Tuesday, September 12, 2006

FYI re Mayor's Townhall Meetuing

The following is via email from Sherry:

Many of your questions and concerns and unhappiness, like my own, have come from the situation at 1303 New Orleans Avenue and subsequently the church at 2746 Florida Avenue. All of our concerns and questions are being worked on. It is important that you know that TPD, DOC, and a number of other agencies have been working together to figure out this situatiuon and how it can be avoided in the future.

Because the search for the solution is already underway, I would suggest that our questions at the townhall meeting tonight concern other things which still remain unanswered. The association's questions will address other issues and we encourage yours to do the same.

Thank you.


  1. I attended the Town Meeting and I found it quite enjoyable. However, I was disappointed in resident turn out. I am not a politically active person but this meeting left me feeling compelled and inspired to do more for my community and city.

    It was fascinating to see our government at work. The department heads to appeared to be very aware of the challenges and concerns of our community and the city as a whole. I appreciated Pam's candid responses and felt she really wants the best for our city. Not always the best decision for us personally but the best option/solution for the greater good.

    This being my first encounter with our City Government I may be a little naive to some of the organizations down falls but I do believe my initial impression of the group as a whole is pretty close to accurate.

    Almost every citizen who voiced a concern also offered praise for the accomplishments thus far.

    If you have not attended a town hall meeting I would encourage you to do so.

    Below are a few of the items that were addressed.
    Some of the questions and answers:

    Is Seminole Heights going to get a noise abatement wall?

    ---Currently there is not a plan to add a wall.

    Are there any plans to address the aging curbs in the neighborhoods- mainly the crumbling concrete?

    ----The city for the first time has allotted funds to help repair curbs in disrepair. It didn't appear that the money had been earmarked for a certain section yet. If you have concerns please contact the city.

    Is Giddens Park going to be developed to its full potential and plan?

    ----Yes the permitting has just come back for the interactive fountain and work should begin shortly on transforming the concrete donut.

    Is someone going to address the problem with the increase in prostitution?

    ----The Chief of Police- I think- said he didn't realize it had become an increasing problem but now it has been brought to their attention and they will address it.

    A citizen asked if someone could patrol the parking lot of Bird and Nebraska for prostitutes and to discourage overnight parking for Semis.

    -----Code said they would investigate along with the police.

    Two citizens mentioned different concerns with the customer care center. One being that the departments don't seem to communicate amongst themselves and that no one knows what another department does.
    The other concern was that issues are being closed out without any status resolution.

    ----Pam seemed to take these concerns seriously and said she would have meeting to investigate the breakdown in both areas.

    There were questions on:

    How the City plans to help fuel the commercial corridor of Nebraska, Central, Florida and Sligh.

    How the storm water problems were going to be addressed.

    Whether Neighborhood Associations would have to subjected to the new Special Event rules.

    How the Historic Preservation process can be implement to be all inclusive and help those who don't have the means- financially or physically- meet the standards.

  2. 9:24 Annie

    You certainly did a wonderful job of reporting the meeting

    unlike you Im a rentor and I thought more folks from this area would attend
    sad to say it wasnt as large as expected in my head..

    Mayor was very gracious and soooooo warm of a person
    Shame on any one who says horrid things about her
    she seems to be a genuine >unheardof thesedays in politics>
    she seem very attenative to folks here and I for one was encouraged
    I once owned house on Idlewild
    Today's prices I could never afford to purchase
    So I hope to remain here as a rentor for as long as I am able

    More of you who post here should of shown up
    Oh I DID see Susan Long......who is to me a very nice lady
    I have talked to her online in email and I like her
    I did not see the party who began this blog
    but I tell you I enjoy totally this site to death... so much stuff.......to mull over

    I got a > ? does seminole heighst still do the best ever holloween for children >? my son and i walked all over this neighborhood when he was soooooo little and cute
    he is grown up and sassy now.
    I JUST ADORED holloween here

