Monday, July 31, 2006

SE Seminole Heights August Porch Party

"This month's porch party will be held at the home of Susan Ladika (1109 E.
Chelsea). Susan is new to da hood. So, let's all give her a friendly SESHCA
welcome! The fun begins this Friday (8/4) at 7:00 p.m. Bring a dish to
share and a drink for yourself. It's summer - so, you might want to bring
some extra fluids to keep you hydrated :)

Parking may be a little tricky as Chelsea is a narrow street and Susan is
located on the corner of 12th and Chelsea. If you are a South Sider, I
recommend walking - just think of all the Porch Party calories you will
burn......If you are a North Sider, you might want to try parking on other
streets if Chelsea is too full."

We welcome guests from other parts of Seminole Heights. On occasion I have seen Bill Duval, Randy Baron, Susan Long, Steve Gluckman and many others drop by.


  1. I wont be able to talk much then.
    The human tape recorder might be there ready to play back anything I say to anyone who is listening.
    Only the tape has been edited by the time anyone else hears it.

    *No need to mention names and embarass. That person knows who he/she is.*

  2. Anon, good thing you are electing to stay home. Lots of fun talk goes on at the Porch Parties and for sure it will be too open for you. It is after all, a place to speak freely but when you do everyone knows who you are, so hard to say mean things! Thinking if you are afraid to have whatever you say played back, you should not have said it in the first place!

    So Neanderthal, pace in your cave on Friday night, knuckles dragging, ruing those that have left the prehistoric place you live and are, for better or worse, now living in the real world. We will be glad to be having fun without you!

  3. Resident Doo-Doo head,
    Just because I speak about Doo Doo doesn't mean I shouldn't say anything about it.
    It doesn't mean I want it repeated but there doesn't mean there is anything wrong with saying it.
    You will find out sooner than later when you make a comment about Mike's wife having a large posterior in good fun and next thing you know that person runs right up to Mike's wife and tells them everything you said.
    You may not talk to Mike's wife anymore but I bet there will be another person you wont talk to either.
    Resident Doo Doo head.

  4. I never said I was staying either read what you wanted to read or you made your own summary much like the human tape recorder does.
    Then everyone believes one thing and it isn't even true.
    All I said is that I wouldn't be able to talk much thats all.
    I will just talk to who I know wont repeat what I say.
