Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jobs and City Council

People rag on Joe Redner because of his source of employment. That an adult entertaintment person should not be a City Council member.

What other jobs, professions, or business ownerships are out there do you think should preclude someone from being a City Council person or would give you pause?

What about owning a retail fireworks company? What about being an developer? Or a corporate lobbyiest. What about anyone who owns a bar? An adult book store owner? What about a someone who was an exotic dancer? How about drug convictions? How far back can someone had drug convictions and it would be okay? Was an ex-prostitute? What if they turned their life around? What other convictions would disturb you? What about white collar crimes?


  1. I agree, what counts is how that person has turned their life around for the better with proof that they have. I think having a different past is an asset to understanding other types of life. The majority of humans have a past that never is totally squeaky clean.
    What are some folks so "worried" about? Should Joe win this council seat, Tampa is not going to go to hell in a hand basket.

  2. How about being a former pro wrestler? There is no bigger fraud than that!

  3. I dunno, I think I have more faith in someone who has done time in the gutter and up front about it than a white collar criminal.

  4. why? Why does it matter so much that he owns strip clubs? He clearly knows the issues. That's something that the Killer Bee on the county commission still can't attest to!

  5. I would never vote for anyone who posts as Anonymous on blogs.

  6. Tampa is already Hell in a hand basket!

  7. Then adding Redner to the basket shouldn't make a difference.

  8. Say it isn't true.
    Millers posting Anonymously on blogs now? And I was about to vote for that mumbler. thanks for letting us know.
    Now I'm voting for Redner.

  9. People can change.
    I think Redner has a heart.
    He understands lifes problems.
    I can relate to him more.
    And, I like fine looking women.

  10. People can change.
    I think Redner has a heart.
    He understands lifes problems.
    I can relate to him more.
    And, I like fine looking women.

  11. If I thought that it was simply a matter of Redner, who happens to own strip clubs, running for office, I don't think his source of income would be that big of a deal. (I'm in favor of legalized prostitution, too, so it's not like I'm a prude.)

    My primary problem with Redner is that his motivations for running appear to stem from his run-ins with the city over where adult businesses can locate. He sued because he wasn't allowed to open one in Ybor. That launched his political aspirations. Nothing from then to now has demonstrated a change in his thinking, although he's gotten better at marketing his beliefs to make them sound less controversial. He's still the same guy that wanted to open a strip club in Ybor.

    I agree with the council's decision to not allow strip clubs in Ybor. Ybor's image issues are bad enough and I think the introduction of strippers down there would prevent it from improving. (and I currently see improvement)

    So, do I want someone who shows what I think is poor judgement in where to place adult businesses on our city council? No.

    I'd vote for someone that sold liquor. I wouldn't vote for someone that fought the city to place bars next to schools.

  12. Hey Anon 9:46; is your first name "Jeff" ?

  13. And then, anon. do you explain Joe's run for County Commission?

  14. Yea Jeff, how about that question?

  15. As someone who actively supported Gwen in her initial run for City Council because she presented very well in the OSHNA candidate's forum in 1995 and I was hopeful that she would present much better leadership than Perry Harvey had ever done for District 5 (which then covered all of SH south of Hillsborough and much of the eastern half of OSHNA). What a disappointment she turn-out to be. She has never in 12 years taken the initiative to advocate for any positive changes for east Tampa or Seminole Heights. She says she offers "quiet, leadership"
    WRONG. What she offers is ineffectual leadership. How else to explain how the first African-American elected to a city-wide office has nothing to show for it. She made history and she has squandered it. A win that should have given her clout to get things done produced ZERO results other than being Council Chair!

    Then there is Joe. He has a grasp of major issues. He lives across the river from Seminole Heights. Yes he has a, shall we say colorful or distasteful resume. I am no more a fan of strip clubs than I am of pawnshops. I think both should be confined to the dismal corners industrial brownfields.
    When it comes to issues of growth, when it comes to issues of revitalizing urban neighborhoods, when it comes to evironmental concerns, when it comes to growth and development. Gwen can't hold a candle to Joe.
    Just because a former City Council member thought Joe was an easy target we have the issue of Joe's lawsuits. Mons Venus was here long before Bob Buckhorn and it has out lasted his political career.
    So Joe has my vote. A vote for Gwen is a vote for a continuation of the same ineffectual leadership she has been serving up for 12 years. Joe can do better. Hell, anyone can do better.

    If he does a good job he will get re-elected. If he screws-up you know that there will be plenty of deep pockets to send him packing in 4 years.

    The choice comes down to do you vote for someone who promise to work hard or do you reward with re-election someone who for 12 years has hardly worked?

  16. Yep, I agree with Rick. What we need on city council is people like Joe who can come up with great gimicks like "Free Entry to My Strip Club". Can you imagine how fast we'll get mass transit if Joe offered free entry to mons to state officials?

    The fact that Joe has resisted city council ordinance, one that was overwhelmingly supported by the voters of Tampa, and went to jail over it shows how much respect he has for the process.

    Hopefully, we can elect more people like Joe Redner so he can get his Sex Mall on Columbus.

  17. Anyone catch the letter in today's paper where the writer says that they'd vote for 'Jack the Ripper' over Joe?
    That's sick, say what you want about Joe, but to say you'd take a serial killer over him is stupidity at it's worst.
    That statement in itself got Joe a bunch of votes.

  18. I was going to vote for Joe until I read the recent Tampa Trib article. Basically, his first love is the Mons Venus, his "baby". And it shows. His big ideas and dreams involve more strip clubs and x-rated businesses.

    A vote for Joe is a vote for the Mons, since it's obviously such a big part of his life. This is something some of his supporters can't get. He's not a politician who just happens to be in the sex industry. He IS the sex industry.

    That's why his first inclination is always about the sex industry and his Mons Venus. What else explains the political misstep of offering people entry for voting? Considering that he's actually never been in office and that the city wants to downplay it's image of strip clubs, how can we elect someone who avows that it is the biggest and most beloved part of him?

    If you think the sex industry needs to be relegated to red light districts, then that is where you have to logically relegate Joe Redner.

  19. It isn't a political misstep, 3:33. Could have been smoother, but he also offered anyone with an "I Voted" sticker a free week's worth of workouts at Extreme Fitness.

    Rick F. has a really good point - in twelve years, how much actual leadership did Miller actually show on the council? The esteem in which she is apparently held is demonstrated by her abysmal showing in the original election.

    Joe will be one of seven voices plus the mayor, so the "oogie boogie" scare stories about him are way way overblown. And they're kind of insulting to those of us who have our wits about us. They smack of a campaign for someone who is trying desperately not to lose, instead of running to win.

    It'll be downright refreshing to have someone new on the council who doesn't act like they've taken too much Xanax before a meeting.

  20. How can one "smoothly" offer free entry into a strip club for voting?

    You Redner supporters keep telling voters to look past this and that about Joe. He didn't mean to snort coke at a bucs game, he was only kidding about a sex mall, his conviction for assault was in the past, etc. You keep saying he's really a concerned citizen who knows his issues and yet when he placed on the spot and asked to come up with an idea, the first thing he thinks of is Mons. He's told you repeatedly that's what he's about.

  21. 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!

  22. Ditto Rick F. I'm with you.
    My vote tomorrow is going to Joe.
    Of the two, he by far is the better choice. Sure hope he wins!

  23. Ooops. I just changed my mind, Rick F. Joe Redner is a horrible choice for this city. I'd rather elect a rock than Joe.


  24. How hard would it be to do a 'grab and run' with a roll of those 'I voted' stickers.
    Is the free entrance for today only?

  25. I believe the offer was from early voting up through today and a limited number of days following the election it may be honored. I don't think it was any more specific than that. I have an "I voted" sticker. Maybe I'll put it on Ebay ;-).

  26. OK, guessing that they'll keep the sticker when you use it for an entrance, and that only Tampa registered voters could get one, and that the regular cover charge is $20. Someone could get a roll of them and hang out by the Mons Venus and sell them for $10 till the offer was over.

  27. Anon 3/27 @ 7:27... nice try but that was not my post taking back my ditto to Rick F. about voting for Joe and furthermore, I already did first thing this A.M.
    Absolutely did not vote for a Rock but for the best candidate. GO JOE !

  28. Oooops, meant that time to be 7:37 but you know who you are.

  29. Also just went and voted for Joe. I much prefer someone who actually knows where he wants to take the city over a candidate who had to get someone to fight her battles for her. If you're a leader, you lead. If you're a chair-warmer, you don't.

  30. On my way out the door now to go Vote For Joe. Hope many do the same.

  31. Good news: Gwen is harmless (as opposed to former councilmen Harrison and White, and most of the BOCC).
    Bad news: we passed on a candidate who would clearly put the needs of current residents over those of future residents, someone who was green (environmentally) and progressive.
    Even so, the new council is much better than the old one...

  32. Yea, harmless Gwen, the city is so fortunate to have her back. I just hope I can understand what she says for another 4 yrs. Gwen: will you get the marbles out of your mouth and make an effort to Speak Clearly, Please !!
