Thursday, March 08, 2007

Rose Drugs To Close?

From an email:

"I just found out that Rose Drugs on Nebraska is closing it's doors as of 3/16/07. Rose is going to focus more on her County Commission possition. I just started using her now I have go to back to Walgreens unless we have another family run pharmacy in the area."


  1. I guess she feels that closing her business on Nebraska Ave would be the "best" thing for the neighborhood, right?? Just like I thought, she is nothing more than a self-serving hypocrite.

  2. Hey anon, ya dumb ass, apparently you are not a customer of Rose's Pharmacy or you would have received a letter regarding the difficult decision it was for her to make along with the FACTUAL reasons as to why she had to make that decision.
    The woman has served this community since the 60's of which the past 8+ years was also coupled with service via city government. Now, I think its safe to say that she has paid her dues to our community...more than most. Incidentally what accomplishments have you made for and/or in our community that could even possibly mirror what Rose has done? I'm sure it will be safe to say, NONE...but I sure bet you have benefited from Rose's work over the years.

  3. Hey Ratsass... good to hear from ya man! Are you of Hispanic ethnicity? Just wondered.
    Have a great day Rat, you're great!

  4. Is this the drug store that won't sell contraceptives b/c of their religious beliefs and being anti-choice? If so, glad to see them go!

  5. Rumor has it that all of Rose's customers are being changed to CVS. I don't want to deal with a chain, I want to deal with the smaller companies. I just feel better.

    I just called Curtis Drug on Nebraska and he is going to change everything over to Curtis for me. I gave him my information and he said he would take it from there.

    That's why I like the little guy.

    Don't be so hard on Rose, from my understanding this hasn't been an easy choice for her. Look at it this way, that's a great location for a new business. GOOD PARKING.

  6. Anon 1:55,no. That is not accurate.

  7. Anon 12:26....thanks for the compliment. Though I wouldn't say it was my main characteristic of ethnicity, I do have a little spanish blood in me.

    As for the anon 1:55...for the sake of everyone's reading pleasure, try to put a little fact to your rants. NO, Rose Drugs is not the right wing, pro life, ban all things good...that would be another area 'little guy' pharmacy.

  8. I am sorry, but with the Bush in the white house, our countries economy in the toilet and the uncertainty of employment, my money is important to me and my family. I shop where my dollar goes the furthest. I tried Rose, but I could almost buy double at the big chain stores.

  9. Hey Ratsass, thanks for responding to my Anon 12:26 post. I really enjoy reading your comments, you really should consider running for some kind of office in the future.
    You make a lot of sense and have knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.
    Respects to ya Rat....

  10. Hey Anon 9:24-

    "economy in the toilet and the uncertainty of employment"

    What a load of crap.

    Work harder, get some more edgumakation, or find a new job. The economy is booming all around you.

  11. 10:24, I think I have to take the side of 5:55 on this one. I am not sure how you can say the economy is booming. Unemployment reached an all time high in recent years, bankruptcy is at an all time high, If you can show me some signs of a "booming economy" I would love to see what you are looking at. Please enlighten us all.

  12. "Unemployment reached an all time high in recent years"


  13. anon 5:15, I hoped you stop laughing long enough to watch the news today. Did you see the stock market, did you see how many people are losing their homes! Pity. I agree, maybe we can all survive until Bush is gone.

  14. Well, you can't just blame bush, you have to thank your Miss Ioreo. She has done nothing but spend your money at a breakneck pace. She had to have the riverwalk at your expense. So the tax dollars that keep going up on your home go to fund her wasteful spending habits.

  15. Anon 6:58-

    I don't care about the day to day fluctuations of the market- It's served me well over the years and will continue to do so over the long run- that is as long as the libs/socialists/progressives don't fuk it up.

    As to the amount of people losing their homes- It's a shame (for some of them) but statistically irrelevant.

    More people now own their own home than in any other time in our history.

  16. Wow anon 4:10. You're all warm and fuzzy, aren't you?

  17. If warm and fuzzy means...HIGH! Then yes, I think they are! Losing homes is not irrelvant. It will crash the economy, put everyone at risk and create a situation where home values across the country take a dive and everyones nest eggs shrink.

  18. Warm and fuzzy?

    WTF does that have to do with anything?

  19. I think, I could be wrong, it was a swipe at your seemingly cavalier attitude towards other people's financial misfortune. Sure, more people own their own houses now, but what about in 2-3 years when the bottom falls out of this "booming" economy. It's a house of cards, set to tumble when, the nearly 9 TRILLION DOLLAR credit card bill comes due. But everythings fine as long as you're okay, right?

    Spoken like a true reTHUGlican.
