Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Way up in Lutzland, we have a SuperTarget. Well, actually it's over in Odessa on Hwy 54. As our friends live over that way, we occasionally go to that big box store. I am not used to going Super stores. Usually I buy groceries in a grocery store and department store stuff in a department store. Occasionally we buy a box of cookies of something like that at Target or Walmart.

Tonight we went to Target to get a shower curtain. Instead we bought a tree limb lopper. While we were there we decided to pick up some groceries including produce. However it felt very strange throwing my oven roasted turkey into the same cart as my tree limb lopper. Very odd. These things do not go together. So the lopper had to go to the rack on the bottom of the cart. We got the same odd feeling when we put the lopper on the cashiers conveyor belt. These things just don't mix.

With this trend of Superstores, will we be seeing Home Depot Superstores, where you could pick up ham and a hammer, mulch and meatloaf, and fertilizer and fish?


  1. With some of the fish I've smelled, it is fertilizer.

  2. I used to live 3 miles from a SuperTarget in Indianapolis. I gotta say it was really convenient to be able to get a variety of things in one place. In Indiana, at least, the SuperTargets carried a good selection of organic, ethnic, and special dietary products at 1/3 the cost of the equivalent 'Whole Foods' type store.

  3. This Target did have a fairly large organic food section.

  4. You guys talk as though the Odess Super Target was just down the street from you. Do you really know just how far it really is?? Do a mapquest to find out. I bet that you are closer to the Super Target in New Tampa!!!

  5. Love the super stores. I work my butt off for my money. I shop there so I can stretch my earnings.

  6. Anon 5:42, it isn't just down the street from us, but it is just down the street from our friends in Odessa. I don't think we know anyone in New Tampa, so we don't travel that way.
