Monday, August 28, 2006

Ferlita Strike Back With a Kneecapper

Wayne Garcia wrote a piece in about the Ferlita vs Swanson Hillsborough County Commissioner race and the inaccurate negative campaigning by puppet Brad Swanson.

He noted that "Ferlita's campaign finally struck back in a mail piece titled, "Why is Brad Swanson running a negative campaign against Rose Ferlita?" In it, Ferlita uses Swanson's own quotes and admissions from the St. Petersburg Times about his lackluster college record and unspectacular employment record. "So here's his record: Asked to leave the University of Florida; In 7 years has held 4 different jobs; Never owned or operated a business. Now he wants to run a $3 billion budget.


  1. Oh boy, don't cha just wanna know WHY they asked him to leave? Such an unusual comment. Whatever did he do?

  2. Go Rose! I don't know why anyone would vote for Swanson to begin with.
