Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Lake Roberta's Looks

With all of the rain Lake Roberta is looking at lot better. There are a lot of ducks and birds there, more than I have ever seen before.


  1. Yes it is and yes there are. We had 12 new mallard ducklings late last week and if you have never seen mallard babies, well they look like 'weebles'.
    Also two Peking ducks showed up two weeks ago and they were so very close to each other. Unfortunately one was gone the next day but....Daisy (as we named her) and Dory (the abandoned mallard from the last brood) have become best friends. Add to that all of the baby moorhens that seem to skate around on the hydrilla, which by-the-way, Lowry Park comes by every few weeks to harvest for their rehab manatees.
    So Lake Roberta is looking better each day.

  2. yeah - wildlife on the Lake is a good thing - even the gator.
