Tuesday, April 10, 2007

March of the Kitefliers

Bob and I put down our shovels and rakes long enough last Sunday to take in the latest Jobsite play at the Shimberg Playhouse. The current production - March of the Kitefliers - is a humorous and insightful look at members of Generation X as they deal with coming of age, careers, and the 'real world'.

It's a play written and performed by people right here in our community and deserves our support.

It's playing through the 15th. Follow the link above for more information and tickets.


  1. Thanks for the love on the show. We're having a great time. I hope people get the chance to get out and see one of these final four shows!!

  2. We have a final video podcast up on the show - PLEASE take a few minutes to watch it.

    Hope folks can make it out for this final weekend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm_q8o6RhdA
