Saturday, December 09, 2006

Starbucks Lights


Starbucks really did a nice job on their Christmas lights. Thanks. I hope they inspire others. Posted by Picasa


  1. Yes, they are beautiful, and it's a wonderful thing! Now if we all had access to that corporate budget buying power for our decorations...that would be fantastic, just think how the neighborhood would look!! Plus, we'd make TECO very happy too!

  2. Thank you for posting the picture.

  3. You should see some of the houses on West Hanna. They did an awesome job. The new houses, the people in those really did a great job. Very nice and classy. I appreciate people who take pride in their houses on holidays. Makes the neighborhood a more special place and makes you want to slow down and look. Great job new houses!!!!!!

  4. "Anonymous" -- do you always have to say something negative? (the "corporate" remark)

  5. Seriously, 8:48 PM, how unfortunate that you are so unhappy. I think it's nice Starbuck's put out lights; they don't have to spend their 'corporate' dime on it, but they did anyway and it looks great. THANKS to Starbucks. BAHUMBUG to the forever synical Scrooges in the neighborhood.

  6. rock on with the Gingerbread....Shayna knows her stuff!

  7. I hope this is just a mild observation to the Christmas lights.
    Non Christians quietly put up with what can be an overwhelming amount of Christmas cheer. Growing up Jewish my parents encouraged me just not to respond to the BahHumbug remarks thrown my way.
    And with a death in the family last week I feel less any holiday of any sort cheerfulness.
    But to the folks who are enjoying the heck out of it, good for you. But don't judge your neighbors. There are a myriad of reasons they/I don't have lights/decorations up. Just enjoy your own.
    I think we can all agree that a Happy New Year is something we all can hope for.

  8. Anon 11:59

    I'm so sorry to hear about your family. If I understand Chanukah (I hope I'm spelling it right) it's the festival of lights, and the word means dedication. Please don't let your sadness change that. Everyday you light a candle dedicate it to your family. I'm a Non Christian but I still believe the message of love. This is my time for the Winter Solstice. Try to have a HAPPY CHANUKAH.

  9. Starbucks does look great. The houses do look awesome this year. Keep it up. Anybody go to the BGOSH mixer on Thursday?

  10. I am very happy to see how the Starbucks has been decorated. They are proud particpants in the betterment of Seminole Heights, and they are very happy to be here.

  11. Christmas decorations (lights) should not be construed, neccessarily, as a symbol of one's faith. Also, the absence of lights should not be an indication of one's lack of faith. It's just another example of the hijacking of a Christian holiday by corporate commercial elements. Remember, Christ is the reason for the season. You don't have to be Linus to know that. Peace.
