen charging millions more to do a job they are already being paid for while laughing at us and this is probably why it's been so long in 'discussion'. Everyone who is not shuffling money in their pockets from this idiotic idea is calling it the stupid it is.
    Good post.

  2. I travel Nebraska Avenue every morning carpooling to Orange Grove Middle Magnet and then Seminole Heights Elementary and have been witness to the construction and repaving/restriping since August. I finally got to experience the finished portion (south of Lake) as I ventured to Ybor yesterday afternoon. I was wondering if others have experienced the new roadway and, if so, what the thoughts are.
