Thursday, March 01, 2007

Moving Day

Today we moved out of Seminole Heights to Lutz. We now live off of Hanna and Sunset.

One thing I have realized is that living in a 1986 concrete block home is going to be a snap, because I have earned a Master's or PhD in Seminole Heights. I have learned so much both in activism and in working on a home. I have developed many new skills in our 7 years in here/there. I learned to love electrical work, after completely wiring Susan's studio and our new kitchen. So in the new house dealing with the face plates that have fallen off and the outlets that are loose will be a no brainer. Aside from new skills, I think the most important thing you learn is self confidence, the ability to tackle anything, especially since an old house always has surprises. Both in my time at the Hit Team and from watching and listening to neighbors just around, it is amazing what projects people tackle. I am amazed at what I tackled. Before I moved into Seminole Heights, I never would had thought I would remodel a kitchen.

I must note however, in earning my PhD, I hated the elective on drywall.


  1. Good luck to you in your new home.

  2. Sorry to realize the day has finally arrived.

    I am sure there will not be many venture North Of the River (NOV) to come visit much like those SOK people - but do come back to see us.

    Thanks for being the kind of neighbor I enjoy in my "greater neighborhood". Your efforts to improve your world and our neighborhood are already the stuff legends are written of.

    Enjoy your new community - your old one misses you already.

    Best of Luck!!


  3. I'm sprinkling garlic around the historic district boundary to be sure you can't return oh dark one.

    (Just kidding. Cheers for creating this community forum)
