Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dogone It - No Park at the Park

Rivercrest Dog Park Proposal Leashed
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By KATHY STEELE ksteele@tampatrib.com
Published: May 27, 2006

SEMINOLE HEIGHTS - A dog park is a good idea, but maybe not at Rivercrest Park.

That was the consensus at a board meeting of the South Seminole Heights Civic Association.

As we did in SE Seminole Heights, you could create a dog park with two empty lots. (12th and Frierson, next to Katheryn Malone Center, across from Giddens Park

Residents Steve Jones and Lynor Romer want a dog park but question whether Rivercrest is the best site.

"I don't know how parking would be handled," Jones said.

"I think most people would drive," Romer said. "There would be too much congestion."

We don't have parking problem at our dog park. Many people walk to it. I drive to Rivercrest Park to walk my dog there.

Come on by and take a look at our dog park.

"Bathrooms were scratched from the list of possible park amenities because of concerns they attract criminals and would be abused.

Resident Christopher Snyder said he called police 24 times in the past 36 days to report suspicious after-hours activity in the park. Improvements are fine, he said, but bathrooms and shelters could attract vagrants."

I wonder if the vagrants are going to get pissed off and be in a crappy mood because there will not be any bathrooms there.

1 comment:

  1. I'm relieved we're not going to obstruct our beautiful view of the Hillsborough River with chain link and parked cars. I know, I know...dogs are people too. But, the park is just too prescious as it is. It's a real treasure, and I hope we preserve it. I like the empty lot idea!
