Friday, April 07, 2006

Opening of Starbucks

Due to dog issues (behavior) we missed the opening of Starbucks. However I drove by at 8:30 PM and observed the place to be packed. Later I came by at 9:10 and it was closed and still full of people.


  1. We went by at 6:30pm and the place was mobbed! They were serving almost their entire menu and everything was free of charge. I am now officially hooked on Caramel Frappuccinos!

    The President of the Tampa Chamber of Commerce was there for the ribbon cutting.

    Donations were accepted for the Zonta Boys and Girls Club and I think they did quite well.

    All in all a super fun event and great way to welcome Starbucks to the neighborhood!

  2. I was there Sunday morning and it was lovely. Lots of locals walking in, and constant business in the drive through. Now I wonder, where is the anti-Starbucks crowd now??

  3. anywhere but starbucks!!!! losers!

  4. FG: Perhaps they're on "hooker patrol"!!!! losers!
