Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tax Revolt

From Life In Seminole Heights Blog
Tax revolt
Time for a tax revolt! Revenue is way up from rising assessments from each home sale and still they want to raise the millage rates and fees!Here is the 2006 Tentative Budget Hearing Workshop schedule.Please call to confirm the dates and times prior to attending!!!"


  1. When liberal homosexuals are pissed about taxes you sure as hell know they're too high!

  2. what the hell does being homosexual have to do with it??

  3. What a nice rant. Not sure I follow how it applied to anything, but it's always fun to read silly banter.

  4. rather judgmental your self
    wouldnt you say??
    all this crap about people being anti gay and anti marriages for gays......do any of us really care what gay's do in their homes and in their lives ....Some people just respect others privacy.
    what the hell does gay have to do with being here in this area
    so what some live here they live all over the city bfd

    to you

    your snarky and just as bad as said poster
    gees...ya nazi.....

    get over yourself and the "heights" mentality
    who the fark do you think you ar?
    this is a diverse area now
    meaning its not all "gay and better than the average bear " here
    grow the fk up and get a life

    what other area of the city can boast a serial rapist and killer of young gay men...??

    splain that one lucy"

  5. I believe jaded1 was only responding to a stupid comment, not touting the virtues of being gay. I know her personally, and she could really care less about that whole issue. She just doesn't like ignorance. So, 10:41 maybe you could find the caps lock key, and say something sort of intelligent. You adolescents really do like the lesbian thing as long as it's in the porn movies you watch. It's when you're confronted with it in real life that you start to squirm. And Tyler i agree with you. Having read your past posts, you really couldn't have said it any better.

  6. the issue here is taxes you dunce(s).

    taxes suck. and so does the government. as well as caps lock.

    purge, replace, reformat

  7. The reason for my post was prompted by my own recent TRIM statement and the continued response from customers who I have to prepare "for the worst" regarding taxes when they buy a home. My property taxes are now higher for the municipality and county taxes during the two years we were in Pennsylvania. There the municipal property tax included sewer and garbage (not water). My beef is paying "northern" taxes and not getting northern services. Buying a median priced home and having to set aside $500 a month or more for property taxes makes no sense. This is what some of your new neighbors are having to do.

    Then in the words of the Pinellas Property Appraiser (a Repblican I believe)....Jim Smith, the elected property appraiser in Pinellas County, Fla., which includes St. Petersburg and Clearwater, says government spending is the problem, not higher property values. He says elected officials use higher assessments as a way to raise taxes without admitting it. "It's the big lie," Smith says. "I'm fed up with them claiming they cut taxes because they lowered the tax rate, at the same time they're collecting more money because of higher assessments."

    Weakening home sales and prices in many areas could slow the rise in assessments or even lower them, but it would be up to elected officials to pass on the property tax savings.

    Every year, Florida property appraisers give local elected officials an estimate of what the tax rate should be so that taxes don't go up even if property values have, Smith says. It's called the rollback rate.

    "If they don't want to spend more money, they can use the rollback rate," he says. "Of course, they never do. Instead, they get to have a tax increase while claiming they lower taxes."

    (ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. -- Aug. 25, 2006 Copyright 2006 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc., Dennis Cauchon.)

    As to liberal...well as an old bumpersticker said..."Jesus is a Liberal" I guess that I could have worst company.

  8. And what was the state income tax rate in Pennsylvania?

  9. about 2.2% and the sales tax was 6% and exempted clothing and other necessities. Then again, Pennsylvania didn't 40+ million tourist a year paying millions in sales taxes or hotel occupancy taxes.

    Oh and the state income tax did not fund the municipality or the county government.

    Find a better straw man for justifying city and county spending going up over 70% at time when the cost of living went up less than 20%.

