Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Seminole Heights business needs.

Inexpensive ways to improve some business's look


  1. Now that was funny! Hey Scott are you really the devil?

  2. Rhonda Storms is the devil. I only play one on someone else's blog

  3. I laughed out loud and I was alone! You are a hoot!

  4. Great commentary. Hope they get the hint.

  5. you forgot to show the garbage bag to pick up the trash they sweep upagainst the chain link fence surrounding their business.

  6. that roundup stuff is pretty toxic and nasty stuff. I'd never use it in my yard...

  7. Most of the trash comes from the crappy people driving on our streets. I'm so sick of picking up after people. They throw everything out their car windows, Fast food trash, soiled diapers, cigs., batterys ( car) tires even starbucks cups. This world is full of PIGS.

  8. To Anonymous 5/18:

    Read the label. Roundup is not toxic stuff and biodegrades into the soil.

    You shouldn't use it around ponds and I personally avoid using it on days that rain because I live close to Lake Roberta.

    Pulling a weed is always better, of course, but pulling the hundreds we get here in this climate? Yikes.
