Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween Scaries!!!


Before you take your children out for Trick or Treat, please visit the following link.


Keep your kids safe.

Also remember reflective clothing, and costumes that allow free movement.

SESH Neighborhood Vehicle Patrol will be handing out glow bracelets to trick or treaters. Look for our patrols to get your bracelet!


  1. The information is helpful to parents. It is a big negative to the neighborhood.
    Most of those mug shots are not in any of the 3 Seminole Heights neighborhood boundaries. But placing every one within 3 miles gives the impression that all these creatins live in Seminole Heights. That is not the case.

    Message to those outside SH:
    hey, come buy a home and spend a small fortune renovating it so that you can live in the "hood" and be surrounded by "sexual offenders" and "sexual predators"
    Please tell me more about Seminole Heights!

  2. Sorry, from now on all postings will be limited to "good news" and happy, cheery gatherings.
    Just because you ignore it, doesn't mean that it's not there. Does it get stuffy hiding under that pile of coats in the back of the closet?

  3. I see what youre saying, however, just input 3800 S Dale Mabry and 3 miles about the middle of Palma Ceia, you get 57 Offenders, input 700 S Howard Ave, middle of Hyde Park and SoHo with 3 mile radius you get 111 returns. There are even 38 within 3 miles of the center of West Chase. These perverts are everywhere. Someone who is truly concerned with this such as those with children should do the research before buying a home in any neighborhood because in most cases the information will surprise you.

    Sexual Offender Registry Online Search

  4. Ok a bit of explaination. I realize the three miles East and West goes a bit far, but SH is very long N & S so was attempting to get most of it in.

    Of course this in no way says these are the ONLY sexual offenders in town! Get real. This is just to warn people who send their kids out, many times alone, into the neighborhood. Sure it is every neighborhood, but my concern was our neighborhood.

    I do not believe that not talking about it makes it not be there. Would not keep me from moving anywhere, but would keep me open eyed wherever I moved.

  5. Sherry, if your comment was a response to mine, it's misdirected, my comment was intended to be a reply to the first anonymous comment indicating that it might reflect poorly on SH. It was meant to point out that even the "highly-regarded" neighborhoods have their share of this sort of thing. I think it's great information to put out there.

  6. Nope, I Fly, mine was in response to the first one also!

  7. Say now.....ITS WENSDAY
    Nov. the 1st.

    I had the best holloween I have had in so many years.

    for holloween .My neigbors all got out and introduced to one another and we laughed and laughed.I ACTUALLY went out after 9pm and went trick or treating with my neigbor across the way.

    He was so funny AND IM 51! I still have a sore stomach from laughing so much..
    The people in this area are some of the finest people in this city.

    The predators are EVERYWHERE . If your that unhappy leave the area. FOR GOD'S SAKE no one forces any one to stay here.

    I love this area. I wake up each day and thank GOD I am able to live back here again.

    Gees get some appreciation.


  8. After handing out around 30lbs of candy last night I'm left wondering if I will do it again next year.

    All this hype about dangerous strangers in houses and I think the real problem are the trick-o-treaters.

    Does anyone know HOW to trick-o-treat anymore?

    Easily 1/3 of the people (not just kids) that knocked on my door for candy made no pretense at wearing a costume. People over the age of 16 were common. Full adults were common. Heck, I had more than one PREGNANT MOTHER request candy for their unborn child. (one of them between puffs on her ciggy.) A costumeless father was offended at my reaction to his request for candy for his costumeless toddler left alone at the curb.

    Here are a set of rules for Trick-O-Treat that ought to be handed out:

    1) Wear a costume.
    2) If you're old enough to drive, don't ask for candy. Leave that to the kids. Walk your younger brother around and let your parents rest.
    3) Parents or siblings should WALK with the children. Get your FAT butt out of the car and be responsible for their safety.
    4) Unborn children and children that haven't transitioned to solid food can't eat candy. Don't pretend it's for them. (see #2)
    5) Singing "...smell my feet..." isn't nice. It's rude. Resist the urge.
    6) You say "trick or treat" when the door is opened (not before). The adult is amused by your costumes (see #1) and gives you a treat saying "happy halloween". You say "thank you". See how simple that is?
    7) Trampling the flowerbeds of the homes you're hoping will give you candy is bad. Kicking the decorations in the yard because you are unhappy with the sort of candy they handed out is bad too. Be nice.
    8) You are not invited into the home. And for safety's sake, should never enter.
    9) Poking your head into the home to check out the owner's belongings is rude and might create worry as to your intentions.
    10) You are not at liberty to tell the owner what sort of candy they can give you. You may be asked and should respond politely. Never grab the candy bowl and procede to rummage around.
    11) Larger kids should keep an eye out for the smaller kids. Do not trample them. Remember that for them this is still a wonderous and spooky event, not the free candy binge it turns into at your age.

    Anyone want to add to the list?

    For what it's worth, I observed all these things last night. It isn't to say that there aren't a host of considerate, fun children out there too--there are. It's just that they'll lose out when people like me that go all out for Halloween choose to leave the decorations in the attic and the candy on the store shelf because we begin to fear the hoodlums that mob our front door.

  9. I put a very large and clear sign up on my door stating: SMALL CHILDREN WITH COSTUMES ONLY!!! It worked. Try it next year. Remember that we live in an area that has been inhabited for years by those who have never learned common neighborly respect. Whenever I have those overgrown trick-or-treaters come up I clearly tell them "NO!!!" Try it, it works.....

  10. One of the homes around the corner held there annual halloween carnival which is always fun. This year, was the largest ever. However, this morning, I woke up to yard filled with cups and left overs from the goodies given out. Does no one teach the children of today about litter. Between the cups, napkins and candy wrappers it was apparent what Hillary meant. "It takes a Village" because the parents that keep popping out the kids sure don't do anything to teach their children respect!

  11. Gees.You managed to take all the fun out of a usually fun event.
    So...Thanks for the head's up

    Next year I shall tell everyone I know not to come in the area
    since The residence ' ARE REQUIRING" A CRITERIA.

    gO Blow it out yer shorts.

  12. What is one night out of a year?

    You sound bitter?

  13. Anonymous 8:24,

    Aren't you afraid that the 5 teenage, costumeless boys you just said "no" to will turn around and vandalize your home or yard? Since they're under 18 you can't touch them. By the time cops are called it's a huge mess and retaliation can happen weeks later when no one is home.

    I give them a single, small piece of candy; it's cheaper than broken windows.

  14. Yeah HeightHolloweenSucks, tell them them the residents are requiring the children be polite, respectful, and nice in order to gain their treat.

    I realize you think that it isn't reasonable. No one is surprised there are folks that think like you. All the children that bring guns to school, vandalize, steal, and assault have parents that probably see things your way.

  15. Sounds like our neighborhood's, angry little anarchist, "sweetpea" is bored again.

  16. "Sounds like our neighborhood's, angry little anarchist, "sweetpea" is bored again."

    Really? Did you put on your detective hat and sluth that one out Ace?

  17. I don't know what block some of you are on, but all the kids that came to my door were very polite. I had to egg some on to say "trick or treat" but all said "thank you". I was surprised at how many didn't have costumes, but if you have been to Party City and looked at the prices they are asking for many of the costumes its rediculous. As to being creative, I think that is something we are all getting more deficient with as the new century moves forward. Definately something to think about... but please give most of the kids who behaved a break!

  18. Anon 12:23...

    I gave *all* the kids who were well-behaved an extra-large handful of candy, big smiles, and a wave to their parents. :-)

    My lament is that too many parents and their kids appear to not know how Halloween normally works (based on my 40 years, at least). And I think I'm being generous when I say "not know" because the alternate explanations for what went on Tuesday night aren't so nice.

    Good Lord People:

    It might help to remember that most blogging software saves the IP address each post comes from. This address can be used to pinpoint individual users, anonymous or not. Someone with access to those IP addresses could notice things like "User X" and today's "Anonymous" are the same computer and reasonably suspect they're same person. (Dynamic IP addresses can rotate, but most often they only do so if your PC has been turned off for several days.) "Anonymous" is really only anonymous to the readers of the blog, not the admin. I believe Blogspot saves IP addresses.
