Thursday, August 03, 2006

Cash's birthday party

On July 19, Ella and I attended Mike W's birthparty for his dog Cash. We had a great time. There was for food and treats for people and dogs. People had hot dogs. The dogs got a birthcake made out of a peanut butter concoction and icing from yogurt. It looked like a sweet cake but it was not. Trust me. I know. The cake tasted like a dog bisquit and the icing was very mild. It was funny to see the dogs wearing party hats.

The dogs got along well except for a mild disagreement between a Republican canine and a Democrat canine as to who should be elected dog catcher. (Each thought their own candidate would do a worse job and so should be elected.)

Each dog was given a doggy bag with treats in it to take home.

Thanks Mike.

(For more photos go to my Flickr site)


  1. I love the party hats!

  2. Only in SESH!

  3. I laughed so hard I blew Coke bubbles out of Uranus.
    Chelsea (Mike Ferlita's) dog is my adopted child.
    I also have adopted Ellison's two lap pups.
    -There will be no fights over who they want to be dog catcher.
    I have the inside scoop.
    And from what they told me...they are both going with a Republican dog catcher.. They are some smart dogs...

  4. who is Mike W.??
