Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ronda and the Children

More on the Weekly Planet article.

So Ronda said "I don't support putting at-risk children in homes that I think are at-risk themselves,"

Al Ruechel said "It is the OPINION of many in the Christian community that gays and lesbians cannot provide the kind of environment that a child needs."

I am a professional in the child abuse field, the area that these two amateurs are making pronouncements on.

From my observations, what these children need are love and stability, something I see in the home of many of my neighbors who are gay or lesbian.


  1. Amen! If you have love in your heart for a child who cares what your sexual preferences are. I never really had an opinion on the matter until a co-worker introduced me to her wife and their beautiful, grounded, happy daughter. You could just tell that she came from a loving home - that is what our children need.

  2. i only we could drag these dinosaurs back into time to the point they were drowned in such ignorance. My friends who are gay are loving people and the best of humanity. Especially when compared to such ignorance. embrace the light and shine on,,

  3. Just another entry in the Ronda Storms saga.
